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Future stratospheric ozone depletion will affect a subarctic dwarf shrub ecosystem

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det stratosfäriska ozonlagret håller på att förtunnas och detta kommer att leda till att mer skadlig ultraviolett-B (UV-B) strålning når ner till biosfären. För att undersöka hur detta påverkar ett subarktiskt hedekosystem har vi bestrålat ett sådant med extra UV-B strålning motsvarande 15 % ozonförtunning. Studierna har utförts på en dvärgbuskhed vid Abisko NaturvetensThe stratospheric ozone depletion and the concomitant increase in ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280-320 nm) radiation is of global concern due to the effects of UV-B on living organisms. To investigate the effects of increased levels of UV-B, a field irradiation system was established at a subarctic dwarf shrub heath in Northern Sweden (68 °N). An ozone depletion of 15 % under clear sky conditions was simu

Quinone reduction sites and the role of heme in succinate:quinone reductase. Studies in Bacillus subtilis and Paracoccus denitrificans

Succinate:quinone reductase (SQR) is an enzyme in the respiratory system of aerobic cells. SQR catalyzes two reactions, the oxidation of succinate to fumarate and the reduction of quinone to quinol. These reactions are coupled by electron transfer within the enzyme from the site of succinate oxidation to the site of quinone reduction. Some enzymes reduce ubiquinone (exergonic reaction) whereas oth

Magic, Culture and The New Economy

What happens when economies 'heat up'? This book looks at the 1990s, years of intense economic experimentation, when buzz words such as 'network society', 'the experience economy', 'creative cities' and 'glocalization' were everywhere. A fascinating perspective on 'The New Economy' emerges as the authors explore the worlds of coolhunters, biotech brokers, career coaches, software entrepreneurs and

The Role of the Disciples in the Prophetic Mission of Jesus

This article discusses what it meant for Jesus’ disciples to be disciples of a prophet and, consequently, what the presence of such prophet-disciples can tell us about his mission. This is done by situating the Gospel material about Jesus’ disciples in the context of early Jewish conceptions of prophetic discipleship, ultimately based on the Old Testament narratives about ancient Israelite prophet

Inflammatory Response in Peripheral Arterial Disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Perifer kärlsjukdom (peripheral arterial disease) innebär ett tillstånd med nedsatt blodcirkulation i benen som huvudsakligen beror på åderförkalkning (ateroskleros). De kliniska manifestationerna av perifer kärlsjukdom är fönstertittarsjuka (claudicatio intermittens) och svår cirkulationsnedsättning (kritisk ischemi) beroende på om blodcirkulationen är otillräcklig vidPeripheral arterial disease (PAD) is the manifestation of atherosclerotic lesions in arteries supplying blood to the legs. Atherosclerosis is now recognized as an inflammatory disease of the vessel wall and important features in the pathophysiology are activation of WBC, endothelial cells and increased levels of inflammatory mediators. The inflammatory response in PAD is further influenced in case