Din sökning på "judaistik" gav 316 sökträffar
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Andra generationens överlevande och Förintelselitteraturen
Barmhärtiga svenskar och tacksamma flyktingar
Judiska studier vid Lunds universitet
Bar mitzva
rosh hashana
Bat mitzva
A Reception of Pauline Ideas Shaped by a Jewish Milieu : The Case of the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies
This essay focuses on the reception of Pauline ideas in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies, commonly dated to the early fourth century. At first, the claim that the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies contain Pauline ideas may seem surprising, since the Homilies are commonly considered “Jewish Christian” and thus anti-Pauline. However, new readings of Paul generated by the “Paul within Judaism” perspective, al
Jesus-Oriented Groups and the Emergence of a Rabbinic Jewish Identity
This essay argues that an important factor behind the emergence of a rabbinic form of Judaism was a challenge to Jewish identity and self-understanding posed by Jesus-oriented groups who had appropriated essential aspects of Jewish self-understanding. The unease with gentile attachment to Israel’s God and involvement with the Torah, and the reconfiguration of the boundaries of Judaism to exclude J
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“I Don’t Know if They Really Hated Us or if It Was for Fun”:Memories of Anti-Jewish Violence Perpetrated by Students of the Catholic University of Lublin in Oral Histories from the Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre Centre
This article explores the narratives describing the interactions between students of the Catholic University of Lublin and the local Jewish population. It analyzes oral histories from the “Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” archive using the theoretical framework of intergroup contact theory, intersectionality, and the concept of contact zone. The study presents the accounts thematically, according to the
Impact of October 7 Attack and 2024 War in Gaza on Catholic–Jewish Relations
The 2023/2024 war in Gaza is testing Catholic–Jewish relations. It uncovers three layers of tension in the Church’s relationship with the Jewish people and the State of Israel: First, the differences in the Catholic historical interpretation of the Hamas attack and the war in Gaza in respect to the Jewish one. Second, a theological tension between Catholic teachings on Jews and Judaism and the con
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