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Your search for "*" yielded 531682 hits

Experimental haemorrhagic effect of two-domain non-glycosylated tissue factor pathway inhibitor compared to low molecular weight heparin

The glycosylated multivalent three-domain Kunitz inhibitor TFPI is a natural inhibitor of tissue factor-FVIIa complex in the presence of FXa. TFPI has an experimental antithrombotic capacity indistinguishable from LMWH in a prophylactic dose, regardless of glycosylation and of the third domain. An inherited equilibrium between antithrombosis and haemorrhage exists. The aim of the study was to eval

Transients in circular symmetry; estimation of transverse wave propagation velocity

The response of a tree trunk to a hammer blow, measured by sensors positioned around the excited cross section, consists of two kinds of transient mechanical waves: longitudinal P- and transverse S-waves. The aim of this paper is to extract the velocity of the S-waves, using a filtering structure that emphasizes the waves heading in one of the directions along the circumference. By this approach,

Synchronising geometric representations for map mashups using relative positioning and Linked Data

Map mashups, as a common way of presenting geospatial information on the Web, are generally created by spatially overlaying thematic information on top of various base maps. This simple overlay approach often raises geometric deficiencies due to geometric uncertainties in the data. This issue is particularly apparent in a multi-scale context because the thematic data seldom have synchronised level

Auditory opportunity and visual constraint enabled the evolution of echolocation in bats

Substantial evidence now supports the hypothesis that the common ancestor of bats was nocturnal and capable of both powered flight and laryngeal echolocation. This scenario entails a parallel sensory and biomechanical transition from a nonvolant, vision-reliant mammal to one capable of sonar and flight. Here we consider anatomical constraints and opportunities that led to a sonar rather than visio

Estimating terrestrial gross primary productivity in water limited ecosystems across Africa using the Southampton Carbon Flux (SCARF) model

The amount of carbon uptake by vegetation is an important component to understand the functioning of ecosystem processes and their response/feedback to climate. Recently, a new diagnostic model called the Southampton Carbon Flux (SCARF) Model driven by remote sensing data was developed to predict terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP) and successfully applied in temperate regions. The model

Consensus on core phenomena and statements describing Basic Body Awareness Therapy within the movement awareness domain in physiotherapy

Physiotherapists are facing complex health challenges in the treatment of persons suffering from long-lasting musculoskeletal disorders and mental health problems. Basic Body Awareness Therapy (BBAT) is a physiotherapy approach within the movement awareness domain developed to bridge physical, mental, and relational health challenges. The purpose of this study was to reach a consensus on core phen

Illegality and inequity in Ghana's cocoa-forest landscape : How formalization can undermine farmers control and benefits from trees on their farms

Schemes to promote sustainable forest management have increasingly focused on addressing widespread informalities in timber production, based on the presumed links between formalisation, the maintenance of forest cover and local welfare. This trend is typified by the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) initiative and associated Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPA) aimed at er

Recent developments in biohythane production from household food wastes : A review

Biohythane is a hydrogen-methane blend with hydrogen concentration between 10 and 30% v/v. It can be produced from different organic substrates by two sequential anaerobic stages: a dark fermentation step followed by a second an anaerobic digestion step, for hydrogen and methane production, respectively. The advantages of this blend compared to either hydrogen or methane, as separate biofuels, are

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Drawing on contemporary publications in German and Swedish/Scandinavian journals and biographies as well as conference proceedings of the German Society of Urology (DGU), this paper examines the Swedish impressions of the 1929 DGU meeting in Munich. It focusses on why the Swedish delegates visited the congress and how they evaluated their congress experiences for their Scandinavian peers. Finally,

Could Easier Access to University Improve Health and Reduce Health Inequalities?

This paper estimates the impact of university education on medical care use and its income related inequality. We do this by exploiting an arbitrary university eligibility rule in Sweden combined with regression discontinuity design for the years 2003-2013 for students who graduated 2003-2005. We find a clear jump in university attendance due to university eligibility. This jump coincides with a pThis paper estimates the impact of university education on medical care use and its income related inequality. We do this by exploiting an arbitrary university eligibility rule in Sweden combined with regression discontinuity design for the years 2003-2013 for students who graduated 2003-2005. We find a clear jump in university attendance due to university eligibility. This jump coincides with a p

Health and social care planning in collaboration in older persons’ homes : the perspectives of older persons, family members and professionals

Providing health and social care to older persons is challenging, since older persons often have multiple diseases and a complex health situation. Hence many professions and organisations are involved. Lack of interprofessional and interorganisational collaboration leads to fragmented care. Care planning meetings before hospital discharge have long been used to overcome this fragmentation, but mee

A multiple window method for estimation of a peaked spectrum

The paper proposes a new multiple window method for estimating a peaked spectrum. The multiple windows are adapted to the signal, giving a less biased estimate for estimation of peaks than does the Thomson multiple window method. Still the result from estimation of a flat spectrum shows comparable results in variance reduction. The method is based on solution of an eigenvalue problem where the eig

A system for tracking the depth of anaesthesia

The latency and amplitude of the midlatency auditive evoked potential's (AEP) Nb-trough has been found to indicate the depth of anaesthesis. The aim of this paper is to present a system that reliably estimates these parameters without a long time delay. The result shows that it is possible to estimate and track changes in latency and amplitude of the Nb-trough with a delay below 1 minute at a stim

Conceptualizing and Measuring Well-Being Using Statistical Semantics and Numerical Rating Scales

Hur man beskriver och eftersträvar välbefinnande är viktigt, eftersom det påverkar både forskning och samhället i stort. Denna avhandling handlar om hur välbefinnande definieras och mäts, vilket både innefattar en kritisk diskussion kring befintliga teorier om välbefinnande samt en utveckling av empiriska metoder och statistiska verktyg för att öka vår förståelse gällande hur personer uppfattar ocHow to define and measure individuals’ well-being is important, as this has an impact on both research and society at large. This thesis concerns how to define and measure the self-reported well-being of individuals, which involves both theorizing as well as developing and applying empirical and statistical methods in order to gain a better understanding of well-being.The first paper critically re

The effects of nasal lavage with betamethasone cream post-endoscopic sinus surgery : clinical trial

Background: Steroid nasal irrigation for chronic rhinosinusitis patients following endoscopic sinus surgery reduces symptom recurrence. There are minimal safety data to recommend this treatment. This study evaluated the safety of betamethasone nasal irrigation by measuring its impact on endogenous cortisol levels. Methods: Participants performed daily betamethasone nasal irrigation for six weeks.

En tänkbar händelseutveckling i Ryssland 2013

Den 14 januari började det nya året enligt den rysk-ortodoxa julianska kalendern. Vad kan man då anta att år 2013 kommer innebära för Ryssland och ryssarna? Spekulerande är en vansklig syssla, men jag ska ändå försöka skissa ett tänkbart scenario. Texten nedan är alltså en personlig reflektion över de tendenser man kan se i Ryssland just nu, och vad dessa skulle kunna innebära för utvecklingen und

The serotonergic system in L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia : pre-clinical evidence and clinical perspective

During the last decade, the serotonergic system has emerged as a key player in the appearance of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in animal models of Parkinson’s disease. Clinical investigations, based on imaging and postmortem analyses, suggest that the serotonin neurons are also involved in the etiology of this complication of long-term L-DOPA treatment in parkinsonian patients. These findings have sti