

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3572 sökträffar

Student counselling

Our study advisors can help you when you encounter problems, or want advice about your studies Tips and answers on our study advisors' Canvas page! Here you will find information about: Academic Advice at the Department of Political Studies, Academic Advice and Contact, Announcements for Internships, Scholarships, Stipends and Traineeships.Look here first and if you do not find what you are lookin

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/education/information-about-your-studies/student-counselling - 2025-03-08

No title

Årsberättelse för Nationella forskarskolan i historiska studier verksamhetsåret 2020–2021 Administration Ledningsgrupp Forskarskolans ledningsgrupp har haft följande sammansättning under läsåret: Verksamhetsansvarig var Hanne Sanders (30%). Administratör var Barbro Bergner (50%) fram till 2020-12-31 (med timanställning under januari 2021) och Ariadne Fioretos (50-70%) från 2021-01-15. Bitr. studie

https://www.hist.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/forskarskolan_hist/AArsberaettelse_20-21.pdf - 2025-03-09

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | maj 2021 Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | maj 2021 Publicerad den 15 maj 2021 Foto: Couleur Här kommer maj månads nyhetsbrev. Som vanligt hittar ni våra nyinköpta böcker och månadens e-resurs, som denna månad är Sage Research Methods (SRM). Vi vill även tipsa om våra workshops för studenter och forskare! For information in English, please contact us. Innehållsför

https://www.htbibl.lu.se/article/meddelanden-fraan-ht-biblioteken-maj-2021/ - 2025-03-09

Geor02 course analysis 2020

1 Course evaluation and analysis GEOR02 Geology Master’s Degree Project, 45 hp November 2020 This course analysis was conducted in mid-October 2020, about 15 months after the previous one. A link to the questionnaire has been sent by the library to every student who has completed the LUP (Lund University Publications) web publication procedure at the end of their respective course periods. Twenty-

https://www.geology.lu.se/sites/geology.lu.se/files/geor02_course_analysis_2020.pdf - 2025-03-09

Robotics and Semantic Systems

Robotics and Semantic Systems | Robotics and Semantic Systems LTH Computer Science Search Robotics and Semantic Systems Computer Science | LTH | Lund University Research Education Publications People About Welcome to Robotics and Semantic Systems Research Kuka IIWA Dual-Arm robotic System YuMi Robot Engine assembly at PSA Dual Kuka IIWA system for engine assembly at PSA Matthias Mayr presenting th

https://rss.cs.lth.se/browse/1/news/article/completion-of-our-eu-project-scalable-40/open-positions/news/article/welcome-ayesha/news/article/svtse-robothunden-buster-hjaelper-till-paa-bygge/ - 2025-01-28

Robotics and Semantic Systems

Robotics and Semantic Systems | Robotics and Semantic Systems LTH Computer Science Search Robotics and Semantic Systems Computer Science | LTH | Lund University Research Education Publications People About Welcome to Robotics and Semantic Systems Research Kuka IIWA Dual-Arm robotic System YuMi Robot Engine assembly at PSA Dual Kuka IIWA system for engine assembly at PSA Matthias Mayr presenting th

https://rss.cs.lth.se/browse/3/browse/1/news/article/new-projects-from-elliit-with-two-phd-students/news/article/svtse-robothunden-buster-hjaelper-till-paa-bygge/news/article/welcome-ayesha/ - 2025-01-28

Robotics and Semantic Systems

Robotics and Semantic Systems | Robotics and Semantic Systems LTH Computer Science Search Robotics and Semantic Systems Computer Science | LTH | Lund University Research Education Publications People About Welcome to Robotics and Semantic Systems Research Kuka IIWA Dual-Arm robotic System YuMi Robot Engine assembly at PSA Dual Kuka IIWA system for engine assembly at PSA Matthias Mayr presenting th

https://rss.cs.lth.se/browse/1/news/article/rss-rs-9-luigi-nardi-presenting/events/news/article/welcome-ayesha/ - 2025-01-28

La Petite Ceinture, Back on track

La Petite Ceinture is a mysterious abandoned rail line at the heart of Paris. Once a major connector between the different train stations of the French capital, it now quietly rests hidden, as one of Paris’ long forgotten green corridors. In 2006, a joint collaboration between the elected representatives and the train company tried to come up with a plan to open it up for the public to enjoy. Th

Design of control system for UAV-based video recording and tracking

The core objective of this project was to design a controller for a drone (or quadcopter) that would allow the drone to keep a target in the center of a video filmed by a camera mounted on the drone. This was done by controlling the pitch of the gimbal, on which the camera was placed, and the yaw of the entire drone combined with using an image recognition program that could identify the target. F

Book Launch: Modern Women Artists in the Nordic Countries, 1900-1960

Book Launch: Modern Women Artists in the Nordic Countries, 1900-1960 Book Launch: Modern Women Artists in the Nordic Countries, 1900-1960 Published 7 April 2021 This transnational volume examines innovative women artists who were from, or worked in, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sápmi, and Sweden from the emergence of modernism until the feminist movement took shape in the 1960s. T

https://www.css.lu.se/article/book-launch-modern-women-artists-in-the-nordic-countries-1900-1960/ - 2025-03-09

From molecule to man : Integrating molecular biology with whole organ physiology in studying respiratory disease

Chronic lung diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) are all characterized by structural changes of the airways and/or lungs that limit airflow and/or gas exchange. Currently, there is no therapy available that adequately targets the structural remodeling of the airways and lungs in these diseases. This underscores the great ne

Nordics in Motion : Transimperial Mobilities and Global Experiences of Nordic Colonialism

This special issue investigates Nordic individuals in transimperial spaces. It tracks Nordics on the move from the early modern period to the twentieth century, as they crossed imperial boundaries, and connected, networked, and operated in different spaces around the world within the framework of European global expansion. Though coming from countries with few or no formal colonies of their own, N

Information Exchange within the area of tool design and sheet-metal-forming simulations

Today, shortened lead-times in the automotive industry have raised requirements on rapid information exchange. The increased use and access to the Internet have created possibilities to transfer information to people independent of location. This development, together with the increased speed in the portable computer technology, has opened possibilities for bringing results from sheet-metal-formin

CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universi

CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) | Centre for Languages and Literature 6 Feb CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) 6 February 2025 15:15 to 17:00 Seminar In this seminar presented on a link from Columba, our PhD in cogn

https://www.sol.lu.se/en/the-department/calendar/event/cogsem-seminar-enhanced-agency-and-visual-thinking-design-juan-mendoza-collazos-universidad-nacional/ - 2025-02-07

CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universi

CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 6 feb CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) 6 februari 2025 15:15 till 17:00 Seminarium In this seminar presented on a link from Columba, our PhD in cognit

https://www.sol.lu.se/institutionen/kalendarium/evenemang/cogsem-seminar-enhanced-agency-and-visual-thinking-design-juan-mendoza-collazos-universidad-nacional/ - 2025-02-07

Dietisten om matdagböckena: ”Jag är jätteimponerad”

Som dietist i Precise- och Grain-studierna ger Emelie Ericson-Hallström deltagarna råd om hur man äter glutenfritt eller glutenreducerad kost. Matdagböckerna som de fyller i hjälper hon sedan till att näringsberäkna genom att omvandla mängden mat från bilder och figurer till kolhydrater, fett och proteiner. Antalet matdagböcker som Emelie Ericson-Hallström och hennes kollegor har att näringsberäkn

https://www.gppad.lu.se/dietisten-om-matdagbockena-jag-ar-jatteimponerad - 2025-03-07


TimeEdit är ett schemaläggningsverktyg som används nästan överallt på Lunds universitet. Som student kan du ha stött på verktyget när du har letat efter rätt tid eller sal för olika undervisningsmoment på din utbildning. På en del kurser finns TimeEdit integrerat i kursytan i Canvas och då är det inte ens säkert att du vet att du använder verktyget eftersom du ser schemat direkt i Canvas. Men det

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/digitala-verktyg/timeedit - 2025-03-07