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Drop-in workshop: ask anything about Zoom!
Drop-in workshop: ask anything about Zoom!
Drop-in workshop: ask anything about Zoom!
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Schedule SGED11 Fall 2021 zoom
Schedule SGED11 Fall 2021 zoom
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Berlin 1945: undergång och pånyttfödelse
About the film Der Untergang.
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June 2021 master seminars
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1-5 Schedule-GEOM08-2021 2021-03-08
Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-03-08 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: name.surname@geol.lu.se Guest lecturer Bedrock quality: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest lecture C
https://www.geology.lu.se/sites/geology.lu.se/files/2021-03/1-5_Schedule-GEOM08-2021_2021-03-08.pdf - 2024-12-31
Course Activity Document MIDM58
GEOM08 Schedule--2021 2021-03-15
Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-03-15 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: name.surname@geol.lu.se Guest lecturer Bedrock quality: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest lecture C
https://www.geology.lu.se/sites/geology.lu.se/files/2021-03/GEOM08_Schedule--2021_2021-03-15.pdf - 2024-12-31