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Gambling, Gaming, and Internet Behavior in a Sexual Minority Perspective. A Cross-Sectional Study in Seven European Countries
Background: Addictive behavior of gambling, gaming and internet activity is partly a new research domain and has not been well investigated with regard to sexual minority populations. Although health disparities between sexual minorities and the general population are well documented, there is a lack of inclusion of sexual minorities in both research and clinic. Among lesbian, gay and bisexual pop
Latent class growth analysis identified different trajectories in cognitive development of extremely low birthweight children
Background Recent longitudinal studies suggest stable cognitive development in preterm children, although with great individual variation. This prospective neurocognitive follow-up study of extremely low birthweight (ELBW,
Association of Education and Intracranial Volume with Cognitive Trajectories and Mortality Rates Across the Alzheimer Disease Continuum
Objective: To investigate relationships of education and intracranial volume (ICV) (factors related to cognitive and brain reserve, respectively) with cognitive trajectories and mortality in individuals with biomarker-defined Alzheimer disease (AD).MethodsWe selected 1,298 β-amyloid-positive memory clinic patients with subjective cognitive decline (SCD, n = 142), mild cognitive impairment (MCI, n
Affordable housing production for low income groups by land use zoning plans in harbor areas of Copenhagen
Housing expenses have the highest share in household budgets of low-income groups in Copenhagen leading to affordability problems. To provide affordable housing (AH) for low-income groups, the municipality developed a zoning plan in 2015 aimed to reserve up to 25% of land for new AH production. This qualitative case study compares the affordability of homes produced by private sector and nonprofit
Dendrokronologisk analys av brunn vid Hanhals borg RAÄ 71:1, Kungsbacka samt ett fynd vid RAÄ Halmstad 44:1
Resilient Branching MPC for Multi-Vehicle Traffic Scenarios Using Adversarial Disturbance Sequences
An approach to resilient planning and control of autonomous vehicles in multi-vehicle traffic scenarios is proposed. The proposed method is based on model predictive control (MPC), where alternative predictions of the surrounding traffic are determined automatically such that they are intentionally adversarial to the ego vehicle. This provides robustness against the inherent uncertainty in traffic
The key to scaling in the digital era : Simultaneous automation, individualization and interdisciplinarity
In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework that explains how digital technologies can help small businesses generate competitive advantages for scaling. To gain and sustain competitive advantages, small businesses traditionally had to choose between cost leadership and differentiation strategies. Digital technologies enable small businesses to reduce their costs and at the same time enhance
Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från långhus och torn i Kinnareds kyrka, Halland
Rapid release of sepsis markers heparin-binding protein and calprotectin triggered by anaerobic cocci poses an underestimated threat
Objectives: Gram-positive anaerobic cocci (GPAC) are often regarded as harmless commensals associated with skin and mucosal surfaces. Investigations regarding these bacterial species often concern clinical case reports. In immunocompromised individuals, in the presence of comorbidities, such as diabetes or due to breach of skin barriers, the GPAC can cause infections. Nonetheless, information on t
Neutron Diffraction Study of Indole Solvation in Deep Eutectic Systems of Choline Chloride, Malic Acid, and Water
Deep eutectic systems are currently under intense investigation to replace traditional organic solvents in a range of syntheses. Here, indole in choline chloride-malic acid deep eutectic solvent (DES) was studied as a function of water content, to identify solute interactions with the DES which affect heterocycle reactivity and selectivity, and as a proxy for biomolecule solvation. Empirical Poten
Stable Cellulose Nanofibril Microcapsules from Pickering Emulsion Templates
Electrostatic attractions are essential in any complex formation between the nanofibrils of the opposite charge for a specific application, such as microcapsule production. Here, we used cationized cellulose nanofibril (CCNF)-stabilized Pickering emulsions (PEs) as templates, and the electrostatic interactions were induced by adding oxidized cellulose nanofibrils (OCNFs) at the oil-water interface
Dendrokronologisk analys av Högvakten/Wenngrenska, Göteborg
Pancreatic cancer–the past, the present, and the future
Background: Pancreatic cancer has been and still is associated with a very poor prognosis. This is due to a lack of major breakthroughs with respect to early diagnosis, prognostication, prediction, as well as novel, targeted therapies. The benefits of surgery and chemotherapy are evident, but the fact that only some 10% of all patients have early, localized disease highlights the unmet need for ne
Pediatric Feeding Disorder - Prevalence of Feeding Problems and Parents' Experiences
Microgravity crystallization of perdeuterated tryptophan synthase for neutron diffraction
Biologically active vitamin B6-derivative pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) is an essential cofactor in amino acid metabolic pathways. PLP-dependent enzymes catalyze a multitude of chemical reactions but, how reaction diversity of PLP-dependent enzymes is achieved is still not well understood. Such comprehension requires atomic-level structural studies of PLP-dependent enzymes. Neutron diffraction affo
Dendrokronologisk analys av arkeologiska prover från norra Promenaden, Norrköping
Gräv där du står! : Vad kan vi lära oss av grävrörelsen?
Probing aqueous ions with non-local Auger relaxation
Non-local analogues of Auger decay are increasingly recognized as important relaxation processes in the condensed phase. Here, we explore non-local autoionization, specifically Intermolecular Coulombic Decay (ICD), of a series of aqueous-phase isoelectronic cations following 1s core-level ionization. In particular, we focus on Na+, Mg2+, and Al3+ ions. We unambiguously identify the ICD contributio
Trust in the healthcare system and mortality : A population-based prospective cohort study in southern Sweden
Aims: To investigate associations between trust in the healthcare system and all-cause, cardiovascular, cancer and other causes mortality. Study design: Prospective cohort study. Methods: A public health questionnaire was conducted in 2008 in Scania, the southernmost part of Sweden, with a 54.1% participation rate with a postal questionnaire and three reminders. In this study 24,833 respondents we