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Vilka strukturella samhällsförändringar krävs för att förebygga socialt betingat självmord?
Syftet med det här arbetet är att enligt den aktuella forskningen kartlägga de sociala riskfaktorerna som kan leda till självmord och att utifrån ett sociologiskt perspektiv diskutera vilka strukturella samhällsförändringar som kan förhindra att människor vill begå självmord. Tre frågeställningar ska besvaras: 1) vilka sociala riskfaktorer finns för självmord, enligt den aktuella forskningen, 2) hThe aim of this essay is to identify, according to the current research, the social risk factors that can lead to suicide, and from a sociological perspective discuss what structural changes in society are necessary to prevent people from committing suicide. The research questions that will be addressed are 1) which social risk factors are there for suicide, according to the current research, 2) w
”Det är bara ett år” En studie om heltidsarvoderade på studentkårers upplevelse av deras arbetsvillkor
Tidigare undersökningar har visat att heltidsarvoderade på studentkårer vid Lunds Universitet i stor utsträckning arbetar mer än 40 timmar i veckan och känner sig stressade över sitt arbete. Syftet med uppsatsen är att med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka vad heltidsarvoderade personer på studentkårer vid Lunds Universitet upplever är påfrestande med deras arbetsvillkor. Målet är att uppn
Plurilingualism vs the English only argument - Swedish EFL teachers’ interpretations of a complex syllabus
This project examined how two contradictory aims of the national syllabus for the teaching of English in upper secondary school in Sweden were interpreted and realized by two EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers. The aims state that English education should be conducted in English as far as possible, yet also promote plurilingualism and allow skills in different languages to interact and s
Modern arkitektur i kulturhistorisk miljö
The thesis uses hermeneutical analysis as well as reception and content analysis to interpret a current architectural debate. Within the architectural profession, there is a dogmatic style standard. Since the 1930s, modernism (also known as functionalism) has been the predominating style in architecture. This has led to an open resistance to architectural modernism brought before the public and to
Europeiska Centralbankens påverkan på bankaktier
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns ett signifikant samband mellan ECB:s ränteförändringar och de europeiska bankernas aktiekurser.
Vikten av en god hästvälfärd i inhysningsmiljön – kan länsstyrelsens granskning genom förprövningsunderlaget säkerställa hästen en god välfärd i stallet?
Betydelsen av en bra stallmiljö för en välmående häst och länsstyrelsens godkännande av stallar för en frisk häst En välmående häst är glad, nyfiken och positiv till arbete. För att hästar ska må bra i stallet är det viktigt att stallmiljön är anpassad efter dem. För att kunna se till att stallet är utformat på ett bra sätt är det nödvändigt att känna till de viktigaste faktorerna i stallmiljön sThis study shows that to establish good horse welfare in the stable the housing conditions need to be carefully considered. Swedish animal welfare legislation imposes requirements of stable and horse owners to act in a certain way to prevent animal suffering. But many owners lack knowledge about why horses have specific requirements of its housing environment and that is why this study is importan
Machine Learning for Categorizing Companies in Sweden - A Study for Decision Making Support in Customer Relationship Management
The number of companies in Sweden has shown a significant increase over the last five years ( Data about these companies is an important asset for the customer relationship management market. In most business areas, users are in search for new customers. Companies, such as Lundalogik AB, provide a service, where the analysts can look for customers in an interactive environment
How do small high tech firms stay innovative when faced with disruptive technologies? A case study on how Nok9 has innovated in a former and current technology cycle.
WAITING WITH NATURE - An Interactive Light Installation
The report describes the Master Thesis I Philip Bergström did during 2015 at Lund University at the faculty of Industrial design. The project investigates how light can be used in the train station “Station Korsvägen” in Gothenburg to entertain passengers while waiting. The goal was to ease the passage of time by allowing people to interact with an installation that also communicates an informativ
Automatic dynamic updating of the PalCom middleware for Internet of Things
The number of devices connected to the Internet is rapidly increasing. Especially the number of Internet of Things devices. These devices contain software which, like any other software, needs to be updated. With the great amount of devices to update, this calls for a manageable updating solution which does not depend on user interaction. In this thesis we present a solution to dynamically update
Image Processing Across Multiple Interconnected System-on-Chips
This thesis explores the communication between interconnected System-on-Chips that process images. It explores the difficulties faced when combining two heterogeneous multiprocessors to act as a single unit. It also examines the performance gain of the resulting system. The thesis shows that not only does the resulting system decrease the bandwidth usage on the individual System-on-Chips, but it
Income Inequality, In-Kind Benefits and Economic Growth: Studied Using a Modified Gini Index
A negative long-run relationship between inequality and growth has been found for a variety of inequality measures, but as these measures invariably ignore the pro-poor effect of in-kind redistribution, one may question the reliability of previous studies’ inequality-growth estimates. In this paper, I incorporate in-kind benefits into the Gini index and present new estimates of the inequality-grow
Investigation of High-Level Language Support in a Resource-Constrained Embedded Environment
Personal computers have gained a significant boost in computational power and digital storage space at a reduced cost in the last decade. In the search of increased programmer productivity and cross platform portability, language popularity has shifted from lower level languages such as C to higher level languages such as Java and C#. Many of today’s embedded systems are experiencing the same deve
Tuning and validation of an extraction and chromatography method for omeprazole in drug formulations
Gastric ulcer is a common disorder in horses. A known potent inhibitor of gastric acid secretion is omeprazole. This thesis describes the study of omeprazole extraction followed by a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the quantification of omeprazole in enteric-coated pellets (raw material) and in oral paste (final drug product) for horses. The drug product is composed by a p
Migrants in Hungary : Right-wing news media's representation of the European Refugee Crisis.
In the year of 2015, Hungary was greatly affected by the European Migrant Crisis, having received the highest number of asylum applications in proportion to its population within Europe. At the end of August 2015, after Germany had announced its position regarding not putting limits to accepting Syrian refugees, the crisis in Hungary peaked, owing to several hundreds of migrants arriving to the co
Go big or be forgotten, en kvalitativ fallstudie i hur organisationer hanterar Anti-branding
Ända sedan Klein populariserade termen Anti-branding har dess tekniker använts för att vända organisationers egna varumärken mot dem, och på så sätt sprida kritiska budskap. Med utvecklingen av sociala media utmanas många av förutsättningarna för att driva varumärkeskommunikation. Hur organisationer kommunikativt kan hantera att bli utsatta för Anti-branding och mer specifikt hur introduktionen avEver since Klein popularised the term Anti-branding, organisations has been using it’s techniques to turn companies’ own brands against them and to communicate messages of critique. With the development of social media, many old trueisms regarding brand communication has had to been reevaluated. How organizations communicatively can handle being exposed to Anti-branding and more specifically how t
Using Twitter to Analyze Swedish Immigration Sentiment : A Comparison between August 2015 and December 2015
The aims of this study were to (a) use two automated methods to measure immigration sentiment expressed on Twitter, (b) examine how sentiment changed during the period August 2015 - December 2015, and (c) use 1st person plural pronouns and 1st person singular pronouns as indicators of social and individualistic identity and examine how they moderated sentiment change. All Swedish tweets posted bet
The Interaction of Men's Sexual Orientation on Implicit Gender Attitudes
Two Brief Implicit Association Tests (BIAT) were conducted in order to explore the relation between sexual orientation and gender attitudes. It was tested if gay men show a stronger positive implicit preference for males than females, compared to straight men. Concerning negative attitudes, it was hypothesized that gay men show – compared to straight men – a less negative implicit attitude toward
Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av palliativ vård till äldre personer i särskilt boende
Äldre i särskilt boende har multipla sjukdomar och många behöver palliativ vård. Syfte: Syftet var att studera sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av palliativ vård i särskilt boende. Metod: Elva sjuksköterskor deltog i intervjuer som analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Symtomlindring förbättras genom tidig bedömning inför palliativ vård och personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Tvärprofes