

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3512 sökträffar


28 March 2025 13:00 to 17:00 | Thesis defence Foto: Hans Malm, for Dramaten Jörgen Dahlqvist’s doctoral project explores how theatre can contribute to democratic engagement. The starting point was artistic probes investigating aspects of democracy: participation, deliberation and inclusion. The probes resulted in three productions presented at theatre institutions in Sweden. In Skapa Demokrati (Cr

https://www.thm.lu.se/en/calendar/disputation-jorgen-dahlqvist-dialogue-society-democratic-engagement-through-theatre - 2025-03-07


28 March 2025 13:00 to 17:00 | Thesis defence Foto: Hans Malm, for Dramaten Jörgen Dahlqvist’s doctoral project explores how theatre can contribute to democratic engagement. The starting point was artistic probes investigating aspects of democracy: participation, deliberation and inclusion. The probes resulted in three productions presented at theatre institutions in Sweden. In Skapa Demokrati (Cr

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/disputation-jorgen-dahlqvist-dialogue-society-democratic-engagement-through-theatre - 2025-03-07

2. Application periods and information meetings

Outgoing exchange students Exchange Studies during the academic year 2025-2026If you are looking for exchange studies opportunities during the 2025 autumn semester or the 2026 spring semester, please apply during our regular application periods:1 November – 15 November 20241 February – 15 February 2025All application rounds close at midnight.Make sure you send in your application through the datab

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/education/exchange-studies/outgoing-exchange-students/2-application-periods-and-information-meetings - 2025-03-07

CASE Scientific Sessions

CASE offers interdisciplinary seminars and workshops focused on ageing and supportive environments. CASE Scientific Sessions are primarily intended for researchers and the CASE User Board, but the sessions are also open to other researchers and staff from various sectors of society. The sessions are also open to the general public.Researchers from the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty o

https://www.case.lu.se/en/about-case/case-scientific-sessions - 2025-03-07

Human Rights Lunch Online: The Right to a Fair Trial – Historical Foundations

16 May 2025 12:15 to 13:00 | Public online seminar Human Rights Lunch Online is a digital seminar series where the profile area members present their latest projects and research. On the 16th of May we get to hear a presentation from Martin Sunnqvist, coordinator for the Advanced Study Group ”Oaths and Courts – from Forum to the Future” at Pufendorf Institute. Within the ASG ”Oaths and Courts – fr

https://www.humanrights.lu.se/calendar/human-rights-lunch-online-right-fair-trial-historical-foundations - 2025-03-07

Friday Cancer Centre Seminar Spring 2022(1)

Friday Cancer Centre Seminar Spring 2022(1) Friday Cancer Centre Seminar Spring 2022 Title Speaker 14-Jan 21-Jan 28-Jan Bladder cancer molecular subtypes - clinical translation Fredrik Liedberg 4-Feb Bröstcancer och biomarkörer - en Lundaprofessors tillbakablick och tankar om framtiden Mårten Fernö 11-Feb 18-Feb A dichotomous oncogenic role of the splicing factor SF3A3 in MYC-driven triple-negativ

https://www.lucc.lu.se/internal/sites/lucc.lu.se.internal/files/2022-04/Friday%20Cancer%20Centre%20Seminar%20Spring%202022(1).pdf - 2025-03-08

Friday Cancer Centre Seminar Fall 2022

Friday Cancer Centre Seminar Fall 2022 Friday Cancer Centre Seminar Fall 2022 kl 0815-0900 Title Speaker 2 September Boosting the therapeutic potential of engineered T cells through revamped synthetic circuits Axel Hyrenius Wittsten 9 September Using Immune Cell Reprogramming to Reinstate Anti-Cancer Immunity Fábio Fiúza Rosa 16 September OncoAlert and the (r)evolution of Digital Oncology Communic

https://www.lucc.lu.se/internal/sites/lucc.lu.se.internal/files/2022-08/Friday%20Cancer%20Centre%20Seminar%20Fall%202022.pdf - 2025-03-08

Schema MVES13 rev. 211227

Schema vårterminen 2022 Kurs: MVES13 Ett cirkulärt och biobaserat samhälle Kursansvarig: Helena Hanson Lokaler: Se Time Edit Litteratur: Enligt separat lista Studieteknik: Läs om studieverkstaden Studenträttigheter: Läs om dina rättigheter och skyldigheter som student Likabehandling: Läs Lunds Universitets likabehandlingsplan för studenter Pedagogiskt stöd: Läs om pedagogiskt stöd vid funktionshin

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/sites/cec.lu.se.sv/files/2021-12/Schema%20MVES13%20rev.%20211227.pdf - 2025-03-08

Styrelseprotokoll 200416

PROTOKOLL Sammanträdesdatum 2020-04-16 I (3) LUNDS UNIVERSITET 5amhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten Sociologiska institutionens styrelse Närvarande Ledamöter Äsa Lundqvist Olle Frödin Mimmi Barmark Tova Höjdestrand Barbara Schulte Anna Kallos Magnus Ring Håkan Bergqvist Ovriga Jan OlofNilsson Michelle Neese Mari Esfandyari PROTOKOLL Sammanträdesdatum 2020-04-16 Ordftirande LärarrepresentanlSOC Lärarre

https://www.soc.lu.se/internt/sites/soc.lu.se.internt/files/2020-12/styrelseprotokoll_200416.pdf - 2025-03-08

Digitala verktyg

Under din studietid kommer du att använda en rad digitala verktyg. Här presenterar vi några av de vanligaste på Lunds universitet, med länkar till guider och mer information. Klicka i menyn för att hitta just det verktyg du letar efter, eller se hela utbudet listat under Alla verktyg A–Ö. Teknisk support Kontakta LU Servicedesk om du behöver teknisk support i våra digitala verktyg.Mejl: servicedes

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/digitala-verktyg - 2025-03-07

Digital examination

Information about digital examination has been divided into Plan and Build and conduct assessment. Besides giving information specific to digital examination, here are also more general ideas regarding how you can think about examination. There is also some articles within the theme Digital examination, written by teachers who tell and reflect on their experiences. Plan your digital examinationThe

https://www.education.lu.se/en/digital-tools/digital-examination - 2025-03-07

LUBI landing page

LUBI seminar series autumn 2024 LUBI seminar series autumn 2024 17th of October, 12-13 (Segerfalkssalen). Chamseddine Kifagi, ActiveMotif: “Spike-In: A Universal normalization strategy for you assays (CUT&RUN, CUT&Tag and ATAC-Seq ) by Active Motif.”7th of November,10-11, Segerfalkssalen. Nikolay Oskolkov, NBIS: “Single cell omics integration"5th of December, 10-11, Segerfalkssalen. TBA Read more

https://www.lubi.lu.se/lubi-landing-page - 2025-03-07