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Fordon för fatalister
An Inquiry into Meno’s Dilemma
Knowledge may be treated analogous to evolutionary processes. This view of knowledge has certain advantages compared to more traditional views. In particular, it allows the knowledge to be extended without the involvement of a separate agent. This means, in turn, that the problem of knowledge acquisition, known as Meno’s dilemma, is avoided. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how an evolution
Demonstration of correlation between physical and clinical image quality measures in chest and lumbar spine radiography
Clinical and physical assessments of image quality are compared and the correlation between the two derived. Clinical assessment has been made by a group of expert radiologists who evaluated the fulfillment of the European Image Criteria for chest and lumbar spine radiography; yielding the so-called Image Criteria Score, ICS. Physical measures of image quality were calculated using a Monte Carlo m
Do better IR tools improve the accuracy of engineers’ traceability recovery?
Large-scale software development generates an ever-growing amount of information. Multiple research groups have proposed using approaches from the domain of information retrieval (IR) to recover traceability. Several enhancement strategies have been initially explored using the laboratory model of IR evaluation for performance assessment. We conducted a pilot experiment using printed candidate lis
Djuren och den förkristna människans föreställningar om kosmos
Neuropeptide Y - aspects of vasomotorresponses and receptor characterization
Popular Abstract in Swedish Autonoma nervsystemet är den delen av nervsystemet som vi inte kan styra viljemässigt och som reglerar organismens grundläggande livsprocesser som andning, matsmältning, ämnesomsättning och blodcirkulation. Autonoma nervsystemet förser praktiskt taget alla inre organ med nerver. Det indelas i en sympatisk och en parasympatisk del med i huvudsak motsatta effekter på kropAbstract The aims of the present thesis were to examine neuropeptide Y (NPY) responses in different human and guinea pig vascular beds and in cultured human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and to characterize, with different NPY agonists and the specific NPY Y1 receptor antagonist (BIBP3226), the NPY receptors involved. NPY-induced strong and potent contractions in human cerebral and subcutan
Linear Quadratic Performance Criteria for Cascade Control
In this paper we consider the problem of linear quadratic regulator (LQR) performance for cascade control structures of series coupled systems. The necessary and sufficient condition for the linear quadratic performance of a cascade control structure to achieve the same performance as any given centralized LQR is obtained. The cascade problem could be seen as a special case of the network control
Vad skiljer människans sätt att tänka från de andra djurens?
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Förord till R. Collins: Den sociologiska blicken.
Manufacturing costs and Degree of Occupancy Based on the Principle of Characteristic Parts
In making capacity estimates and cost calculations in the manufacturing industry, many products and production systems are often involved, making the data in their totality difficult to grasp. Introducing the concept of the characteristic part, which is a fabricated part seen as representative of all parts produced in terms of demand, setup time, cycle time, average batch size and total number of
Omfattande skydd för personuppgifter trumfar missriktad öppenhetsprincip
De förenade målen C-92/09 och C-93/09, Volker und Markus Schecke, gäller uppgifter som jordbruksstöd till enskilda bönder som publicerats på internet. Målen avser en rad frågor från en tysk domstol som tagit en klart kritisk ställning till hur EU:s sekundärrätt har utformats i förhållande till skyddet för privatliv och skyddet för personuppgifter. EU-domstolen ansåg att kritiken (åtminstone delvis
Searching maps by CNNs on an FPGA
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Authorship, anonymity and the liberty of the press in Denmark in the eighteenth century: By using the national bibliography of Denmark it is possible to get an impression of change in matters of anonymity and authorship from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century. Furthermore, a case study of the poet, 'nouvelliste' and pamphleteer Jacob Christian Bie sheds light on conditions for writing and pu
Implicit religion
Begreppet ”implicit religion” infördes i den religionssociologiska debatten 1969 av den brittiske religionsvetaren Edward I Bailey för att definiera innebörden av religion och religiositet i det sekulära västerlandet, och särskilt i Storbritannien. Han preciserade begreppet närmare genom tre nyckelbegrepp: förpliktelse (commitment), integrerande fokuseringar (integrating foci) och intensivt engage
Structure and changes in the flora of South Georgia.
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