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Junhua Dang talar på Kungliga vetenskapsakademien

Av caroline [dot] flyjer [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (Caroline Flyjer) - publicerad 22 oktober 2021 Den 29 oktober kommer Kungliga vetenskapsakademien att hålla ett symposium med titeln "New Perspectives on Self-Regulation". En av talarna kommer att vara Junhua Dang, tidigare doktorand på Institutionen för psykologi. Junhua Dang kommer att tala på temat "Empirical Evidence for the Existence of Ego

https://www.psy.lu.se/artikel/junhua-dang-talar-pa-kungliga-vetenskapsakademien - 2025-03-09

WINGS Annual Meeting 2020

Published 5 February 2021 WORKSHOP ON DIVERSE TEAMS. Work practices for maximising the potential of diverse teams and research groups. ●  Why do we need diverse teams? ●  What are the challenges when working with diverse teams? ●  What work practices should we consider when working in diverse teams. This event is for anyone who wants to work within or create great diverse teams within in research

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/wings-annual-meeting-2020 - 2025-03-09

Webinar: Eurostudent 8 – students' mental illness and experiences of discrimination

Published 16 November 2024 Do you want to know more about students' mental illness and experiences of discrimination? Are you also curious about the Eurostudent survey and what data can be obtained from the results? Time and place: 16 December at 13:00-14:00, on-line (in Swedish)The webinar is primarily aimed at those of you who in some way work with widening participation, equal treatment within

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/webinar-eurostudent-8-students-mental-illness-and-experiences-discrimination - 2025-03-10

Vad vi kan lära oss av New Public Management och tillitsstyrning

Publicerad 1 oktober 2021 Tillitsstyrning har lanserats som ett alternativ till New Public Management (NPM). Men vad betyder det egentligen att lita på professionella? Och är tillitsstyrning egentligen så väsenskilt från NPM som det hävdas? Under Framtidsveckan på Lunds universitet kommer forskaren Johan Alvehus samtala kring dessa frågor. Begreppet New Public Management etablerades under 1990-tal

https://www.ses.lu.se/artikel/vad-vi-kan-lara-oss-av-new-public-management-och-tillitsstyrning - 2025-03-09

Fakultetens morgonmöte (12/12): Om vår budget för 2025

Av agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - publicerad 9 december 2024 På mötet 12 december kommer ekonomichef Marie Creutzer, att berätta om innehållet i resursfördelningen (budgeten) för 2025. OBS: Mötet hålls på svenska. Vi hälsar alla anställda välkomna till vårt digitala Fakultetens morgonmöte. Detta är återkommande månadsvisa informationsmöten där du kan lära di

https://www.intramed.lu.se/artikel/fakultetens-morgonmote-1212-om-var-budget-2025 - 2025-03-10

Creating conditions to avoid cheating

Published 8 March 2021 At the School of Economics, Per Jochumzen teaches courses on mathematics and microeconomics. He believes that there are major challenges around how to handle cheating in areas where students’ knowledge cannot be tested through, for example, essays. Peter writes: In my opinion, the biggest challenge with home exams is to prevent cheating. This especially applies to situations

https://www.education.lu.se/en/article/creating-conditions-avoid-cheating - 2025-03-09

Biomedical imaging for drug discovery/ development – opportunities for MAX IV

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 12 October 2022 19 oktober: LINXS Workshop Today, synchrotron techniques are rarely used in the later stages of biomedical drug development. An upcoming workshop, organized within the framework of a new theme at LINXS, Integrative Pharmacology and Drug Discovery, highlights the possibilities of developing new

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/biomedical-imaging-drug-discovery-development-opportunities-max-iv - 2025-03-09

Fall 2024 Programme: Development Lunch Seminars

Published 20 August 2024 Join us at lunch, every other Thursday! The Development Lunch Seminar programme for the Fall semester of 2024 is now live. This is a bi-weekly, online research seminar for anyone interested in development research, broadly defined. About the Developent Lunch SeminarsThe seminar series is a collaboration between the Development Research School and the Development Group at t

https://www.developmentresearchschool.lu.se/article/fall-2024-programme-development-lunch-seminars - 2025-03-09

Open for Applications: Works-in-Progress Series (Online)

Published 27 June 2024 Are you a PhD student with a development research focus? Do you want to showcase your project and get feedback while also networking with other doctoral students? This is an online opportunity for you! Works-in-Progress is a series of three online events by the Development Research School. This is an opportunity for development research PhD students from all countries and un

https://www.developmentresearchschool.lu.se/article/open-applications-works-progress-series-online - 2025-03-09

‘Celebrities as Ethical Actors: Individuals and Cosmopolitan Obligation’

Published 15 June 2020 Annika Bergman Rosamond has published the chapter ‘Celebrities as Ethical Actors: Individuals and Cosmopolitan Obligation’ in The Routledge Handbook to Rethinking Ethics in International Relations, edited by Birgit Schippers, 2020. This chapter offers an investigation into the cosmopolitan, privileged and self serving  underpinnings of celebrity activists in their role as di

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/celebrities-ethical-actors-individuals-and-cosmopolitan-obligation - 2025-03-09

Sverre Spoelstra on how researchers reach global audience via The Conversation

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 15 February 2024 The Conversation is an online news outlet written by researchers, working together with professional journalists. All content is published as open source and the website’s articles reach a total audience of 10 million readers – every month. Associate Professor Sverre Spoelstra is one of the LUSEM resea

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/article/sverre-spoelstra-how-researchers-reach-global-audience-conversation - 2025-03-09