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Vill du vara med i referensgruppen?

Följ i historiens fotspår - nytt digitalt skolprogram på Historiska museet. Vi söker lärare i åk 1-6 som vill delta i referensgruppen för framtagning av vårt nya digitala utbud för skolor. Referensgruppen ska bistå med information och feedback under projektets gång. Sedan 2016 erbjuder Historiska museet anpassade skolvisningar från förskoleålder till och med gymnasiet. Under 2020-2022 påbörjade vi

https://www.historiskamuseet.lu.se/folj-i-historiens-fotspar/referensgrupp - 2024-12-25

Välkommen till kandidatprogrammet i sociologi!

Programkod: SGSCO Utbildningen inleds med kursen Sociologi: Grundkurs, 30 hp Kurskod: SOCA20 Kursperiod: 2 september 2024 – 19 januari 2025 Obligatorisk introduktion 2 septemberKursstarten som är obligatorisk inleds med ett introduktionsmöte och första föreläsningen:Tid och plats:2 september kl. 13:00–16:00Adress: Allhelgona kyrkogata 14, Eden (Statsvetenskapliga institutionen), rum 236Du finner o

https://www.soc.lu.se/valkomstbrev-hosttermin/valkommen-till-kandidatprogrammet-i-sociologi - 2024-12-25

The borderless wild boar

Excursions as field method Tisdag 17 oktober kl. 14.00-15.00 Konstnärerna Carl Johan Erikson and Karin Willén presenterar hur de använder ”matlagningsaktioner” för att sätta fokus på ett sönderfallande ekosystem, till exempel genom att servera sill fångad nära utloppet för det varma kylvattnet från Forsmarks kärnkraftverk eller korv gjord på vildsvin från samma område. Detta följs av diskussion me

https://www.cors.lu.se/borderless-wild-boar - 2024-12-25

Teres Hjärpe

Universitetslektor, forskare Kontaktinformation E-post: teres [dot] hjarpe [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 91 99Organisation Socialhögskolan Rumsnummer: 411 Hämtställe: 28 WebbplatsTeres Hjärpes profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Universitetslektor Barn, unga och familj Universitetslektor Professioner och organiseringJag är socionom och fil dr. i socialt arbet

https://www.soch.lu.se/teres-hjarpe - 2024-12-26

Grand Seminar: EU’s Green Deal and its implications on Swedish climate and biodiversity policies

20 november 2023 09:30 till 15:30 | Seminarium Swedish climate and biodiversity politics are to a large extent affected by international agreements, strategies, and policies. In some cases, these are binding while in other cases national implications can be more flexible. During the seminar, we will explore implications of the European Green Deal*, and some of the avenues proposed to reach its goa

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/evenemang/grand-seminar-eus-green-deal-and-its-implications-swedish-climate-and-biodiversity-policies - 2024-12-26

PSP 210407 nr3 protokoll

PROTOKOLL 3 :2021 Dnr STYR 2021/910 LUNDS UNIVERSITET Institutionen för psykologi Ledningsgruppen för psykologprogrammet Sammanträdesdatum 2021-04-07 Närvarande ledamöter Jonas Bjärehed Kristian Almquist Bengt Brattgård Daiva Daukantaite Dariush Djamnezhad Tomas Jungert Tomas Kempe Jens Knutsson Erik Lundin Chris Mathieu Bertil Persson Elia Psouni Elinor Schad Susanna Vestberg Margit Wångby Lundh

https://www.psy.lu.se/sites/psy.lu.se/files/2021-04/PSP%20210407%20nr3%20protokoll.pdf - 2024-12-26

ProtokollSAPST20211012slutlig med signering

Dnr STYR 2021/2156 PROTOKOLL 3:2021 LUNDS UNIVERSITET Institutionen för psykologi Ledningsgruppen för Psykoterapeutprogrammet Sammanträdesdatum 2021-10-12 Närvarande ledamöter -"'­ (\} 1- (f) ::i ä:i I- >­ ..0 u 2:: ()_) <' 6 0.. I 0 0... "'•I Jens Knutsson Pelle Olsson Martin Svensson Anna Pardo Marie Ranshede Catherine Höij Isabelle Hansson Njördur Viborg Övriga Eva-Lena Hansson Ordförande, stud

https://www.psy.lu.se/sites/psy.lu.se/files/2021-10/ProtokollSAPST20211012slutlig%20med%20signering.pdf - 2024-12-26

Protokoll 20220201

Dnr STYR 2022/256. Protokoll 1 :2022 LUNDS UNIVERSITET Institutionen för psykologi Ledningsgruppen för Psykoterapeutprogrammet Sammanträdesdatum 2022-02-01 Närvarande ledamöter Jens Knutsson Martin Svensson Anna Pardo Pelle Olsson Catherine Höij Måns Ahlner Bonnie Liu Isabelle Hansson Njördur Viborg Övriga Eva-Lena Hansson Ordförande, studierektor, Psykodynamisk inriktning Kognitiv inriktning Fami

https://www.psy.lu.se/sites/psy.lu.se/files/2022-02/Protokoll%2020220201.pdf - 2024-12-26

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary | Mänskliga rättigheter 13 nov Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary 13 november 2024 13:15 till 15:00 Seminarium Emma Lennhammer, PhD student, Human Rights Studies. Presentation of ongoing PhD project in Human Rights Studies. The project concerns th

https://www.mrs.lu.se/om-oss/kalendarium/evenemang/research-seminar-human-rights-studies-time-and-its-subjects-human-rights-imaginary/ - 2024-11-12

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary | Mänskliga rättigheter 13 nov Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary 13 november 2024 13:15 till 15:00 Seminarium Emma Lennhammer, PhD student, Human Rights Studies. Presentation of ongoing PhD project in Human Rights Studies. The project concerns th

https://www.mrs.lu.se/om-oss/kalendarium/seminarieserier/research-seminar-human-rights-studies-time-and-its-subjects-human-rights-imaginary - 2024-11-12

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary | Department of History 13 Nov Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary 13 November 2024 13:15 to 15:00 Seminar Emma Lennhammer, PhD student, Human Rights Studies. Presentation of ongoing PhD project in Human Rights Studies. The project concerns the tim

https://www.historiska.lu.se/en/about-the-department/calendar/event/research-seminar-human-rights-studies-time-and-its-subjects-human-rights-imaginary/ - 2024-11-12

LUCS Seminar - Alan Winfield: "The Ethical Roboticist"

LUCS Seminar - Alan Winfield: "The Ethical Roboticist" | Department of Philosophy 12 Nov LUCS Seminar - Alan Winfield: "The Ethical Roboticist" 12 November 2024 10:15 to 11:30 Seminar The Ethical Roboticist I am often asked the question: what does a professor of robot ethics do? In this talk I will outline my work in both robot and AI ethics, and in ethical robots. Robot ethics is concerned with t

https://www.fil.lu.se/en/department/calendar/event/lucs-seminar-alan-winfield-ethical-roboticist/ - 2024-11-12

LUCS Seminar - Alan Winfield: "The Ethical Roboticist"

LUCS Seminar - Alan Winfield: "The Ethical Roboticist" | Filosofiska institutionen 12 nov LUCS Seminar - Alan Winfield: "The Ethical Roboticist" 12 november 2024 10:15 till 11:30 Seminarium The Ethical Roboticist I am often asked the question: what does a professor of robot ethics do? In this talk I will outline my work in both robot and AI ethics, and in ethical robots. Robot ethics is concerned

https://www.fil.lu.se/institutionen/kalendarium/evenemang/lucs-seminar-alan-winfield-ethical-roboticist/ - 2024-11-12

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary | Historiska institutionen 13 nov Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary 13 november 2024 13:15 till 15:00 Seminarium Emma Lennhammer, PhD student, Human Rights Studies. Presentation of ongoing PhD project in Human Rights Studies. The project concerns

https://www.historiska.lu.se/om-institutionen/kalendarium/evenemang/research-seminar-human-rights-studies-time-and-its-subjects-human-rights-imaginary/ - 2024-11-12

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary | Human Rights Studies 13 Nov Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary 13 November 2024 13:15 to 15:00 Seminar Emma Lennhammer, PhD student, Human Rights Studies. Presentation of ongoing PhD project in Human Rights Studies. The project concerns the time

https://www.mrs.lu.se/en/about-us/calender/event/research-seminar-human-rights-studies-time-and-its-subjects-human-rights-imaginary/ - 2024-11-12

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary

Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary | Historiska institutionen 13 nov Research Seminar in Human Rights Studies: Time and Its Subjects in the Human Rights Imaginary 13 november 2024 13:15 till 15:00 Seminarium Emma Lennhammer, PhD student, Human Rights Studies. Presentation of ongoing PhD project in Human Rights Studies. The project concerns

https://www.historiska.lu.se/om-institutionen/kalendarium/seminarieserier/Forskningsseminariet,%20M%C3%A4nskliga%20r%C3%A4ttighetsstudier/research-seminar-human-rights-studies-time-and-its-subjects-human-rights-imaginary/ - 2024-11-13

LUCS Seminar - Alan Winfield: "The Ethical Roboticist"

LUCS Seminar - Alan Winfield: "The Ethical Roboticist" | Filosofiska institutionen 12 nov LUCS Seminar - Alan Winfield: "The Ethical Roboticist" 12 november 2024 10:15 till 11:30 Seminarium The Ethical Roboticist I am often asked the question: what does a professor of robot ethics do? In this talk I will outline my work in both robot and AI ethics, and in ethical robots. Robot ethics is concerned

https://www.fil.lu.se/institutionen/kalendarium/seminarieserier/Seminarier%20i%20kognitionsvetenskap/lucs-seminar-alan-winfield-ethical-roboticist/ - 2024-11-12