

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3572 sökträffar

Changing animals in a changing world 25–27 November 2024

A Hans Kristiansson symposium in animal ecology This meeting will provide delegates with a state-of-the-art account of research broadly related to how animals are affected by, and acclimate or adapt to, temperature over space, time, and generations, through a combination of an appealing suite of invited presentations and contributed talks. Climate change and changes to land use practices worldwide

https://www.biology.lu.se/form/changing-animals-changing-world-25-27-november-2024 - 2025-03-07

Mida11 ht2020 international development perspectives

MIDA11 International Development Perspectives (15 credits) - Autumn 2020 (Course convenor: Muriel Côte, Department of Human Geography, muriel.cote@keg.lu.se) Date Time Venue Theme Group Facilitator 31/8 9-12 Online LUMID Programme Introduction We present the history of the programme, its aims, its set up, and interact around our motivations to be here and our expectations . All MC/MJ/AK 1/9 13-14

https://www.keg.lu.se/en/sites/keg.lu.se.en/files/mida11_ht2020_international_development_perspectives.pdf - 2025-03-09

Quick Bites: ORCiD – every researcher is unique

26 March 2025 12:30 to 13:00 | Seminar The Library of Science's knowledge series Quick Bites for Researchers, this week on the theme: ORCiD. What is ORCiD? Why should I use it? How do I get it? We'll guide you through the essentials of ORCiD – a unique researcher ID that connects you with your publications and the organisations you are affiliated with, so that publishers and research funders easil

https://www.science-library.lu.se/calendar/quick-bites-orcid-every-researcher-unique - 2025-03-07

Quick Bites: Promt it like you mean it

9 April 2025 12:30 to 13:00 | Seminar The Library of Science's knowledge series Quick Bites for Researchers, this week on the theme: effective promting. Generative AI tools are the talk of the town, but how should you talk with the tools? We will speak a little about prompt engineering and give you a few pointers on how to efficiently approach a generative AI tool in your proximity. As usual, Quic

https://www.science-library.lu.se/calendar/quick-bites-promt-it-you-mean-it - 2025-03-07

Quick Bites: How can we as Data Stewards support you?

29 April 2025 12:30 to 13:00 | Seminar The Library of Science's knowledge series Quick Bites for Researchers, this week on the theme: support in research data management. Do you need guidance on managing your research data? As Faculty Data Stewards, we provide support on best practices for data management and metadata, as well as advice to help you meet the growing demands for FAIR data. As usual,

https://www.science-library.lu.se/calendar/quick-bites-how-can-we-data-stewards-support-you - 2025-03-07

FSSOC:s vårkonferens, 15-16 mars 2023

Vi möter våren i Lund och på Socialhögskolan, som står som värd för Förbundet Sveriges Socionomutbildningars vårkonferens. Den här gången ses vi alla på plats - varmt välkommen! Vi börjar den 15 mars klockan 13.00 i sal 108 på Socialhögskolan, Allhelgona kyrkogata 8 i Lund. Vi kommer också att ha årsmötet denna dag och konferensen avslutas dagen efter vid lunchtid. PROGRAM Onsdag den 15 mars 13.00

https://www.soch.lu.se/fssocs-varkonferens-15-16-mars-2023 - 2025-03-07

Welcome to the course Feminist Perspectives of Caring Relations and Family Policies

SOCB42, 10 credits Course period: 6 February – 2 June 2024 This course is part of the virtual programme exchange Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion but can also be studied as a freestanding course on its own.In this welcome letter you will find information about how to log in to your learning platform Canvas, where to find course literature and course registration.Mandatory introductory meetingThe

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/welcome-letters-spring/welcome-course-feminist-perspectives-caring-relations-and-family-policies - 2025-03-07


Mentimeter is an interactive tool you can use to quickly collect anonymous answers from a large or small group of people, for example as part of a presentation. You can choose to receive the answers in many different ways, such as in the form of word clouds, bars or markings on an image. Your student account gives you free access to the full version of Mentimeter.Create your Mentimeter account – m

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/en/digital-tools/mentimeter - 2025-03-07

Tema Digital examination

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev! Planera din digitala examination Pedagogiska tips och råd, pedagogiskt stöd och tillgänglighet Bygg och genomför din tenta Information om verktyg, hjälp kring dataskydd mm samt checklistor som kan stötta dig Utbildningar Workshops & utbildningar inom digital examination Föregående Nästa Play Pause Pedagogiska råd & tips Artiklar om digital examination Dataskydd mmfr

https://www.education.lu.se/tema-digital-examination - 2025-03-07

Psp 200422 nr4 protokoll

PROTOKOLL 4:2020 Dnr STYR 2020/716 LUNDS UNIVERSITET Institutionen för psykologi ledningsgruppen för psykologprogrammet Närvarande ledamöter Jonas Bjärehed Ordförande Kristian Almquist Studievägledare Bengt Brattgård Lärarlag kurs I 0 Dariush Djamnezhad Daiva Daukantaite Lärarlag kurs 12 Amelia Hansson Studerande te 4 Maria Holmqvist Tomas Jungert Lärarlag kurs 5 Tomas Kempe Lärarlag kurs 8 Samman

https://www.psy.lu.se/sites/psy.lu.se/files/psp_200422_nr4_protokoll.pdf - 2025-03-09

Schema SGEC03 Vt21 vers201116

Schema SGEC03 Vt21_vers201116.xlsx Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi SCHEMA http://www.keg.lu.se Samhällsgeografi: praktik Kurskod: SGE C03 Kursperiod: 2020-01-18 till 2021-03-23 (VT21) Datum Dag Tid Typ Moment Lärare Sal 2020-12-01 Tisdag - E Sista dag att skicka in praktikavtal LS mail/post 2021-01-18 Måndag - Första dagen på praktikplatsen - - 2021-02-18 Torsdag 15-17 S Mi

https://www.keg.lu.se/sites/keg.lu.se/files/2020-12/Schema%20SGEC03%20Vt21_vers201116.pdf - 2025-03-09

Quick Bites: Don't pay unnecessarily for your information!

3 April 2025 12:30 to 13:00 | Seminar The Library of Science's knowledge series Quick Bites for Researchers, this week on the theme: access your literature for free. Do you sometimes encounter a paywall when you try to access an article? Or you get a tip about a brand new book you want to read but can't find in the library? We will show you how to order interlibrary loans and purchase proposals fr

https://www.science-library.lu.se/calendar/quick-bites-dont-pay-unnecessarily-your-information - 2025-03-07

Quick Bites: Showcase ongoing research and report back to your research funders

15 April 2025 12:30 to 13:00 | Seminar The Library of Science's knowledge series Quick Bites for Researchers, this week on the theme: LUCRIS project pages. We will show you how you can create a page that gathers information about your research project, through LUCRIS project pages. LUCRIS let you showcase everything from publications, conference presentations, and project descriptions, to meeting

https://www.science-library.lu.se/calendar/quick-bites-showcase-ongoing-research-and-report-back-your-research-funders - 2025-03-07