

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3360 sökträffar

Welcome to the course Sociology: Master's (Two Years) Thesis in Welfare Policies and Management

Course code: WPMM42, 30 credits Study period: 20 January – 8 June 2025 Mandatory introductory meetingYou find the time and place for your introductory meeting by searching for the course code SOCM05 (!) in the schedule (you study together with students at the master thesis course SOCM05). Find schedule via TimeEdit.How to find the street address in TimeEdit: click on the address in the column for

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/welcome-letters-spring/welcome-course-sociology-masters-two-years-thesis-welfare-policies-and-management - 2025-03-07

Welcome to the course Sociology: Modern Classics

SOCN04, 15 credits Course period: 20 January – 21 March 2025 In this welcome letter you will find information about your introductory meeting, when and how to register for the course, where to find course literature and how to log in to Canvas, your learning platform.Mandatory introductory meetingYou find the time and place for your introductory meeting by searching for the course code (SOCN04) in

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/welcome-letters-spring/welcome-course-sociology-modern-classics - 2025-03-07

Welcome to the course Applied Cultural Criminology - Analysis, Organisation and Strategies

CCRN10, 15 credits Course period: 20 January – 21 March 2025 In this welcome letter you will find information about your introductory meeting, when and how to register for the course, where to find course literature and how to log in to Canvas, your learning platform.Mandatory introductory meetingYou find the time and place for your introductory meeting by searching for the course code (CCRN10) in

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/welcome-letters-spring/welcome-course-applied-cultural-criminology-analysis-organisation-and-strategies - 2025-03-07

Welcome to Social Anthropology: Theory and Method Course

Course code: SANN03 Course period: 2 September 2024 - 31 October 2024 Mandatory introductory meetingThe course starts with a mandatory introductory meeting.Time and place: 08:00, September 4 at G:a Kirurgen (House R) room 148Address: Sandgatan 13 A, LundYou also find the time and place for your introductory meeting by searching for the course code (SANN03) in the schedule. Find schedule via TimeEd

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/welcome-letters-autumn/welcome-social-anthropology-theory-and-method-course - 2025-03-07

Welcome to Social Anthropology: Ethnography in Social Science

Course code: SANN04 Course period: 1 november 2024 - 19 January 2025 Mandatory introductory meetingThe course starts with a mandatory introductory meeting.Time and place: 08:00, November 4, G:a Polikliniken (House M), room 128Address: Allhelgona Kyrkogata 18 C, LundYou also find the time and place for your introductory meeting by searching for the course code (SANN04) in the schedule. Find schedul

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/welcome-letters-autumn/welcome-social-anthropology-ethnography-social-science - 2025-03-07

Welcome to the Master's (Two years) Thesis course in Cultural Criminology

CCRM20 (Sociology), 30 credits, or CCRM21 (Social Anthropology), 30 credits Course period: 20 January – 8 June 2025 Mandatory introductory meetingYou find the time and place for your introductory meeting by searching for your course code (CCRM20/CCRM21) in the schedule. Find schedule via TimeEdit. How to find the street address in TimeEdit: click on the address in the column for Rooms; click on th

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/welcome-letters-spring/welcome-masters-two-years-thesis-course-cultural-criminology - 2025-03-07

Guidelines for the manuscript conference

At the dissertation manuscript conference, a more or less final thesis manuscript is discussed. If it is a monograph thesis, all chapters should be included and be sufficiently complete to give a clear idea of what the final product will look like. A compilation thesis should contain all articles (even if they have not yet been accepted for publication) and an introductory essay (”kappa”). The mai

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/internal/research-and-education/doctoral-studies/guidelines-manuscript-conference-0 - 2025-03-07

Guidelines for the manuscript conference

At the dissertation manuscript conference, a more or less final thesis manuscript is discussed. If it is a monograph thesis, all chapters should be included and be sufficiently complete to give a clear idea of what the final product will look like. A compilation thesis should contain all articles (even if they have not yet been accepted for publication) and an introductory essay (”kappa”). The mai

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/internal/research-and-education/doctoral-studies/guidelines-manuscript-conference - 2025-03-07

Statistics help

Struggling to design an experiment or make sense of your data? Can’t decide what analysis is best? Lost in the woods trying to get your model to run or interpret the results? Contact the Biology Statistics Help Service! We are a team of researchers, postdocs, and faculty members available to all at the Department of Biology for research-related statistical consultation. The Statistic service is fr

https://www.biology.lu.se/internal/support-and-tools/statistics-help - 2025-03-07

Forskningsgruppen Förvaltningsteori

Studera hur samhället styrs och organiseras Utifrån nyckelbegrepp som makt, demokrati, styrning, organisering och etik undersöker gruppens medlemmar olika politiska processer i svensk så väl som internationell offentlig förvaltning. Forskningsgruppen Förvaltningsteori (Public Administration Theory, PAT) organiserar olika former av seminarier och läsecirklar relaterade till pågående forskning vid i

https://www.svet.lu.se/forskning/forskningsgrupper/forskningsgruppen-forvaltningsteori - 2025-03-07

Program 2015 06 12

Microsoft PowerPoint - Abstract 5 volume.pptx Program for the symposium 2015 06 12 1 Start End Speaker Titel 09.00 - 09.10 Raimund Muscheler Opening and welcome Chair: Helena Alexandersson 09.10 - 09.30 George L. Jacobson, Stephen A. Norton and Eric C. Grimm Quaternary climate cycles influence movement of mercury in the environment 09.30 - 09.50 Dorthe Dahl-Jensen Greenland ice cores tell tales on

https://www.geology.lu.se/sites/geology.lu.se/files/program_2015_06_12.pdf - 2025-03-08

LU-gemensamt Mejlutskick Nr 39-2020-v49

NYTT FRÅN LUNDS UNIVERSITET Mejlutskick på svenska och engelska som vänder sig till fakultetskommunikatörer vid Lunds universitet för vidarespridning i fakultets- och institutionskanaler – Nr 39 v 49 - 2020. UNIVERSITETSGEMENSAMT Universitetskollegiet förordar Lena Eskilsson som nästa prorektor Efter en omröstning står det klart att Lena Eskilsson är den som universitetskollegiet rekommenderar som

https://www.cec.lu.se/sites/cec.lu.se/files/2021-01/LU-gemensamt%20Mejlutskick%20Nr%2039-2020-v49.pdf - 2025-03-08


Microsoft Word - Final statement GS Lund.docx Progamme evaluation of Master Programme in Global Studies, Master Programme in Development Studies and Master Programme in Social Studies of Gender: Statement from external expert group Assignment and external expert group The assignment of the external expert group (see composition below) has been to evaluate the Master Programme in Global Studies, Ma

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/sites/sam.lu.se.en.internal/files/2021-09/GS-Statement-expert-group-2021.pdf - 2025-03-08

Surviving Technological Change

Surviving Technological Change.pdf Surviving Technological Change: Towards More Coherent Regulation of Digital Creativity Through EU Copyright and Design Law The Centre for Business Law at Lund University (ACLU) invite you to the seminar A wave of disruptive technologies, in the form of technologies such as 3D printing technologies, 3D modeling and scanning technologies, and AI technology, are cha

https://www.aclu.lu.se/sites/aclu.lu.se/files/2023-04/Surviving%20Technological%20Change.pdf - 2025-03-08

LU-gemensamt Mejlutskick Nr 2-v 3-2021

NYTT FRÅN LUNDS UNIVERSITET Mejlutskick på svenska och engelska som vänder sig till fakultetskommunikatörer vid Lunds universitet för vidarespridning i fakultets- och institutionskanaler – Nr 2 v 3 - 2021. CORONARELATERAT Uppdaterat rektorsbeslut 18 januari: rådande restriktioner gäller tills vidare Rektorsbeslutet från 18 januari följer dessa restriktioner och gäller tills vidare för att ge verks

https://www.cec.lu.se/sites/cec.lu.se/files/2021-02/LU-gemensamt%20Mejlutskick%20Nr%202-v%203-2021.pdf - 2025-03-08