

Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 12183 sökträffar

7T LBIC publicationlist 2016-April2023

Publication list 2023-05-01 Swedish national 7T facility [1-56] Publications 1. A. Zampeli, B. Hansson, K. M. Bloch, E. Englund, K. Källén, M. C. Strandberg, I. M. Björkman-Burtscher, Structural Association between Heterotopia and Cortical Lesions Visualised with 7 T MRI in Patients with Focal Epilepsy, Seizure:101, p.177 (2022) 2. F. Ventorp, J. Lindahl, D. Van Westen, J. Jensen, J. Björkstrand,

https://www.lbic.lu.se/sites/lbic.lu.se/files/2023-05/7T_LBIC_publicationlist_2016-April2023.pdf - 2025-02-08

No title

LITTERATURLISTA BBH K02: Kandidatkurs (30 hp) BBH K02:1: Bokvetenskaplig teori och metod (7,5hp) INSTITUTIONEN FÖR KULTURVETENSKAPER AVDELNINGEN FÖR BOKHISTORIA Godkänd av kursplanegruppen 17/3 2016. (Uppdaterad 2020.08.28.) Symboler: * tillgänglig i fulltext via Lubsearch ° tillgänglig som pdf via kurswebben † fritt tillgänglig på webben Delkurs 1: Bokvetenskaplig teori och metod ° Barkers, Nicol

https://www.ht.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/BBHK02/20242/Kandidatkurs_BBH_K02_Litteraturlista_Teori_metod_HT_2024.pdf - 2025-01-12

Sofia Ulver

Associate professor Contact details Email: sofia [dot] ulver [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 46 63Organisation Marketing Visiting address: sofia.ulver@fek.lu.se, Room number: Alfa1:3087 Service point: 10 WebpageSofia Ulvers profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Affiliated researcher Centre for Retail Research at Lund University Senior lecturer Marketing Profile

https://www.lusem.lu.se/sofia-ulver - 2025-02-08

Does Self-isolation Violate the Right to Liberty? An Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights’ Practice in Light of the Ukrainian Experience

COVID-19 became a stress-test for many legal systems because it required that a balance be found between rapid action to prevent the spread of the disease and a continued respect for human rights. Many states in Europe, including Ukraine, chose to enforce an obligation to self-isolate. In this article we review what the obligation to self-isolate entails in the case of Ukraine. We also analyse whe

List of publications userage from 2018 and forward

2019-09-10 Published results Original publications Andréasson, F. , Aidemark, J., Magnusson, L., Strömberg, A., & Hanson, E. (2019). Lifeworld in co-designing with informal carers. Journal of Enabling Technologies, 13 (1), 29-39. Dahlin-Ivanoff, S. , Sterner, T. R., Blennow, K., Skoog, I., & Erhag, H. F. (2019). Was it worth it? Older adults’ experiences of participating in a population-based coho

https://www.case.lu.se/sites/case.lu.se/files/list_of_publications_userage_from_2018_and_forward.docx - 2025-02-08

LU-gemensamt Mejlutskick Nr 12-v14-2021

NYTT FRÅN LUNDS UNIVERSITET Mejlutskick på svenska och engelska som vänder sig till fakultetskommunikatörer vid Lunds universitet för vidarespridning i fakultets- och institutionskanaler – Nr 12 v 14 - 2021. UNIVERSITETSGEMENSAMT Tre webbinarier med temat Akademisk frihet Lunds universitet är medlem i Scholars at Risk (SAR), ett nätverk med över 500 medlemsuniversitet i 42 länder som stödjer och f

https://www.cec.lu.se/sites/cec.lu.se/files/2021-04/LU-gemensamt%20Mejlutskick%20Nr%2012-v14-2021.pdf - 2025-02-08

Microsoft Word - 414991B3-280F-08DD01.doc

Microsoft Word - 414991B3-280F-08DD01.doc Department of Linguistics and Phonetics Lund University D level essay September 2004 Supervisor: Merle Horne PROSODIC CUES TO THE SYNTACTIC STRUCTURE OF SUBORDINATE CLAUSES IN SWEDISH Mikael Roll 1 CONTENTS 0 Introduction ................................................................................................................3 1 Theoretical framewor

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_gpdb/MikaelRoll_D.pdf - 2025-02-07

No title

At the End of the World Newsletter – 15 September 2023 At the End of the World Newsletter – 15 September 2023 Dear all,   This is the third newsletter for the  At the End of the World research program, housed at Lund University. If you’re receiving this email, it’s because you’ve been subscribed to our mailing list. Below, we’ll fill you in on some exciting events during the autumn 2023 academic t

https://www.endoftheworld.lu.se/at-the-end-of-the-world-newsletter-15-september-2023/ - 2025-02-07

Maryam Nastar

Researcher, Docent Contact details Email: maryam [dot] nastar [at] LUCSUS [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 16 90 Mobile: +46 76 233 47 15Organisation LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies) Visiting address: Josephson, Biskopsgatan 5, Lund Room number: Josephson, 119 Service point: 59 WebpageMaryam Nastars profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Associate

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/maryam-nastar - 2025-02-08

What’s in it for me? Co-creation mellan studenter, lärare och bibliotekarier i skapandet av e-lärojekt

De senaste åren har medskapande och e-lärande inom högre utbildning uppmärksammats i den pedagogiska diskursen. Forskning visar att studenters möjlighet att själv påverka undervisningens form och innehåll kan leda till ökat engagemang och bättre djupinlärning. Medskapande kan vara ett sätt att nå dit.I detta paper presenteras ett skandinaviskt utvecklingsprojekt med målsättning att stötta studente

Vänskap och organisering : En studie av Fountain House-rörelsen

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen ”Vänskap och organisering. En studie av Fountain House-rörelsen” tar sin utgångspunkt i frågan om vad som händer när mentalsjukhusen läggs ner. Bakgrunden är den process som kallas avinstitutionaliseringen, och tidens betoning på integrering, normalisering och självbestämmande. Omstruktureringen av mentalvården har inte varit problemfri i något land. Många The Fountain House Movement – or the Clubhouse Movement - is an organization for community support, meeting the needs of adults suffering from mental illness. It was founded by a self-help group among discharged patients in New York in the 1940s. Today there are more than 300 clubhouses around the world. The aim of this dissertation is to characterize, interpret and understand the Clubhouse Moveme


Antagningspoäng Namn Anmälningsalternativ Urvalsgrupp Poäng Antagna Reserver Astronomi: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen LU-50000 NGNAT * 9 0 Astronomi: Strålningsprocesser och stjärnatmosfärer LU-50001 APGR * 4 0 Astronomi: Strålningsprocesser och stjärnatmosfärer LU-50001 BI * 1 0 Astronomi: Strålningsprocesser och stjärnatmosfärer LU-50001 HP - 0 0 Astronomi: Strålningsprocesser och stjärnatmos

https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/2022-01/Antagningsstatistik-VT22-Kurser-220110.pdf - 2025-02-08


Introduction Lund University Cognitive Studies – LUCS 8 1992. ISSN 1101–8453. TOM ANDERSSON Cognitive Science Dept., Lund University, Sweden THE DYNAMICS OF METAPHOR Conflicting images of forest in Swedish discourse Lund University Cognitive Studies, 8 Kognitionsforsking, Lunds Universitet Kungshuset, Lundagård S–223 50 LUND, Sweden The cover depicts two Tarot cards. Tarot is an old game of fortun

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-008.pdf - 2025-02-06

Ulla Melin Emilsson

Researcher Professor of Social Work, PhD in Social Work, Master of Science in Psychology, Psychologist and trained as a Social Worker. Contact details Email: ulla [dot] melin_emilsson [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 94 16Organisation School of Social Work Room number: 235 Service point: 28 WebpageUlla Melin Emilssons profile in Lund University research portalResearch"Doctoral dissert

https://www.soch.lu.se/en/ulla-melin-emilsson - 2025-02-08


Curriculum Vitae Mikhail Martynovich CV Lund, September 24, 2014 CONTACT DETAILS Mikhail Martynovich Department of Human Geography Lund University Sölvegatan 10 223 62, Lund Sweden Phone: +46 (0) 46 222-4417; E-mail: mikhail.martynovich@keg.lu.se BIRTH DATE January 20, 1989 CURRENT POSITION PhD candidate (Doktorand), Department of Human geography, Lund University DEGREES 2012 Master of Science wit

https://www.keg.lu.se/sites/keg.lu.se/files/cv-mm.pdf - 2025-02-08

Keg hek communication plan - facebook

Communication plan for Facebook Page 1 (3) 2014-11-25 Communication plan for the Facebook Page for the Department of Human Geography and the Human Ecology Division Background Information Department of Human Geography and Human Ecology Division have around 45 employees and 1,200 students. The department offers one international programme at the Bachelor's level and three international Mast

https://www.keg.lu.se/en/sites/keg.lu.se.en/files/keg_hek_communication_plan_-_facebook.pdf - 2025-02-08