

Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 12025 sökträffar

Kristina Myrvold

Visiting professor Contact details Email: kristina [dot] myrvold [at] ctr [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 97 41Organisation History of Religions Room number: LUX: B124 WebpageKristina Myrvolds profile in Lund University research portalKristina Myrvold earned her Ph.D. in History of Religions from Lund University and is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Linnaeus University with a focu

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/kristina-myrvold - 2025-03-03

Markku Rummukainen

Professor Contact details Email: markku [dot] rummukainen [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 96 84Organisation Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) Visiting address: Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37, Lund Room number: C326 Service point: 50 WebpageMarkku Rummukainens profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global

https://www.nateko.lu.se/markku-rummukainen - 2025-03-03

Schedule mvet ii ht17 1

STRATEGISK MILJÖUTVECKLING (MVET11) MILJÖVETENSKAP Preliminärt schema 170619 Kurs: MVET II Kursansva Bernadett Kiss; Julia Nussholz Lärare: Bernadett Kiss (BK), Julia Nussholz (JN), Andrius Plepys (AP), Sofie Sandin (SS), Peter Arnfalk (PA), Matthias Lehner (ML), Jessika Luth Richter (JLK) Lokaler: Raggmossan, Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37. Litteratur: see additional file Studieteknik: Läs om studie

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/sites/cec.lu.se.sv/files/schedule_mvet_ii_ht17_1.pdf - 2025-03-03

Schema mven18 vt 17 v.1

Prel.Schema MVEN018 - Klimatstrategiska metoder Vårterminen 2017 OBS Alla starttider med kvart utom tentamen! Kurstid: 20 mars – 04 juni 2017 Kursansvarig: Niklas Vareman Lärare: CW Christine Wamsler HT Henrik Tehler NV Niklas Vareman DH David Harnesk MA Marcus Abrahamsson JMP Jurate Miliute-Plepiene AP Andrius Plepys Salar: Sal ”Liganden” (D202), Biologihuset hus D, se karta Litteratur: - Wamsler

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/sites/cec.lu.se.sv/files/schema_mven18_vt_17_v.1.pdf - 2025-03-03

The Takeoff of Staying on the Ground

Changing political and personal narratives of aviation, climate, and the good life in Sweden The takeoff of staying on the ground is funded by the Swedish research council Formas and involves researchers Kimberly Nicholas and Johannes Stripple together with the PhD student Sara Ullström. Continuation of business as usual trends for aviation are incompatible with meeting national and international

https://www.climatefutures.lu.se/takeoff-staying-ground - 2025-03-01

INDIREKTA FÖREBILDER BLAND TWEENS – Modespridning med hjälp av celebriteter

I uppsatsen utreds indirekta förebilders påverkan på svenska förtonåringars modeval av kläder och skor. Mycket av den forskning som gjorts tidigare berör andra marknader än den svenska och andra produkter än kläder varför vi anser vårt valda område tämligen outforskat. Vi redogör i uppsatsen för teorier som behandlar modespridning, barnens roll som konsumenter, kommunikation, varumärken, referensg


EMV Newsletter JAN 2014. EDITOR: ANNA.APPELBERG@MED.LU.SE © Michiko Mori UPDATE YOUR ANIMAL HOUSE ACCESS ASAP! Remember to renew your access to the animal facility. Ac- cesses expire today, Jan 31st. SWEDISH LESSONS FOR UNIVERSITY STAFF LU offers Swedish language courses for employees. The lectures are held in SOL-centrum once a week during daytime 8.15-10.30 or in the evening 17.15-19.30 for four

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/sites/huntington-research.lu.se/files/emvnewsletterjanuary2014.pdf - 2025-03-03


LL_SMMP22_140211 Reading list for Place and Destination Development (SMMP22), 15 credits The reading list was approved by the Board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies 11 February 2014. The reading list is valid from 17 February 2014. Colomb, Claire (2012). Staging the new Berlin. Place marketing and the politics of urban reinvention post-1989. London: Routledge. [315 pp. I

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sites/ses.lu.se.en/files/vt14-kl-smmp22-2014-02-11.pdf - 2025-03-03

Piz printed material eng

LITERATURE LISTS: 1 Collection Łakociński, Z. PIZ’s Collections in Lund Printed and stencilled material Content: Literature in English 71 volumes p. 1-14 Literature in French 9 volumes p. 14-17 Literature in other Roman languages 1 volume p. 17 Literature in Norwegian, Danish, and Icelandic 15 volumes p. 17-21 Literature in Polish 70 volumes p. 21-42 Literature in other Slavonic languages 1 volume

https://www.ub.lu.se/en/sites/ub.lu.se.en/files/piz_printed_material_eng.pdf - 2025-03-03


DocHdl1OnPRINTREADYtmpTarget 133 ORNIS SVECICA 21: 133–156, 2011 Abstract Introduction The Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca is cer- tainly one of the most studied European passerine bird species and the lots of publications deal with different aspects of its life (for an overview see Lundberg & Alatalo 1992). However, studies on the breeding biology of the species at the periphery of its range i

https://www.luvre.lu.se/sites/luvre.lu.se/files/luvre-1452012nyholmsvflu.pdf - 2025-03-03


Marketing can be defined as an activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Our research undertaken in marketing emphasises all these elements of marketing, with a focus on branding, consumption, retail, multi-and omnichannel, inter-organisational collaborations

https://www.lusem.lu.se/research/research-areas/business-administration/marketing - 2025-03-02


Gjutkurs: Brons/aluminium/silikon Moulding:Bronze/Aluminum/Silicone Valbar kurs på BFA-nivån/Optional BFA-level course Antal hp/Credits: 12 Lärare/Teacher: P O Persson & Robert Cassland Tid/Time: 3.2-28.2 Språk/Language: Swedish/English Antal studenter/Number of students: 8 Note: This list will be removed 1600 Friday 24 January Kursbeskrivning Kursen ger grundkunskaper i silikonavgjutning och cire

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/sites/khm.lu.se.en/files/gjutkursbronsaluminiumsilikon.docx - 2025-03-03

13. Bibliography

Lidman, U. (2008) Toxikologi - Läran om gifter. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 978-91-44-01965-9Lunn, G. & Sansone, E. B. (2012) Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory. (3rd ed.) Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-470-48755-6Slätt, J, & Janosik, T. (2012) Laboratoriesäkerhet: En grundläggande handbok för kemilaboratoriet. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 978-91-44-08125-0Sterner, O. (2

https://www.kc.lu.se/en/employee/general-safety-regulations/13-bibliography - 2025-03-01