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Opportunities and barriers for alternative food distribution and sales in Sweden

The grocery market in Sweden is mainly divided between six different retailers who together have some 95% market share. The rest of the market is divided between thousands of different actors, selling groceries in other ways than the main retailers. This 5% market is interesting to investigate and the purpose is to identify the opportunities and barriers for those alternative food distributers. B

Självkänsla sedan? En pilotstudie av en KBT-baserad vägledd självhjälpsbehandling över internet för personer med låg självkänsla

Pilotstudien syftade till att undersöka om en KBT-baserad vägledd självhjälpsbehandling för låg självkänsla administrerad över internet är associerad med förändring i självkänsla och livskvalitet för deltagarna. Studien har en kvasiexperimentell design med för- och eftermätning, utan randomisering eller kontrollgrupp. 35 personer deltog i SKÖN-projektet (självkänsla över nätet) som pågick under seThe purpose of this pilot study was to examine if a CBT-based guided self-help treatment administered online for people suffering from low self-esteem was associated with a change in self-esteem and life satisfaction. The study was quasi-experimental, without control groups or randomization. Participants were measured pre- and post-treatment. The study revealed a result that was statistically sign

MKB i svenska CDM projekt

Ett för miljörätten tidigt uppkommet styrmedel som idag hyllas är miljökonsekvensbeskrivningen. Flertalet länder har infört MKB i sin lagstiftning och det har utformats internationella bestämmelser för gränsöverskridande miljöpåverkan. Även inom klimatregimen finns reglering för projekt i CDM systemet. I detta arbete har Sveriges CDM projekt studerats för att fastställa syfte med MKB inom CDM systA respected and early invention among the means of control in environmental law is the impact assessment. Numerous countries have implemented EIA in their national legislation and international treaties regulates transboundary environmental impacts. UNFCCC also contains EIA regulations for projects within the clean development mechanism. In this study Swedish projects are examined to establish the

The African Court of Justice and Human Rights: An Opportunity to Strengthen Human Rights Protection

Taking in to consideration the countless human rights violations and impunity in Africa, there is not a shred of doubt about the dire need for effective human rights protection mechanisms at continental level. This concern has mainly increased due to the Africa Commission’s poor track record of enforcement of human rights norms in the region. Hence, it is in the effort to cure the ills suffered by

On Probabilistic Assessment of Life Safety in Buildings on Fire.

This study deals with the assessment, using probabilistic methods, of people’s fire safety in buildings. The problem is addressed by modelling the evacuation of people from the fire- and smoke-threatened area. The buildings considered are assumed to be designed according to the Icelandic fire prevention regulation. The following types of buildings have been chosen for analysis: a dance hall, a spo