

Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 11218 sökträffar

E-postdefekter inom svensk sjukhusverksamhet - En studie av e-postkommunikationen vid Helsingborgs lasarett

Email defects in Swedish hospital organizations - a study of e-mail communication at Helsingborgs lasarett The purpose of this paper is to examine the defects, which within the framework of email overload can be identified in Swedish hospital organizations. The method underlying the work is a questionnaire study. The survey reveals that the amount of email received is not excessively large but due

Peter Nilsson

Adjunct professor Contact details Email: peter [dot] nilsson [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 11 41 Mobile: +46 70 294 13 04Organisation Department of Law Room number: 282 Service point: 56 WebpagePeter Nilssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Lund Tax Academy Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type All

https://www.law.lu.se/peter-nilsson - 2025-03-17

Mimmi Barmark

Senior Lecturer Contact details Email: mimmi [dot] barmark [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 88 72Organisation Sociology Room number: 220 Service point: 31 WebpageMimmi Barmarks profile in Lund University research portalMain research and teaching areasSociological perspectives on and explanations for (un)healthWork, working hours and "work-life-balance"School choice and school segregati

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/mimmi-barmark - 2025-03-17

"We want to highlight how actors have carried and used knowledge"

"We want to highlight how actors have carried and used knowledge" "We want to highlight how actors have carried and used knowledge" Av Sofia Hermansson - Publicerad den 21 september 2023 In the third and final book of the trilogy on the theme of the history of knowledge, "Knowledge Actors," the concept of knowledge is further expanded. The book sheds light on how various actors in society, within

https://www.historiska.lu.se/article/we-want-to-highlight-the-various-actors-in-the-society-who-carry-and-carried-the-knowledge/ - 2025-03-17

"We want to highlight how actors have carried and used knowledge"

"We want to highlight how actors have carried and used knowledge" "We want to highlight how actors have carried and used knowledge" Av Sofia Hermansson - Publicerad den 21 september 2023 In the third and final book of the trilogy on the theme of the history of knowledge, "Knowledge Actors," the concept of knowledge is further expanded. The book sheds light on how various actors in society, within

https://www.hist.lu.se/article/we-want-to-highlight-the-various-actors-in-the-society-who-carry-and-carried-the-knowledge/ - 2025-03-17

Organisatorisk förändring och omladdning av varumärke

Abstract Uppsatsen behandlar ämnena organiatorisk förändring samt varumärkesladding. Även identitet, profil och image diskuteras. I arbetet har vi använt oss av Lindex som fallföretag. Omladdning av ett varumärke blir aktuellt när märkets brand equity stagnerat eller när företag önskar förändra de värden som är kopplade till varumärket. Detta tillsammans med en organisatorisk förändring har varit

Intelligent, socially oriented technology

Intelligent, socially oriented technology Intelligent, socially oriented technology Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering Editors Christian Balkenius Agneta Gulz Magnus Haake Birger Johansson Balkenius, C., Gulz, A., Haake, M. and Johansson, B. (Eds.) Intelligent, socially oriented technology: Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-154.pdf - 2025-03-15

2021 VT_LP2 FMSN55 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH

2021 VT_LP2 FMSN55 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH Course evaluation report - CEQ, FMSN55 Basic facts Course name Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values Course code FMSN55 ECTS credits 7.5 hp Year 202021 Study period the course was finishedVT_LP2 Programme all Registrated students 29 Number answers and response rate 14 / 48 % Number answers from males 6 Number answers from females

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/VT2021/FMSN55_2021_VT_LP2_arbetsrapport_en.pdf - 2025-03-15

Does the environment matter?

Examensarbetets titel: Does the environment matter? – A study on the relationship between environmental performance and firm value Seminariedatum: 2008-01-18 Ämne/kurs: FEK P01, Examensarbete Magisternivå Finansiering, 15 ECTS Författare: Lina Sultan och Stefan Nordahl Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Fem nyckelord: Miljöprestation, Carbon Disclosure Project, Tobins Q, Företagsvärde, Multipel regressio

Att skapa kvalitativa tjänster - krav på chefer vid införande av Lean Healthcare

Abstract Title: Creating quality services – requirements for managers implementing Lean Healthcare. Institution: Department of Service Management, Lund University, Campus Helsingborg Course: Master of degree, spring 2010, SMT X07, 15 hp Authors: Helena Larsen & Åsa Tagesson Advisors: Katja Lindqvist & Jan E Persson Keywords: Lean Healthcare, Management, Leadership, Process Management, Chan