Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 11352 sökträffar
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2024 VT_LP2 FMSF65 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH
2024 VT_LP2 FMSF65 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH Course evaluation report - CEQ, FMSF65 Basic facts Course name Design of Experiments Course code FMSF65 ECTS credits 7.5 hp Year 202324 Study period the course was finishedVT_LP2 Programme all (W) Registrated students 31 Number answers and response rate 8 / 26 % Number answers from males 3 Number answers from females 2 Study hours a
https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/utbildning_education/Kursutv_VT24/FMSF65_2024_VT_LP2_arbetsrapport_en.pdf - 2025-01-21
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Søren Kierkegaard är berömd för sin subjektiva existensfilosofi, där individen är kapabel, autonom och självständig. Subjektet kan själv utvecklas genom att ta språnget och våga. I en sådan filosofi, varför behövs Gud, frälsningen och framför allt en frälsare?The aim of this bachelor’s degree essay is to investigate and analyse Søren Kierkegaard as a theologian. Out of the traditional conception of Kierkegaard’s philosophy about the autonomous, free, capable and free to develop oneself, I ask the question – in what purpose do God need to incarnate in order to save humanity? To this question I ask three additional subqueries: according to Kierkegaard in
Markus Lahtinen
Lecturer Contact details Email: markus [dot] lahtinen [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 91 59Organisation Department of Informatics Room number: EC2-285 Service point: 38 WebpageMarkus Lahtinens profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBook chapterConference - otherConference paperConference paper:
https://www.lusem.lu.se/markus-lahtinen - 2025-01-21