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Your search for "*" yielded 531958 hits

Agenda arkeologi : upplysning, terapi eller moral

A discussion of motivations for doing archaeology. In the present there is a conflict between three different perspectives: Enlightment, teraphy and morale. The three perspectives go back to the Antique philosophical concepts of the truth, the beauty and the good, correlating to epistemology, estetics and ethics.

Implementation of accessibility policy in municipal transport planning : Progression and regression in Sweden between 2004 and 2014

Practitioners and transport planners should be aware of the different policies in transport planning and laws and regulations in relation to them. Nevertheless, research has shown that implementation of transport policies, whatever their focus may be, does not always result in them being employed in the daily transport planning. In Sweden, accessibility policy has a long tradition but gained incre

Factors effecting the Decision to Continue Working or Retire Early

In most of the industrial world the fractions of older people continuously increase (OECD, 2011). The upcoming demographic change is described as a threat to societal service. Many societies have to motivate people to work until an older age to increase the number of working hours in the economy (Eurostat, 2010). Factors important to whether older workers extend their working life are complex, mul

Employers' attitudes toward older workers and a sustainable working life in a public geriatric care and in private building and manufacturing companies, in Sweden

Abstract/Introduction:In most of the industrialized world, the proportion of older and retired people in the population is increasing.The active working part of the population must in a short future fund the not working and ageing population.There is research going on in Scandinavia to obtain knowledge about older workers’ work and life situationin association with their planning and decision to r

Established French loanwords in Sango - A pilot study

This study is an initial attempt to describe the established French loanwords in the lingua franca Sango, which is the main language spoken in the Central African Republic (CAR). It is a second language for the majority of the population of 3 million people for whom a great number of vernaculars serve as first languages. French loanwords in Sango are prompted by the contact between Sango and Frenc

Fourier meets Möbius: fast subset convolution

We present a fast algorithm for the subset convolution problem:given functions f and g defined on the lattice of subsets of ann-element set n, compute their subset convolution f*g, defined for S⊆ N by [ (f * g)(S) = [T ⊆ S] f(T) g(S/T),,]where addition and multiplication is carried out in an arbitrary ring. Via Möbius transform and inversion, our algorithm evaluates the subset convolution in O(n2

Homogenization of a dielectric mixture with anisotropic spheres in anisotropic background

This paper treats the problem of calculating the macroscopic effective properties of dielectric mixtures where both the inclusions and the background medium can be anisotropic. For this homogenization process, the Maxwell Garnett -type approach is used where the inclusions are assumed to be spherical and embedded in a homogeneous background medium. The anisotropy of the background medium has to be

Dynamic Properties of Feedback Control of Human Posture in Subjects with Vestibular Neuritis

Postural control was studied in 22 subjects with vestibular neruitis within 14 days after the onset of symptoms. Dynamic feed back control of posture were evaluated by analyzing the postural responses to vibration toward calf muscles applied according to a PRBS schedule. Properties of the dynamic control was normalized as swiftness, stiffness and damping of the responses. There was no prominent gr

On the importance of farmland as stopover habitat for migrating birds

Agricultural intensification has led to dramatic population declines among many farmland bird species. Negative effects of intensive farming in terms of decreased local habitat quality or structural simplification of farmland landscapes have reduced both reproductive outcome and winter survival of many species. Studies investigating agricultural effects on migrating birds using farmland as stopove

Modelling of Laminar Mixing in Static Mixers

The chemical process industry uses the mixing unit operation for several applications in which a defined degree of homogeneity is desired. The mixing process can be performed under laminar, transitional or turbulent flow conditions and there are several types of equipment available for this purpose; the static mixer being one of them. It is important to optimize the system being used regardless of

Det fackliga medlemsraset i Sverige oktober 2006 - oktober 2007: en första översikt

Den fackliga organisationsgradens utveckling i Sverige mellan oktober 2006 och oktober 2007 redovisas. Under denna 12-månadersperiod föll andelen fackligt anslutna löntagare med drygt fyra procentenheter. Om man avrundar till heltal rör det sig om ett medlemsras på hela fem procentenheter, från 77 till 72 procent fackanslutna. Det är den största fackliga nedgången under loppet av ett enda år i Sve