

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3620 sökträffar

BECC support functions

BECC supports its researchers with different outreach and cooperation activities. As a BECC researcher you are also expected to highlight your affiliation when communicating your research. On these pages we have gathered valuable information and tools for outreach and communication.  Administrative supportThe BECC administration is a strategic support for the board. We are also here to help you as

https://www.becc.lu.se/becc-members/becc-support-functions - 2025-03-13

RUCARR Roundtable with RWI Armenia Research Fellows: Armenia’s Human Rights agenda: efforts amidst s

RUCARR Roundtable with RWI Armenia Research Fellows: Armenia’s Human Rights agenda: efforts amidst social and security challenges - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Discipl

https://rwi.lu.se/news/rucarr-roundtable-with-rwi-armenia-research-fellows/ - 2025-03-14

Promoting active use of digital archaeological documentation

Promoting active use of digital archaeological documentation Promoting active use of digital archaeological documentation Published 27 February 2023 A new appointment for the SHARE series on the most pressing issues in archaeological (digital) practice. Espen Uleberg from the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, will discuss the active use of digital archaeological documentation. Don't

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/promoting-active-use-of-digital-archaeological-documentation/ - 2025-03-14

CogSem Seminar: “Semiosis and cognition in Science fiction narratives” (Carlos H. Guzmán)

CogSem Seminar: “Semiosis and cognition in Science fiction narratives” (Carlos H. Guzmán) | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 27 mar CogSem Seminar: “Semiosis and cognition in Science fiction narratives” (Carlos H. Guzmán) 27 mars 2025 15:00 till 17:00 Seminarium In this exciting seminar on the cognitive semiotics of science fiction, our long term collaborator Carlos Guzman, cguzman@bellasartes.edu.co,

https://www.sol.lu.se/institutionen/kalendarium/evenemang/cogsem-seminar-semiosis-and-cognition-science-fiction-narratives-carlos-h-guzman/ - 2025-03-14

No title

Följande är en kopia av kallelsen som skickas ut till antagna studenter Höstermin 2023 • Glöm inte att webbregistrera dig på kursen under registreringsperioden innan kursen börjar. Vid registreringsproblem, kontakta hist@hist.lu.se före webbregistreringens sista dag. • Om du ska gå Fortsättningskurs eller Kandidatkurs, glöm inte att önska temakurs innan kursstart. • Introduktionsmötet är obligator

https://www.hist.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/HISS27/20232/Kopia_av_kallelsen.pdf - 2025-03-09

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | november 2020 Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | november 2020 Publicerad den 15 november 2020 I årets nästsista nyhetsbrev berättar vi om låneregler och förseningsavgifter som återgår till det vanliga i februari. Vi tipsar om workshoppar för både studenter och forskare, om våra nyinköpta böcker under oktober månad och naturligtvis månadens e-resurs. Innehållsförte

https://www.htbibl.lu.se/article/meddelanden-fraan-ht-biblioteken-november-2020/ - 2025-03-11

No title

Följande är en kopia av kallelsen som skickas ut till antagna studenter Höstermin 2023 • Glöm inte att webbregistrera dig på kursen under registreringsperioden innan kursen börjar. Vid registreringsproblem, kontakta hist@hist.lu.se före webbregistreringens sista dag. • Om du ska gå Fortsättningskurs eller Kandidatkurs, glöm inte att önska temakurs innan kursstart. • Introduktionsmötet är obligator

https://www.hist.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/HISS03/20232/Kopia_av_kallelsen.pdf - 2025-03-13

Work report 2021 for the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies

Overview The pandemic has continued to affecte the Centre in different ways, most obviously perhaps in having to teach online during the spring semester, although we were back teaching on campus throughout the fall semester. To ensure a safe work environment, larger classes continued to be taught in the Asia library. The majority of our public lectures and other events have been online. There have

https://www.ace.lu.se/work-report-2021-centre-east-and-south-east-asian-studies - 2025-03-13


Canvas is Lund University’s shared learning platform and one of the digital tools that you’ll probably be using the most throughout your years of studying. It’s usually on Canvas that course material is distributed, assignments are submitted, and ongoing course information is communicated. The mail function in Canvas is often the easiest way to send messages to your teachers.Sometimes, an entire p

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/en/digital-tools/canvas - 2025-03-13

Development Research Day

About Development Research DayHow it all startedThe Development Research Day is an inter-disciplinary arrangement that was initiated in order to form a meeting ground for all researchers and students at Lund University who share an interest in development issues.The first Development Research DayThe event was launched in 2002 by the Department of Political Science at Lund University. Since then th

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/research/research-groups/politics-and-development-studies-research-group/development-research-day - 2025-03-14

Human Rights and Gender Equality in Climate and Disaster Displacement-2022-2023

Human Rights and Gender Equality in Climate and Disaster Displacement Human Rights and Gender Equality in Climate and Disaster Displacement This capacity building programme is designed to contribute directly to the Global Mayors Action Agenda on Climate and Migration. This will be done by strengthening the capacity of municipal authorities in multiple cities in Africa, with a prior- ity focus on F

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/sites/www.lunduniversity.lu.se/files/2022-05/Human%20Rights%20and%20Gender%20Equality%20in%20Climate%20and%20Disaster%20Displacement-2022-2023.pdf - 2025-03-14

Lokaler på BMC

Genvägar på denna sida:BokaVillkor för lokaluthyrningFörteckning möteslokalerBokaBokning gör du via bokningssystemet TimeEdit. För att kunna boka lokal behöver du ett kostnadsställe och LUCAT-ID. Instruktioner gällande hur man gör en reservation finns på Medarbetarwebben.TimeEdit (inloggning med Lucat-ID)Instruktioner och information om hur man bokar lokaler (Medarbetarwebben)Att tänka på inför bo

https://www.intramed.lu.se/stod-och-verktyg/boka-motesrum-konferens-och-catering/boka-motes-och-konferenslokal/lokaler-pa-bmc - 2025-03-14

Program SWEAH alumni meeting Lund August 2022

Alumni meeting in Lund August 18–19 Alumni meeting in Lund, August 18-19 Hosted by SAIN and SWEAH Program August 18 Location: Lund University, medical faculty, Baravägen 3. 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-13:45 Welcome! 13:45-14:45 Dr Martin Hyde: How to use social media for research communication and career enhancement 14:45-16:15 Networking and introducing for future collaborations and research initiati

https://www.sweah.lu.se/sites/sweah.lu.se/files/2022-08/Program%20SWEAH%20alumni%20meeting%20Lund%20August%202022.pdf - 2025-03-14

The Swedish Pensions System - how does it work?

The Swedish Pensions System - how does it work? | Saco-S council at Umeå University Hoppa till huvudinnehåll About us Contact Workplace representative Arts and Humanities Medicine Social Sciences Science and Technology Others Work environment representative Calendar Saco-S Umeå universitet Swedish About us Contact Workplace representative Work environment representative Calendar Start > Trustee >

https://www.saco.se/en/trustee/local-union-work/local-unions/government-sector/saco-s-radet-at-umea-university/calendar/the-swedish-pensions-system---how-does-it-work/ - 2025-02-04

On the times and spaces of borders

On the times and spaces of borders | Historia 20 feb On the times and spaces of borders 20 februari 2025 13:00 till 14:00 Seminarium Linn Axelsson Linn Axelsson is a researcher of human geography at Stockholm University. In this talk, Linn Axelsson reflect on their journey within critical border studies, examining borders not as fixed lines but as fluid, spatially and temporally ambiguous construc

https://www.hist.lu.se/historia/kalendarium/seminarieserier/History%20of%20Knowledge/times-and-spaces-borders/ - 2025-02-18

On the times and spaces of borders

On the times and spaces of borders | The Subject of History 20 Feb On the times and spaces of borders 20 February 2025 13:00 to 14:00 Seminar Linn Axelsson Linn Axelsson is a researcher of human geography at Stockholm University. In this talk, Linn Axelsson reflect on their journey within critical border studies, examining borders not as fixed lines but as fluid, spatially and temporally ambiguous

https://www.hist.lu.se/en/about-us/calendar/seminars/History%20of%20Knowledge/times-and-spaces-borders/ - 2025-02-18

On the times and spaces of borders

On the times and spaces of borders | The Subject of History 20 Feb On the times and spaces of borders 20 February 2025 13:00 to 14:00 Seminar Linn Axelsson Linn Axelsson is a researcher of human geography at Stockholm University. In this talk, Linn Axelsson reflect on their journey within critical border studies, examining borders not as fixed lines but as fluid, spatially and temporally ambiguous

https://www.hist.lu.se/en/about-us/calendar/seminars/Kunskapshistoriska%20seminariet/times-and-spaces-borders/ - 2025-02-21

On the times and spaces of borders

On the times and spaces of borders | Historia 20 feb On the times and spaces of borders 20 februari 2025 13:00 till 14:00 Seminarium Linn Axelsson Linn Axelsson is a researcher of human geography at Stockholm University. In this talk, Linn Axelsson reflect on their journey within critical border studies, examining borders not as fixed lines but as fluid, spatially and temporally ambiguous construc

https://www.hist.lu.se/historia/kalendarium/seminarieserier/times-and-spaces-borders - 2025-02-21