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Moral cognition : Individual differences, intuition and reasoning in moral judgment

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom moralpsykologisk forskning har man framförallt studerat hur människors förmåga att resonera om rättvisa utvecklas i olika åldrar. För de allra flesta av oss är dock moral någonting mer än bara rättvisa. Varje tillfälle då vi bestämmer oss för vad vi tycker är rätt eller fel kan ses som ett moraliskt ställningstagande, från så enkla saker som att man tvekar att gå mPsychological processes involved in moral cognition were examined in three studies, taking as their starting point the assumption that the cognitive-developmental perspective commonly taken is too narrow and that individual differences and implicit processes need to be taken into consideration. Study I focused on the role of defense mechanisms in moral thinking. A self-report questionnaire was co

Gas flow and heat transfer with internal reforming reactions in an anode duct of SOFCs

A fully three-dimensional calculation method has been farther developed to simulate and analyze internal reforming and its effects on various processes in a thick anode duct. In this study, the composite duct consists of a porous anode, the flow duct and solid current connector. Momentum and heat transport together with gas species equations have been solved by coupled source terms and variable th


Tid och envishet är viktiga faktorer för att lyckas med innovation. Om detta och andra faktorer står att läsa i denna bok. Boken är född ur ett inspirerande, lärorikt år inom ramen för forskningsprogrammet PIEp: Product Innovation Engineering program. Ett år då vi forskare mött nya människor, nya företag, fått nya insikter, men också en bekräftelse på att svenskt näringsliv tycks göra allt för att

Self-Tuning Control of the Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Activated Sludge Systems

Self-tuning control of the dissolved oxygen concentration has been tested in full scale at the Käppala Sewage Works at Lidingö, Sweden. The controller has been shown to be robust during varying operating conditions. It also gives the potential for the estimation of interesting variables, such as the oxygen uptake rate. A number of water quality variables have been examined. Interesting couplings b

A detailed dynamical investigation of the proposed QS Virginis planetary system

In recent years, a number of planetary systems have been proposed to orbit-evolved binary star systems. The presence of planets is invoked to explain observed variations in the timing of mutual eclipses between the primary and secondary components of the binary star system. The planets recently proposed orbiting the cataclysmic variable system QS Virginis are the latest in this ongoing series of `

Filosofi och revolution : Hegels väg till visdom

The dissertation is an attempt to understand the genesis of Hegel's thought on two levels: within a social and historical setting and within an intellectual setting. In the one case the relation between human thought and the social context from which it springs is thematized, in the other an attempt is made to reconstruct a development within the history of ideas. These two perspectives are integr

Improving emergency response through cognitive task analysis

Society has a responsibility to aid its citizens in case of emergency. This calls for planning and preparations. However, societal emergency response activities are not always fully effective. This might be due to suboptimal emergency planning and preparations, with some planned response actions not working as intended. For example, it is possible that some actions show to be ‘over-planned’ with t

NMR studies on calcium-induced conformational transitions in calmodulin

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used in order to investigate the relationships between structure, dynamics and calcium binding in the intracellular regulatory protein, calmodulin. Calmodulin consists of two similar domains, each binding two calcium ions with positive cooperativity. The studies described in this thesis focus on the isolated C-terminal domain, TR2C, and two mutants