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Circuit-level analyses of cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic networks. Effects of dopamine dysregulation and experience dependent plasticity.
The cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic (CBT) circuit is thought to be involved in control of voluntary and goal-directed movements and action selection. Dopamine is known to play a crucial role in this circuit and regulating its activity. The important role of dopamine is particularly evident in Parkinson’s patients, where dopaminergic cells are dying and motor impairments follow. While dopamine repla
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Chain conformation and intermolecular interaction of partially neutralized poly(acrylic acid) in dilute aqueous solutions
The isoionic dilution method was used to measure the intrinsic viscosity, [η], and the Huggins coefficient, K(H), of two poly(acrylic acid) samples, 50% neutralized with NaOH, with molecular weights 5.0 x 103 (Na50PA5) and 4.8 x 104 (Na50PA48) at different ionic strengths. For Na50PA5 at low ionic strength, [η] is higher than the value predicted by a rigid-rod model. Assuming that the chain has re
Sense-Antisense lncRNA Pair Encoded by Locus 6p22.3 Determines Neuroblastoma Susceptibility via the USP36-CHD7-SOX9 Regulatory Axis
Trait-associated loci often map to genomic regions encoding long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), but the role of these lncRNAs in disease etiology is largely unexplored. We show that a pair of sense/antisense lncRNA (6p22lncRNAs) encoded by CASC15 and NBAT1 located at the neuroblastoma (NB) risk-associated 6p22.3 locus are tumor suppressors and show reduced expression in high-risk NBs. Loss of functiona
Ebba Brahe
Bridging the contradictions of social constructionism and psychoanalysis in a study of workplace emotions in India
This paper makes a contribution to the study of emotions in organizations by offering a systematic juxtaposition and cross-fertilization of psychoanalytic and social constructionist approaches. These two traditions have found it hard to communicate in the past when addressing organizational emotions. Points of similarity and tension between them are discussed in connection with two critical case s
Gendered land rights and access to land in countries experiencing declining farm size : Agrifose 2030 Report 6
Biological wound matrices with native dermis-like collagen efficiently modulate protease activity
Objective: When the delicate balance between catabolic and anabolic processes is disturbed for any reason, the healing process can stall, resulting in chronic wounds. In chronic wound pathophysiology, proteolytic imbalance is implicated due to elevated protease levels mediating tissue damage. Hence, it is important to design appropriate wound treatments able to control and modulate protease activi
Reducing health inequalities with interventions targeting behavioral factors among individuals with low levels of education - A rapid review
Individuals with low levels of education systematically have worse health than those with medium or high levels of education. Yet there are few examples of attempts to summarize the evidence supporting the efficacy of interventions targeting health-related behavior among individuals with low education levels, and a large part of the literature is descriptive rather than analytical. A rapid review
Fluorine in the solar neighborhood : Chemical evolution models
Context. In light of new observational data related to fluorine abundances in solar neighborhood stars, we present chemical evolution models testing various fluorine nucleosynthesis prescriptions with the aim to best fit those new data. Aim. We consider chemical evolution models in the solar neighborhood testing various nucleosynthesis prescriptions for fluorine production with the aim of reproduc
A Swedish national adoption study of risk of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Objectives: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) clusters in families, but the familial risk of IBS has not been determined in adoptees. Studying adoptees and their biological and adoptive parents is a strong study design for separating genetic from environmental causes of familial clustering. This nationwide study aimed to separate the biological (genetic) and familial environmental contribution to the
Epidemiology of Irritable Bowel Syndrome - hereditary and non-hereditary factors
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Denne korte artikkelen tar for seg preverbale adverbialer, det vil si adverbialer som kan stå mellom det initiale leddet og det finitte verbet i setninger som i utgangspunktet skulle ha det finitte verbet på andre plass. Disse adverbialene modifiserer den proposisjonelle kjernen i utsagnet, noe som viser seg i at når et slikt adverbial står preverbalt, kan elementer som ikke inngår i den proposisjDenne korte artikkelen tar for seg preverbale adverbialer, det vil si adverbialer som kan stå mellom det initiale leddet og det finitte verbet i setninger som i ut-gangspunktet skulle ha det finitte verbet på andre plass. Disse adverbialene modifiserer den proposisjonelle kjernen i utsagnet, noe som viser seg i at når et slikt adverbial står preverbalt, kan elementer som ikke inngår i den proposi-
High levels of mitochondrial DNA are associated with adolescent brain structural hypoconnectivity and increased anxiety but not depression
Background: Adolescent anxiety and depression are highly prevalent psychiatric disorders that are associated with altered molecular and neurocircuit profiles. Recently, increased mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNA-cn) has been found to be associated with several psychopathologies in adults, especially anxiety and depression. The associations between mtDNA-cn and anxiety and depression have not,
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The Solution Structures of Mutant Calbindin D9k's, As Determined by NMR, Show That the Calcium-Binding Site Can Adopt Different Folds
The complete 1H NMR assignments have been obtained for five mutant proteins of calbindin D9k and the three-dimensional solution structures determined for two of the mutants. The structures have been determined using distance geometry and simulated annealing, with distance constraints from NMR. All mutants have modifications in the first calcium-binding site of calbindin (the N-terminal site design