

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3683 sökträffar

Han leder utvecklingen av Pfizers coronavaccin – och blir nu gästprofessor i Lund – Vetenskap och Hä

Han leder utvecklingen av Pfizers coronavaccin – och blir nu gästprofessor i Lund – Vetenskap och Hälsa Populärvetenskapligt om forskning inom medicin och hälsa. Läs mer. Meny Visa navigation Teman Podd Tidskrift Föreläsningar Prenumerera Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare Prenumerera Om webbplatsen Tillgänglighetsredogörelse Behandling av personuppgifter Mer Forskningens

https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/han-leder-utvecklingen-av-pfizers-coronavaccin-och-blir-nu-gastprofessor-i-lund/ - 2025-02-21

Microsoft Word - FU Uppföljning kvalitetsdialoger 2020_210209[2].docx

Microsoft Word - FU Uppföljning kvalitetsdialoger 2020_210209[2].docx Postadress Box 192, 22100 Lund Besöksadress LUX (Hus B), Helgonavägen 3, 22100 Lund Telefon 046-222 77 35 Webbadress http://www.ht.lu.se/person/HegeIreneMarkussen Samuel Byrskog, prodekan Robin Stenwal l , utb i ldningsledare Uppföljning kvalitetsdialoger för forskarutbildning 2020 Detta dokument utgör HT-fakulteternas gemensamm

https://www.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/ht/dokument/Fakulteterna/Kvalitetsarbete/Uppfoeljning_kvalitetsdialoger_2020_foer_forskarutbildning.pdf - 2025-02-23

Microsoft Word - kursbokslutTopVT21Eng.docx

Microsoft Word - kursbokslutTopVT21Eng.docx Course report MATM36 Topology vt 2021 Teacher: Sandra Pott Number of students: 28 Outcomes: 0 fail, 7 pass (G), 21 pass with distinction (VG) Evaluation I. Summary of the course evaluation Number of responses: 1 Short summary of results: The only student who responded was not happy with the course (2 on a scale from 1-5). This student appreciated the cou

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/VT2021/MATM36Vt2021CA.pdf - 2025-02-23

Behandling av personuppgifter

Behandling av personuppgifter | START AKADEMIKER I STATEN SACO-S Saco-S, en lokalförening på din arbetsplats för dig som arbetar statligt Hoppa till huvudinnehåll Öppna sökruta Öppna Huvudmeny Sök på saco.se Aktuellt Saco-S träffar civilministern Saco-S och Arbetsgivarverket överens om löneavtal inom statlig sektor Saco-S: Minskat förtroende på Regeringskansliet efter Tidölönerna Saco-S remissvar

https://www.saco.se/fortroendevald/lokalt-fackligt-arbete/lokala-akademikerforeningar/statlig-sektor/saco-s/fortroendevald/gdpr/behandling-av-personuppgifter/ - 2025-02-23

No title

Software for general similarity network analysis Background The ideas behind the phrase “general similarity networks” are described in Östborn and Gerding (2014). In this note, we discuss why we judged it necessary to write our own software in order to analyse the diffusion of Hellenistic fired bricks using general similarity networks. We also outline the ideas and structure of software that we cr

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Note_on_network_analysis_software.docx - 2025-02-23

Modal Testing and


https://www.byggmek.lth.se/fileadmin/byggnadsmekanik/publications/tvsm5000/web5202.pdf - 2025-02-23

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Centre for Mathemat ica l Sc iences Divis ion of Mathemat ics and Numerica l Analys is Course Analysis for MATB25 Discrete Mathematics, Autumn 2021 Course Information Lecturer: Anitha Thillaisundaram Teaching assistants: Anna Torstensson and Rahul Hindov Number of students: 34 newly registered and 8 re-registered. 6 students answered the course evaluation, 2 of them are enrolled on programme name,

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/HT2021/MATB25HT21.pdf - 2025-02-23

No title

Centre for Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Science Centre for Mathematical Sciences Division of Mathematics and Numerical Analysis MATM12 Analytic Functions, Fall 2021 Course Information Lecturer: Yacin Ameur Number of students: 38 34 newly registered and 4 re-registered. 5 students answered the course evaluation. Examination Oral examination: 19 students passed. Written examination: 19 students

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/HT2021/MATM12HT21.pdf - 2025-02-23

Foundations of Algebra, Spring 2021

Foundations of Algebra, Spring 2021 Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Compilation Report for Foundations of Algebra, Spring 2021 Module leader: Kjell Elfström Other teachers: Adem Limani Number of students: 61 on MATA23 and 21 on ÄMAD03. Grades in the ordinary examination: MATA23: 10 V, 20 G, 8 U, ÄMAD03: 9 G, 1 U. Evaluation Compilation of the evaluation: See the following pages. Teacher’s comments:

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/VT2021/MATA23-A__MAD03-VT21CA.pdf - 2025-02-23

MATB24 VT21 Course Evaluation

MATB24 VT21 Course Evaluation MATB24 VT 2021 Answer Count: 8 I have studied this course as part of  I have studied this course as part of  Number of  Responses Bachelor´s Programme in Mathematics 5 (62.5%) Bachelor´s Programme in Physics, Theoretical  Physics, Astronomy  2 (25.0%) Bachelor´s Programme, other specialization  0 (0.0%) Master's Programme in Mathematics 0 (0.0%) Master´s Programme in 

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/VT2021/MATB24VT21CA.pdf - 2025-02-23

PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation På forskerføtter i naturfag Lund, 27. mars 2017 Professor Marianne Ødegaard marianne.odegaard@ils.uio.no Universitetet i Oslo mailto:marianne.odegaard@ils.uio.no : Agenda for forelesning  Om prosjektet Forskerføtter og leserøtter  Forskningsresultater fra prosjektet Ødegaard, Haug, Mork, Sørvik (2014) : Om praksis-nær forskning  Gir økt sjanse for «impact»  Innblikk i p

https://www.uvet.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/uvet/Licentiandutbildningen/Dokument/Pa___forskerfoetter_Lund_pdf.pdf - 2025-02-23

No title

Nya horisonter HUMANIST- OCH TEOLOGDAGARNA | 14 –15 APRIL 2023 2 3 Nya horisonter En rymdsond med namnet New Horizons sändes ut 2006 med siktet inställt på Kuiperbältet – en jordnötsformad region bortom Neptunus bana som sägs innehålla de bäst bevarade spåren av det tidiga solsystemet. Bilderna den sände oss från Pluto nio år senare var enastående. Sonden förändrade för en stund våra horisonter, b

https://www.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/ht/bilder/Samverkan/HT-dagarna/HT-dagarna_Nya_horisonter_webbversion_med_rausing.pdf - 2025-02-23

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Master’s Dissertation Structural Mechanics STRUCTURAL RESPONSE WITH REGARD TO EXPLOSIONS - Mode Superposition, Damping and Curtailment MATTIAS CARLSSON and ROBIN KRISTENSSON Denna sida skall vara tom! Department of Construction Sciences Structural Mechanics Copyright © 2012 by Structural Mechanics, LTH, Sweden. Printed by Media-Tryck LU, Lund, Sweden, November 2012 (Pl). For information, address:

https://www.byggmek.lth.se/fileadmin/byggnadsmekanik/publications/tvsm5000/web5185.pdf - 2025-02-23


Andeweg_Slob_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Humanities Research Methods in a Liberal Arts & Sciences program A. Andeweg (PhD) and D. Slob, University College Utrecht, The Netherlands ABSTRACT: The humanities research methods course at University College Utrecht is one of the graduation requirements for students who major in a humanities discipline, in law, or in polit

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Andeweg_Slob.pdf - 2025-02-23


LUCS125.final 1 Tracing Integration of Text and Pictures in Newspaper Reading Jana Holsanovaa, Nils Holmberg b & Kenneth Holmqvistb a Lund University Cognitive Science Kunsghuset, Lundagård S-222 22 Lund Sweden b Humanist laboratory, Lund University SOL centrum Helgonabacken 12 223 62 Lund Sweden jana.holsanova@lucs.lu.se Keywords: information graphic, text-picture integration, referential links,

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-125.pdf - 2025-02-23

Degree Project Course (Master ) VT 2023

Degree Project Course (Master ) VT 2023 Degree Project Course (Master students) Answer Count: 3 I have completed the Master´s Degree Project within I have completed the Master´s  Degree Project within Number of responses Mathematics (course code  MATM01) 1 (33.3%) Numerical Analysis (course code  NUMM03) 0 (0.0%) Mathematical Statistics (course  code MASM02) 2 (66.7%) Total 3 (100.0%) Mathematical

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/VT2023/MATM03VT23.pdf - 2025-02-23

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Course Analysis for Linear Algebra 1 (MATA22, ÄMAD01) Autumn 2021 Lecturer: Anna-Maria Persson Lecturer: Henrik Ekström, Frej Weiström Dahlin, Adem Limani Number of students: The course is given jointly for students enrolled in the Bachelor’s Pro- gramme at the Faculty of Science (course code MATA22) and for students enrolled in the Teacher Education Programme (course

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/HT2021/MATA22A__MAD01HT21.pdf - 2025-02-23

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Course Analysis for NUMN32 Numerical Meth- ods for Differential Equations, Autumn 2022 Course Information Lecturer: Tony Stillfjord, Monika Eisenmann Teaching assistants: Monika Eisenmann, Måns Williamson, Niklas Kotarsky, Jaime Manriquez, Emil Engström (partial substitute) Number of students: 10 newly registered and 0 re-registered. 2 students answered the course evaluation survey, 1 of them fr

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/HT2022/NUMN32HT22.pdf - 2025-02-23

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Kursbokslut, Course review MATM39, Integration Theory, spring term 2023 Course responsible: Marcus Carlsson Number of students: 29. Grades: 3 VG, 10 G. 21 exams were handed in during the two exams, excluding repetition, so among active students the approval rate was above 62%, a bit higher last year. Evaluation 6 students did the evaluation. The scores given on key qu

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/VT2023/MATM39VT23.pdf - 2025-02-23