AI i offentlig sektor - 2025-03-07
Filtyp - 2025-03-07 - 2025-03-08
The aim of this study was to find out how professionals in various treatments regard the use of animals as part of the treatment. The aim was also to find out if the professionals see any positive or negative effects with having animals as part of the treatment, and what the clients view was on having animals in the organizations. The study was based on a qualitative research method which included
Abstract is not available
En framtidsvandring genom Skanör-Falsterbo Året är 2072 och den värsta stormen på tvåhundra år drar in över Skåne. I Skanör-Falsterbo firar en familj jul när stormlarmet ljuder. Vågorna drar närmare huset och familjen springer mot den närliggande kyrkan. Vad som händer härnäst är resultatet av många decennier av beslut: samarbetade vi eller fastnade vi i eviga konflikter? Det får du som lyssnare b - 2025-03-07
Exploring practices, strategies and visions within third wave feminist activism in Sweden. Liinason, Mia. 2012-2015. Feminist critique, feminist resistance, feminist hopes.Exploring practices, strategies and visions within third wave feminist activism in Sweden. Financed by Vetenskapsrådet. This project is described in SwedishAlla former av feminism söker svar till orsaken av social orättvisa och
Assistant head of department Contact details Email: lena [dot] wahlberg [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 15Organisation Department of Law Room number: 308 Service point: 56 WebpageLena Wahlbergs profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Law, Evidence and Cognition (LEVIC) Researcher Health Law Associate professor Department of Law Senior lecturer Depart - 2025-03-09
Senior lecturer, associate professor Contact details Email: ulrika [dot] westrup [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 42 35 65 98Organisation Department of Service Studies Room number: E319 WebpageUlrika Westrups profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Associate professor Department of Service StudiesUlrika Westrup, Associate Professor at the Department of Service Management - 2025-03-09 - 2025-03-07