

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3524 sökträffar

Advertisement gerontologycourse 2021

PM enkelsidig DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY Gerontology – Multidisciplinary and Integrative Perspectives on Aging 3+2 HEC Are you a PhD student with an interest in the field of aging and health? Welcome to apply for the postgraduate course “Gerontology – Multidisciplinary and Integrative Perspectives on Aging”! The course is offered during the spring of 2021 and is hosted by the Department of Psycholog

https://www.sweah.lu.se/en/sites/sweah.lu.se.en/files/advertisement_gerontologycourse_2021.pdf - 2025-01-28

Unique Power talks. Sex och föräldraskap – inte för alla?

7 februari 2025 12:00 till 12:45 | Seminarium Julia Bahner deltar i samtal om sex, föräldraskap och känslor av "avsexualisering", som är vanligt hos många med funktionsnedsättning. Vilka utmaningar och möjligheter finns gällande dejting, intimitet och föräldraskap enligt personer med normbrytande funktionalitet? Känslor av ”avsexualisering” är en vanlig upplevelse hos många med funktionsnedsättnin

https://www.soch.lu.se/internt/evenemang/unique-power-talks-sex-och-foraldraskap-inte-alla - 2025-01-27

Använd video i undervisningen

19 februari 2025 13:00 till 14:00 | Workshop Har du idéer men vet inte hur du ska börja? Vill du utveckla ditt sätt att använda video? Foto: Kelly Sikkema från Unsplash.com.Välkommen till en praktisk workshop där du kan:diskutera dina idéer med våra videospecialisterfå feedback och konkreta tipsdela erfarenheter oavsett förkunskaper.Workshoppen passar både nybörjare och dig som redan har erfarenhe

https://www.education.lu.se/evenemang/anvand-video-i-undervisningen-19-feb - 2025-01-27

Använd video i undervisningen

14 april 2025 13:00 till 14:00 | Workshop Har du idéer men vet inte hur du ska börja? Vill du utveckla ditt sätt att använda video? Foto: Kelly Sikkema från Unsplash.com.Välkommen till en praktisk workshop där du kan:diskutera dina idéer med våra videospecialisterfå feedback och konkreta tipsdela erfarenheter oavsett förkunskaper.Workshoppen passar både nybörjare och dig som redan har erfarenhet a

https://www.education.lu.se/evenemang/anvand-video-i-undervisningen-14-apr - 2025-01-27

Använd video i undervisningen

11 juni 2025 13:00 till 14:00 | Workshop Har du idéer men vet inte hur du ska börja? Vill du utveckla ditt sätt att använda video? Foto: Kelly Sikkema från Unsplash.com.Välkommen till en praktisk workshop där du kan:diskutera dina idéer med våra videospecialisterfå feedback och konkreta tipsdela erfarenheter oavsett förkunskaper.Workshoppen passar både nybörjare och dig som redan har erfarenhet av

https://www.education.lu.se/evenemang/anvand-video-i-undervisningen-11-jun - 2025-01-27

Brown, Black, Queer and In-Between

Brown, Black, Queer and In-Between: Performing Journeys Across Liminal Spaces and Times October 11th–13th 2022 at Inter Arts Center, Malmö Soy la que escribe y se escribe / I am the one who writes and who is being written. Últimamente es el escribir que me escribe / It is the writing that ‘writes’ me. Writing is the site where I critique reality, identity, language, and dominant culture’s represen

https://www.thm.lu.se/sites/thm.lu.se/files/2022-09/Brown,%20Black,%20Queer%20and%20In-Between.pdf - 2025-01-28

Schema MVEN16 HT20 28okt20

MILJÖVETENSKAP Schema 2020-10-28 Kurs: MVEN16 Klimatpolitik, samhällsstyrning och kommunikation, HT20 Kursansvarig: RH: Roger Hildingsson, Statsvetenskapliga inst; roger.hildingsson@svet.lu.se Lärare: CD: Carl Dalhammar, IIIEE; carl.dalhammar@iiiee.lu.se JK: Jamil Khan, Miljö- och energisystemanalys, LTH; jamil.khan@miljlo.lth.se MR: Markku Rummukainen, CEC SU: Sara Ullström, LUCSUS; sara.ullstrom

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/sites/cec.lu.se.sv/files/2020-10/Schema%20MVEN16%20HT20_28okt20.pdf - 2025-01-28

Your student email account

All students at Lund University have a Google Apps email account, which you can access using your student ID. Your Google Apps account gives you:A student email accountGoogle Drive – with a calendar, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, a forms tool and a drawing toolGoogle Groups – online messaging service to interact with coursemates and friendsGoogle Site – through which you can create

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/current-students/student-services-and-support/it-resources-and-assistance/your-student-email-account - 2025-01-27


IT-avdelningen ansvarar för Musikhögskolans IT-miljö samt hjälper anställda och studenter att hantera skolans IT-utrustning i det fasta och trådlösa nätverket. Har du frågor om IT-miljön eller vill göra en felanmälan använder du Helpdesk. Eduroam (wifi) Eduroam är ett krypterat nät som används på ett flertal universitet och högskolor runt om i världen. Studenter från andra universitet och högskolo

https://www.mhm.lu.se/internt/it - 2025-01-27

Use video in teaching

19 February 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Workshop Do you have ideas but don’t know where to start? Would you like to develop your approach to using video? Photo by: Kelly Sikkema from Unsplash.com.Welcome to a hands-on workshop where you can:discuss your ideas with our video specialistsreceive feedback and practical tipsshare experiences, regardless of your level of expertise.This workshop is suitable fo

https://www.education.lu.se/en/calendar/use-video-teaching-19-feb - 2025-01-27

Use video in teaching

14 April 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Workshop Do you have ideas but don’t know where to start? Would you like to develop your approach to using video? Photo by: Kelly Sikkema from Unsplash.com.Welcome to a hands-on workshop where you can:discuss your ideas with our video specialistsreceive feedback and practical tipsshare experiences, regardless of your level of expertise.This workshop is suitable for b

https://www.education.lu.se/en/calendar/use-video-teaching-14-apr - 2025-01-27

Use video in teaching

11 June 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Workshop Do you have ideas but don’t know where to start? Would you like to develop your approach to using video? Photo by: Kelly Sikkema from Unsplash.com.Welcome to a hands-on workshop where you can:discuss your ideas with our video specialistsreceive feedback and practical tipsshare experiences, regardless of your level of expertise.This workshop is suitable for be

https://www.education.lu.se/en/calendar/use-video-teaching-11-jun - 2025-01-27

Get started with Studio – LU’s video platform

6 February 2025 11:00 to 12:00 | Workshop This introductory workshop will help you start using Studio, LU’s video platform integrated with the learning platform Canvas. During the workshop, you will learn how to:create, manage, and embed videos in Canvasupload recordings from other platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Zoompublish videos externally, both within and outside Lund Universityadd quizz

https://www.education.lu.se/en/calendar/get-started-studio-lus-video-platform-feb-6 - 2025-01-27

Get started with Studio – LU’s video platform

26 February 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Workshop This introductory workshop will help you start using Studio, LU’s video platform integrated with the learning platform Canvas. During the workshop, you will learn how to:create, manage, and embed videos in Canvasupload recordings from other platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Zoompublish videos externally, both within and outside Lund Universityadd quiz

https://www.education.lu.se/en/calendar/get-started-studio-lus-video-platform-feb-26 - 2025-01-27

Get started with Studio – LU’s video platform

19 March 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Workshop This introductory workshop will help you start using Studio, LU’s video platform integrated with the learning platform Canvas. During the workshop, you will learn how to:create, manage, and embed videos in Canvasupload recordings from other platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Zoompublish videos externally, both within and outside Lund Universityadd quizzes

https://www.education.lu.se/en/calendar/get-started-studio-lus-video-platform-mar-19 - 2025-01-27

Get started with Studio – LU’s video platform

9 April 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Workshop This introductory workshop will help you start using Studio, LU’s video platform integrated with the learning platform Canvas. During the workshop, you will learn how to:create, manage, and embed videos in Canvasupload recordings from other platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Zoompublish videos externally, both within and outside Lund Universityadd quizzes

https://www.education.lu.se/en/calendar/get-started-studio-lus-video-platform-apr-9 - 2025-01-27

Get started with Studio – LU’s video platform

7 May 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Workshop This introductory workshop will help you start using Studio, LU’s video platform integrated with the learning platform Canvas. During the workshop, you will learn how to:create, manage, and embed videos in Canvasupload recordings from other platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Zoompublish videos externally, both within and outside Lund Universityadd quizzes fo

https://www.education.lu.se/en/calendar/get-started-studio-lus-video-platform-may-7 - 2025-01-27

Get started with Studio – LU’s video platform

28 May 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Workshop This introductory workshop will help you start using Studio, LU’s video platform integrated with the learning platform Canvas. During the workshop, you will learn how to:create, manage, and embed videos in Canvasupload recordings from other platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Zoompublish videos externally, both within and outside Lund Universityadd quizzes f

https://www.education.lu.se/en/calendar/get-started-studio-lus-video-platform-may-28 - 2025-01-27