

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3831 sökträffar

Freedom of Thought, Manipulation and the EU AI Act

3 December 2024 12:15 to 13:15 | Seminar In this event, part of the  EU Law Discussion Group Seminar Series Autumn 2024, Sue Anne Teo (Raoul Wallenberg Institute) will present on the topic 'Freedom of Thought, Manipulation and the EU AI Act'The seminar starts at 12.15, respecting an academic quarter, and involves 20-30 minutes of presentation, followed by 15-30 minutes of discussion. For those int

https://www.law.lu.se/calendar/freedom-thought-manipulation-and-eu-ai-act - 2025-03-27

Legal Analysis of the Finnish Pharmaceutical Reimbursement Scheme

6 February 2025 15:00 to 16:30 | Seminar Health Law Research Centre invites you to a seminar on the topic: Legal Analysis of the Finnish Pharmaceutical Reimbursement Scheme Join us for an engaging seminar with Waltter Roslin, where he shares his work on pharmaceutical reimbursement systems in Finland. In his doctoral research, Waltter explores the differences between reimbursement schemes for outp

https://www.law.lu.se/calendar/legal-analysis-finnish-pharmaceutical-reimbursement-scheme - 2025-03-27

LU Land lecture series on functional landscapes: multi-functional forests

27 November 2024 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk Forests provide a range of important values, including as a habitat for plants and animals, for the production of timber, pulp and renewable energy, as a place for recreation and as a carbon sink. These values are not always compatible, and therefore trade-offs are required. This lecture will discuss how we can achieve a forestry that provides multi-f

https://www.sustainability.lu.se/calendar/lu-land-lecture-series-functional-landscapes-multi-functional-forests - 2025-03-27

LU Land lecture series on functional landscapes: multi-functional forests

27 November 2024 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk Forests provide a range of important values, including as a habitat for plants and animals, for the production of timber, pulp and renewable energy, as a place for recreation and as a carbon sink. These values are not always compatible, and therefore trade-offs are required. This lecture will discuss how we can achieve a forestry that provides multi-f

https://www.cec.lu.se/calendar/lu-land-lecture-series-functional-landscapes-multi-functional-forests - 2025-03-27

LU Land breakfast seminar on sustainable land use: Is there enough land for climate action, biodiversity and other societal needs?

5 March 2025 08:30 to 09:30 | Seminar Skogsplantering på tidigare betes- och åkermark. Fotograf: Josefin Winberg To combat climate change and biodiversity loss, sustainable land use is a key issue. Is there enough land to sequester carbon, produce more green energy, and at the same time preserve biodiversity and the services that ecosystems provide to local populations? Welcome to this breakfast s

https://www.cec.lu.se/calendar/lu-land-breakfast-seminar-sustainable-land-use-there-enough-land-climate-action-biodiversity-and - 2025-03-27

Study guidance in economic history

Academic advisor and programme coordinatorContact your academic advisor or the programme coordinator when you need any kind of guidance regarding your study, for example, if you have questions about your education, if you want to know more about admission and degrees, if you have fallen behind with your studies, if you want to credit courses from other universities and colleges or are considering

https://www.lusem.lu.se/organisation/department-economic-history/study-economic-history/study-guidance-economic-history - 2025-03-27

Internet connections

There are several ways for students to connect to the internet and access the resources offered by Lund University. Wireless networkYou can access internet through the wireless network Eduroam. Log in to Eduroam with your student account username (adding '@lu.se' at the end) and your student account password.For example, if your student account username is pe3584ha-s, your user ID for Eduroam will

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/current-students/student-services-and-support/it-resources-and-assistance/internet-connections - 2025-03-27

Transcript of records from Ladok

View details of your studies in Ladok Ladok is a national student record system. In Ladok you can register for courses and view your grades and your study results. You can also generate an official transcript of records. If you are a current student at Lund University, you can view your academic details and results in Ladok and you can use the system to generate and print out a transcript of recor

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/current-students/student-services-and-support/grades-credits-and-certificates/transcript-records-ladok - 2025-03-27

Establish self-discipline in the home office

As a student, you work a lot from home, and this requires discipline. It’s important to make work and free time feel like two separate activities, even if they both take place in the home, and this requires a little bit of imagination. Here are five steps to a functional work-from-home day. Pretend to go to work Get ready in the morning the same way you would if you were attending a lecture or goi

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/en/studying-digitally/establish-self-discipline-home-office - 2025-03-27


A range of software, including specialist subject software, is available to Lund University students to support you with your studies. This for example includes software from Microsoft, including different versions of Windows. Note that you can download the software below using your student account consisting of your username followed by @lu.se (for example ab1234xy-s [at] lu [dot] se) and your pa

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/current-students/student-services-and-support/it-resources-and-assistance/software - 2025-03-27

Earth Trusteeship Right Livelihood Lund Dialogue 2024 with Mr Nnimmo Bassey

6 May 2024 14:00 to 16:30 | Seminar Mr Nnimmo Bassey, from Nigeria, is the recipient of the Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Award 2024. This year, the dialogue will feature, Mr Nnimmo Bassey, from Nigeria, Times Heroes of the Environment, 2009, Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 2010, and recipient of the Raoul Wallenberg Legacy Award 2024. It is held at LUCSUS which is a Right Livelihood College’s Campus.

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/calendar/earth-trusteeship-right-livelihood-lund-dialogue-2024-mr-nnimmo-bassey - 2025-03-27

I dialog för psykisk hälsa

BakgrundVi söker just nu deltagare till en intervjustudie studie för att ta reda på hur det är att söka och få vård för sin psykiska ohälsa inom primärvården. Med primärvården menar vi elevhälsa, vårdcentral och kommunal hemsjukvård. Vi vill med din hjälp att vården ska bli ännu bättre på psykisk hälsa. Är du över 16 år och vill dela med dig av dina erfarenheter? Då är du välkommen att anmäla ditt

https://www.cepi.lu.se/forskning-0/forskningsprojekt/i-dialog-psykisk-halsa - 2025-03-27

Seminarium med Ole Birk Laursen: "Anarki eller kaos - M.P.T. Acharya och den indiska kampen för frihet"

15 februari 2024 12:00 till 13:30 | Seminarium Ett öppet seminarium med forskare Ole Birk Laursen, författare till den nylanserade biografin Anarchy or Chaos. Seminariet och biografin handlar om M.P.T. Acharya - Indiens framstående anti-koloniala anarkist under 1900-talet. Det här seminariet är på engelska. Mer info nedan.Join us for this SASNET lunch seminar with Ole Birk Laursen, the author of t

https://www.svet.lu.se/evenemang/seminarium-med-ole-birk-laursen-anarki-eller-kaos-mpt-acharya-och-den-indiska-kampen-frihet - 2025-03-27

LU Land lecture series on functional landscapes: Rewilding as a way to benefit both climate and biodiversity

28 August 2024 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk Rewilding is sometimes promoted as a way to restore natural ecosystems and increase biodiversity. Rewilding also favours certain, often larger, animal species that play a key role in ecosystems - which has now also been shown to help combat climate change. Welcome to this LU Land lecture with Jeppe A. Kristensen, Senior Lecturer at Aarhus University in

https://www.becc.lu.se/calendar/lu-land-lecture-series-functional-landscapes-rewilding-way-benefit-both-climate-and-biodiversity - 2025-03-27


Mentimeter is the digital tool for increasing engagement and interactivity with participants at lectures, meetings and events. This is how Mentimeter works Mentimeter is a web-based tool for creating interactive presentations and surveys where participants can vote on different options or enter their own answers. It is a quick and easy way to create engagement with the participants and works just

https://www.education.lu.se/en/tools/mentimeter - 2025-03-27

Exploring the use of GAI tools to support class preparation – webinar

4 March 2024 14:00 to 15:00 | Webinar This is an introduction to the use of GAI tools. You will get the chance to try things out, compare your outputs with those of others, and ask questions, particularly about the use of GAI tools in higher education. Are there any possible uses of GAI tools to support you in preparing class materials? We will look at the pedagogical, practical and ethical aspect

https://www.education.lu.se/en/calendar/exploring-use-gai-tools-support-class-preparation-webinar-mar-4 - 2025-03-27

Rules and regulations for LUSEM online courses

Each student has to ensure access to stable and good computer-based internet connection. This is mandatory since teaching will be carried out by streamed videos, online live broadcasting, seminar participation etc. It is crucial to have a stable and fully functioning computer-based internet connection.Online teaching requires access to fully functioning microphones and fully functioning cameras. L

https://www.lusem.lu.se/study/student-web/rules-and-regulations/rules-and-regulations-lusem-online-courses - 2025-03-27