

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3989 sökträffar

Estimating Sparse Signals Using Integrated Wideband Dictionaries

In this paper, we introduce a wideband dictionary framework for estimating sparse signals. By formulating integrated dictionary elements spanning bands of the considered parameter space, one may efficiently find and discard large parts of the parameter space not active in the signal. After each iteration, the zero-valued parts of the dictionary may be discarded to allow a refined dictionary to be

A2030 monthly update 230310

Agenda 2030 Graduate School monthly newsletter #2 2023-03-10 Ylva van Meeningen Hi! You can almost sense the ground shaking. Spring is getting ready and all of the flowers and trees and birds are just waiting for that right moment to suddenly leap into action. But just as any typical early spring weather, you never know when it is going to be 10+ °C and sunny and when it is a complete snow storm.

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/sites/agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/files/2024-01/A2030_monthly%20update_230310.pdf - 2025-01-11

Final session schedule 0

Microsoft Word - Final session schedule.docx Schedule for the paper sessions and Keynotes All paper sessions and book/special issue launches are at the Department of Sociology – “Building G” Locations G101, G109, and G125 are on the ground floor; room G335 is on the 3rd floor. There is a lift and a level entrance on the north side of the building. Keynotes and closing session are in the auditorium

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2022-09/Final%20session%20schedule_0.pdf - 2025-01-11

Course-outline-COSB45 Social Movements in East and South-East Asia.docx (1)

Course-outline-COSB45: Social Movements in East and South-East Asia.docx COSB45: Social Movements in East and South-East Asia Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University Summer 2024 Online Period: 11 June – 11 August (7.5 credits) Course Director: Chontida Auikool (chontida.auikool@ace.lu.se) Gina Song Lopez (chih-lan.song@ace.lu.se) This course provides a comprehensive overview

https://www.ace.lu.se/sites/ace.lu.se/files/2024-05/Course-outline-COSB45_%20Social%20Movements%20in%20East%20and%20South-East%20Asia.docx%20(1).pdf - 2025-01-11

COSB45 course outline 2025

Course-outline-COSB45_ Social Movements in East and South-East Asia_20241218 COSB45: Social Movements in East and South-East Asia Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University Summer 2024 Online Period: 20 January - 19 February 2025 (7.5 credits) Course Director: Chontida Auikool (chontida.auikool@ace.lu.se) Gina Song Lopez (chih-lan.song@ace.lu.se) This course provides a comprehen

https://www.ace.lu.se/sites/ace.lu.se/files/2024-12/COSB45%20course%20outline%202025.pdf - 2025-01-11

Cosm10 course schedule 2020

COSM10 course schedule 2020 Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies COSM10 Asian Studies: Asian Studies, 6 credits Autumn semester 2020, 31 August – 23 September Course schedule Course information The course offers an introduction to critical, interdisciplinary Asian Studies, its historical origin, research history, and some cross-cutting issues in contemporary research. Included are also int

https://www.ace.lu.se/sites/ace.lu.se/files/cosm10_course_schedule_2020.pdf - 2025-01-11

Engage in your own learning

When the studies don’t require you to leave your home or to meet other students, it’s easy to become passive, to sign in a few minutes late to a session, to stop taking notes or to sleep in instead of going to the voluntary practice session. Nevertheless, learning is the result of effort. It’s possible, of course, to take in information by reading or listening to it, but if you want to learn somet

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/en/studying-digitally/engage-your-own-learning - 2025-01-11

Mental Health First Aid training course

Overview In this course, you will learn how to assist a peer PhD student, a colleague, or someone else near you who may be experiencing a mental health problem until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves, using a practical, evidence-based action plan. Program Design The Mental Health First Aid course will run as 4x3 hour modules. Participation during all four days is req

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/mental-health-first-aid-training-course - 2025-01-11

Teaching for Sustainability: Ideas on how to support transformative change

16 May 2024 10:30 to 12:00 | Seminar In the face of increasing conflict and uncertainty, there is a growing movement within and beyond the academy to assess the current assumptions underlying knowledge production and learning in higher education. In this seminar, we will reflect upon the role of the university to promote transformative change, and share specific examples that demonstrate possibili

https://www.sustainability.lu.se/calendar/teaching-sustainability-ideas-how-support-transformative-change - 2025-01-11

Generative AI and you: are you using GenAI tools in education?

30 januari 2025 12:30 till 13:30 | Övrigt This is an open session for anyone who is already using Generative AI tools in education as well as those who are interested in doing so but haven't yet started. Everyone is welcome; whilst it would be great if some of you would be prepared to share and discuss your experiences, you don't have to!  The session will be held in English, but if you would pref

https://www.education.lu.se/evenemang/generative-ai-and-you-are-you-using-genai-tools-education - 2025-01-09

Generative AI and you: are you using GenAI tools in education?

8 maj 2025 12:00 till 12:00 | Övrigt This is an open session for anyone who is already using Generative AI tools in education as well as those who are interested in doing so but haven't yet started. Please come prepared to share and discuss your experiences. Everyone is welcome, and it would be great if some of you would be prepared to share and discuss your experiences.. The session will be held

https://www.education.lu.se/evenemang/generative-ai-and-you-are-you-using-genai-tools-education-0 - 2025-01-09

Inaugural Workshop of the Lotus Project

9 januari 2025 14:00 till 10 januari 2025 13:15 | Seminarium The Lotus Project marks the centenary of the collision between the S.S. Lotus and the S.S. Bozkurt on 2 August 1926 and the subsequent case between France and Turkey before the Permanent Court of International Justice. The latest version of the workshop schedule can be accessed here. More information about the Lotus project can be found

https://www.jur.lu.se/evenemang/inaugural-workshop-lotus-project - 2025-01-09

Lotus Case Seminar: State Consent and Discretion

3 mars 2025 13:20 till 16:55 | Seminarium The Lotus Project marks the centenary of the collision between the S.S. Lotus and the S.S. Bozkurt on 2 August 1926 and the subsequent case between France and Turkey before the Permanent Court of International Justice. The latest version of the seminar schedule can be accessed here. More information about the Lotus project can be found here: https://lotus-

https://www.jur.lu.se/evenemang/lotus-case-seminar-state-consent-and-discretion - 2025-01-09

Lotus Case Seminar: Practical Implications

5 maj 2025 14:00 till 16:25 | Seminarium The Lotus Project marks the centenary of the collision between the S.S. Lotus and the S.S. Bozkurt on 2 August 1926 and the subsequent case between France and Turkey before the Permanent Court of International Justice. The latest version of the seminar schedule can be accessed here. More information about the Lotus project can be found here: https://lotus-1

https://www.jur.lu.se/evenemang/lotus-case-seminar-practical-implications - 2025-01-09

Lotus Case Seminar: The Law of War and International Criminal Law

1 september 2025 14:00 till 16:25 | Seminarium The Lotus Project marks the centenary of the collision between the S.S. Lotus and the S.S. Bozkurt on 2 August 1926 and the subsequent case between France and Turkey before the Permanent Court of International Justice. The latest version of the seminar schedule can be accessed here. More information about the Lotus project can be found here: https://l

https://www.jur.lu.se/evenemang/lotus-case-seminar-law-war-and-international-criminal-law - 2025-01-09

Lotus Case Seminar: (Cyber)Space and Lotus

6 oktober 2025 14:00 till 16:25 | Seminarium The Lotus Project marks the centenary of the collision between the S.S. Lotus and the S.S. Bozkurt on 2 August 1926 and the subsequent case between France and Turkey before the Permanent Court of International Justice. The latest version of the seminar schedule can be accessed here. More information about the Lotus project can be found here: https://lot

https://www.jur.lu.se/evenemang/lotus-case-seminar-cyberspace-and-lotus - 2025-01-09

Lotus Case Seminar: The (After)Life of Lotus

3 november 2025 14:00 till 16:25 | Seminarium The Lotus Project marks the centenary of the collision between the S.S. Lotus and the S.S. Bozkurt on 2 August 1926 and the subsequent case between France and Turkey before the Permanent Court of International Justice. The latest version of the seminar schedule can be accessed here. More information about the Lotus project can be found here: https://lo

https://www.jur.lu.se/evenemang/lotus-case-seminar-afterlife-lotus - 2025-01-09

Lotus Case Seminar: Legacy

1 december 2025 14:00 till 16:45 | Seminarium The Lotus Project marks the centenary of the collision between the S.S. Lotus and the S.S. Bozkurt on 2 August 1926 and the subsequent case between France and Turkey before the Permanent Court of International Justice. The latest version of the seminar schedule can be accessed here. More information about the Lotus project can be found here: https://lo

https://www.jur.lu.se/evenemang/lotus-case-seminar-legacy - 2025-01-09

Anmälan till föreläsningen "Övervakning av pollinatörer - varför, var, och hur?"

Foto:Theresia Widhalm Dagens talare är Lars Pettersson, docent i zooekologi vid Biologiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet och samordnare för Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning sedan starten 2010. Seminariet ingår i föreläsningsserien "Att gynna vilda pollinatörer - vad säger forskningen?", som samarrangeras av Länsstyrelsen Skåne och Lunds universitet (genom samverkansinitiativet LU Land, Centrum f

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/formular/anmalan-till-forelasningen-overvakning-av-pollinatorer-varfor-var-och-hur - 2025-01-09

Studievägledare och kursadministratörer vid Institionen för handelsrätt

Institutionen för handelsrätt erbjuder studievägledning på grund- och avancerad nivå. Du behöver inte vara student hos oss för att kontakta vår studievägledning. Om du har frågor gällande någon av våra kurser eller funderar på att studera mot en kandidatexamen i handelsrätt är det hit du ska vända dig. Studievägledningen kan exempelvis hjälpa till med: Vägledning inför ansökanLägga upp en individu

https://www.ehl.lu.se/organisation/institutionen-handelsratt/studera-handelsratt/studievagledare-och-kursadministratorer-vid-institionen-handelsratt - 2025-01-09