Stable Peace: Conclusion and Extrapolations
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Nationella beslut om miljöåtgärder påverkar människors vardagsliv på många olika sätt. Med antagandet av kretsloppslagen följde att varje hushåll skulle sortera sina hushållssopor för att gå till återvinning inom industrin eller till förbränning och energiproduktion. Miljömärkning och energimärkning av produkter gör det möjligt för konsumenten att göra informerade val så att miljöpåverkan på natur
Modelica has in its language support for describing discontinuities; so-called events. Modern integrating environments; like Assimulo; provide elaborated event detection and event handling methods. In addition; the overall performance of a simulation of models with discontinuities (hybrid models) depends strongly on methods for restarting integration after event detection. The presented paper revi
We report the results of two newspaper reading experiments. We examine how readersÕ eye movements are affected by graphical elements such as photos and information graphics. Control variables in these experiments include size and content of photos, and spatial structure of information graphics. We hypothesized that large photo size and animate photo content would be associated with a local increas
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns en föreställning att kvinnor tills nyligen varit åsidosatta inom historieforskningen, något som hävdats bland annat inom kvinno- och genderteoretisk forskning. Mot bakgrund av en genomgång av svenska avhandlingar i historia argumenterar jag för att utvecklingen måste ses i ljuset av historieforskningens utveckling. Det finns en relation mellan vilka fenomen foI am studying the portrayal of women in Swedish dissertations of history from 1890 to 1995. Inspired by Pierre Bourdieu I interpret the production of knowledge as an effect of the rivalry between researchers concerning the dominate positions within the field of history. One strategy in order to reach these positions is to focus on phenomena that previous research has not paid attention to. To show
Feature quantization is a crucial component for efficient large scale image retrieval and object recognition. By quantizing local features into visual words, one hopes that features that match each other obtain the same word ID. Then, similarities between images can be measured with respect to the corresponding histograms of visual words. Given the appearance variations of local features, traditio
Receptor tyrosine kinases, such as c-Kit, are proteins whose function it is to transduce signals from the environment into the cell leading to complex behaviors such as proliferation, migration, survival and differentiation. Many of these behaviors are deregulated in cancer, which is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation, insensitivity towards death stimuli, migration of tumor cells away fro
To combat the increasing soft error rates in recent semiconductor technologies, it is important to employ fault tolerance techniques. While these techniques enable correct operation, they introduce a time overhead, which may cause a deadline violation in real-time systems (RTS). Since correct operation for RTS is defined as producing correct outputs while satisfying time constraints (deadlines), i
Abstract in UndeterminedIn the humanitarian context, gender mediates access to aid. The gender of the beneficiary is not only intrinsically linked with her/his disaster vulnerability (Enarson, 2002), but also to their ability to physically access aid distribution points (Lutz and Gady, 2004) and even to be considered a beneficiary in the first place. There is, however, yet another factor mitigatin
A paradigm shift is emerging in universities especially regarding how personalized and collaborative mobile learning should be addressed. Recently three international benchmarking projects on quality of e-learning in higher education have been carried out by Lund University in Sweden. These showed that quality has to be valued from a holistic perspective and to a higher extent from learning dimens
Filmrecension av dvd-utgåvan av Paul Verhoevens Black Book (Zwartboek)
Popular Abstract in Swedish Händerna utsätts dagligen för olika typer av faror. Handskador av varierande omfattning är därför inte ovanliga. Dessa kan drabba både barn och vuxna, såväl under fritiden som i arbetslivet. Panoramat av handskador har förändrats. För omkring 40 år sedan var handskador vanligt förekommande på arbetsplatsen, men har sedan dess minskat så att de för 20 år sedan utgjorde uHand injuries have a profound impact not only on the patient’s activity of daily living and during leisure time but also on working capability. Such injuries may therefore also generate substantial costs for society in terms of sick-leave and treatment. In the present thesis, the panorama, costs (within the health-care system, due to lost production and total costs), outcome and health status of p
Wave splitting of the time dependent Maxwell's equations in three dimensions with and without dispersive terms in the constitutive equation is treated. The procedure is similar to the method developed for the scalar wave equation except as follows. The up-and down-going wave condition is expressed in terms of a linear relation between the tangential components of E and H. The resulting system of d