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Gendered Effects of NERICA Upland Rice – The Case of Labor Dynamics in Hoima District, Uganda

The new NERICA upland rice varieties were developed in Africa for Africa so as to address the continental-wide rice cereal challenge, poverty and food insecurity. To date, the ‘success’ of the dissemination of NERICA amongst smallholder farmers has mainly been established econometrically by measuring production growth or household income gain. This type of analysis allows for capturing shifts in i

Assessment of eosinophil degranulation in allergic diseases and experimental models

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den eosinofila granulocyten är en typ av vit blodkropp som ingår i kroppens immunförsvar. Vid allergirelaterade sjukdomar ses en ökad mängd av eosinofiler i blodbanan samt lokalt i den allergiskt inflammerade vävnaden. I vävnaden släpper eosinofilerna ut sina granulaproteiner som har celldödande, immunförsvarsreglerande och tillväxtfrämjande egenskaper. Hos patienter meIn allergic disorders, the eosinophilic granulocytes migrate to affected tissues and release granule proteins with cytotoxic, immunoregulatory, and remodeling-promoting properties. Given that degranulation is reflected by a loss in eosinophil granule density of living cells, or by cell membrane rupture and release of intact granules, these morphological changes may represent a biomarker of the all

Antibiotics and infusion phlebitis. Clinical and experimental studies.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Läkemedel kan sprutas direkt i ytliga blodkärl genom en så kallad perifer venkateter (PVK). Sådan behandling kallas för intravenös. När läkemedel ges intravenöst orsakar de ibland inflammation i den ven där de sprutas in, vilket kan medföra en ytlig blodpropp i kärlet. Denna biverkning kallas ofta för tromboflebit, men i denna avhandling kallas detta tillstånd för infusIntravenous administration of antibiotics is often followed by infusion phlebitis. In this condition are vessel irritation, inflammation and sometimes superficial thrombosis included. In this thesis, the risk for infusion phlebitis for various antibiotics has been evaluated in a clinical study in 550 patients. Various effects of four antibiotics on cultured endothelial cells have also been examine

Soot formation in reverse flow reforming of biomass gasification producer gas

The aim of this work was to determine the extent to which soot is formed and if there are any ways of reducing the formation of soot. In order to determine if soot formation will be a critical issue for the reverse flow reforming process modeling of the process was undertaken. The reformer was modeled using a detailed reaction mechanism to describe the kinetics of soot formation.The results of the

On closely coupled dipoles with load matching in a random field

MIMO is a wireless communication technology that is growing in popularity due to its ability to deliver significant improvements over conventional systems. However, some applications require antennas to be closely spaced, which results in strong coupling among the antennas and performance degradation. Here we show that in a random field, load impedance can play an important role in the power, corr

Traffic Information Signs, Colour Scheme of Emergency Exit Portals and Acoustic Systems for Road Tunnel Emergency Evacuations

This work presents a literature review and a questionnaire study with 62 participants aimed at providing recommendations on the design of a set of evacuation systems for road tunnels: 1) Traffic Information Sign (TIS) - message and size of the sign (large or small), colour scheme, and use of pictograms and/or flashing lights, 2) Emergency exit portal layout - colour scheme, 3) Acoustic systems - v

Välfärdens motsträviga utkant : lokal praktik och statlig styrning i efterkrigstidens nordsvenska inland

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens syfte är att belysa relationerna mellan lokal praktik och statlig styrning med utgångspunkt i hur efterkrigstidens välfärdspolitik förändrade livsbetingelserna i ett antal byar i norra Sveriges inland. Tre teman knyter samman diskussionen. Det första temat knyts till frågorna kring hur det nordsvenska inlandet omvandlats under efterkrigstiden och till hur The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the relationship between local practices and state steering by examining how post-World War II welfare policy changed the life conditions in a number of small villages in northern Sweden. Three themes tie the discussion together. The first theme revolves around questions about how the northern Swedish inland region was transformed in the post-war peri