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Silver nanoparticle toxicity to bacteria in natural waters: Importance of Ag+ release as determined by induction of community co-tolerance

Silvernanopartiklars toxicitet i miljön – har storleken betydelse? Antibakteriella silvernanopartiklar (AgNP) används i en rad olika konsumentprodukter, men toxicitet och miljöeffekter är inte särskilt välförstådda. Frisättning av silverjoner (Ag+) visade sig vara viktigt för toxiska effecter på bakterier. Dock verkar faktorer i det omgiv-ande mediet, t.ex. vatten, också ha stor effekt på beteenBy the investigation of pollution induced community tolerance (PICT), this study aimed at elucidating whether or not ionic silver (Ag+) and silver nanoparticles (AgNP) differ in toxic mode of action. Specifically, bacterial communities in natural water underwent a 6, 7 or 14 day selection for tolerance to Ag+ or citrate-coated 20 nm AgNPs. Bacterial protein synthesis was measured by [3H]-leucine i

Is it the right to strike or the privilege to strike? - The gap between International Law and Korean Labour Law on the scope of protection for strikes exemplified by the 2013 rail strike in the Republic of Korea.

This thesis is about the scope of protection for the right to strike. Despite the fundamental nature of the right in protecting the dignity of the worker and achieving social justice, the level of protection of the right to strike differs in different jurisdictions around the world claiming detrimental effects of strikes to the society and different stake-holders. Inspired by the longest rail work

"Hen är här nu"* Prediktion av människors attityd till det genusneutrala ordet hen samt experiment kring olika pronomens inverkan på läshastighet

Den aktuella studien genomfördes med hjälp av en internetenkät bestående av ett experiment där tiden det tog att läsa korta informationstexter mättes och jämfördes beroende på olika pronomen (han, hon, han/hon och det nya genusneutrala ordet hen). Den senare delen av studien bestod av instrument som syftade att mäta mediatorer gällande pronomens inverkan på läshastighet samt för att predicera deltThis study bases its results on an experiment measuring reading time for information texts in Swedish, where the pronouns were altered: he, she, he/she and hen - the new gender neutral pronoun. The experiment was conducted through an Internet survey, N=252. The survey furthermore consisted of instruments to capture mediators of the hypothesized differences between the pronoun conditions and to pre

Friendly at a Distance: The Experiences of Social Interaction in Swedish Society

The purpose of this study was to examine the relevance and experience of social interaction in Lund, Sweden. Contemporary Sweden has been subjected to a global reputation of being a society whose social climate is viewed as one of high reservation, and unsociability. The assumption that native Swedes are shy, and prefer solitude are other perceptions. Statistical reports of mental health seem to i

Tio nyanser av grått- Hur utvecklingsmöjligheter har färgat kommunal karriär!

Studien syftar till att generera kunskap om individers perspektiv kring karriär, arbetsrörlighet, samt val av arbetsplats på kommunal nivå i Sverige. Studien syftar även till att undersöka hur organisationen arbetar med att behålla anställda utifrån medarbetares perspektiv. Med utgångspunkt i Talent Management strategins delar: attrahera, behålla samt utveckla personal. Studien har genomförts medThe study aims to generate knowledge about individuals' perspectives on careers, job mobility and choice of vocation on a municipal level in Sweden. The study also aims to examine how the organization works to keep employees from an employee perspective. Building on Talent Management Strategy parts: attract, retain and develop employees. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach. Th

Särskilt ansvar att tillämpa pris- och prestationskonkurrens? Frågan om huruvida dominerande företag kan och bör själva avgöra om en viss prissättning utgör missbruk enligt artikel 102 FEUF

En effektiv konkurrens på marknaden pressar ned priserna eller förbättrar kvaliteten och ökar utbudet av de varor och tjänster som erbjuds på marknaden, vilket gynnar konsumenterna. Företag som har en dominerande ställning på marknaden anses enligt gällande rätt ha ett särskilt ansvar enligt artikel 102 FEUF för att inte genom sitt beteende inverka skadligt på en effektiv konkurrens. Det är såledeA genuine undistorted competition on the market reduces the price or increases the quality of products or services and increases the selection of products or services, which enhances consumer welfare. According to settled case law, an undertaking which holds a dominant position has a special responsibility not to allow its conduct to impair, genuine undistorted competition on the market. Thus, Art

Kvinnor i försvarsmakten - En jämförelse mellan Norge och Sverige

Throughout history the right and the duty to participate in the country's national defense has been exclusively for men. Women have traditionally been excluded. During the 20th century male conscription was the main way to assure the need for soldiers in Norway and Sweden. Today both countries are seen as pioneers in gender equality issues, but the proportion of women in both countries' ar

The conditions and process for triggering CDS contracts - a case study of Greece 2012

The aim of this thesis has been to investigate the legal conditions and process for triggering Credit Default Swaps, which are derivative instruments to shift credit risk exposure between parties in an underlying financial instrument. The condition is called credit event and a case study has been done on the Greek credit event in 2012. The thesis shows that there is a clear and robust framework o

SAMVERKANSGRUNDLÄGGNING MED SPETSBURNA PÅLAR - Utredning av teknisk och ekonomisk vinst

Byggnadsverk såsom broar, hus och kontorskomplex står på någon typ av grundkonstruktion. Grundläggningsmetoden är normalt djupgrundläggning eller ytgrundläggning. Men det finns även en metod som är en hybrid av dessa och det är samverkans-grundläggning. Hur står sig dessa grundläggningsmetoder gentemot varandra? Vad finns det för ekonomiska fördelar eller nackdelar med respektive grundläggnings-syThe foundation method combined pile-raft foundation using end-bearing piles is applied for residential and office complexes. The foundation method means that end bearing piles fitted with a special membrane together with a footing form the basis for the so-called alternative superstructure. By taking advantage of the contact pressure that occurs between a footing and the underlying soil that a bui

Tire/road friction estimation for front wheel driven vehicle

Vehicles of today are equipped with several driving enhancing systems. The Electronic Stability Program (ESP) controls the brakes of the vehicle to prevent undesirable vehicle behavior. The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) prevents the wheels to lock up while braking hard. Many vehicles are also equipped with advanced All Wheel Drive (AWD) systems or Limited Slip Differentials (LSD) allowing for the

Does CEO Ownership Matter for Firm Value? A Study of the Industrial Sector of the Swedish Market.

The primary objective of this study was to measure the effect of CEO ownership on firm value in the presence of strong external governance. We hypothesized that the concentrated ownership structure in Sweden could make equity incentive programs less relevant. The same hypothesis is tested on a subsample of risky firms as well, categorized as firms that conduct R&D. Using panel data methods and

Abuse of rights in EU VAT - The Court’s tool to introduce a new general principle of EU Law

The principle of prohibition of abuse of EU law has developed throughout a variety of areas of EU law, but has for the last few years most specifically evolved into an overriding principle through the field of EU VAT. The questions that have arisen along the lines of the Court’s interpretation mainly assess the relation with legal certainty and the division of powers. When looking at the cases of

Förorten mitt i stan : en kvalitativ textanalys av hur området Seved i Malmö skildras i den lokala dagstidningen Sydsvenskan

Förorten mitt i stan - en kvalitativ textanalys av hur området Seved i Malmö skildras i den lokala dagstidningen Sydsvenskan är en uppsats på B-nivå skriven av Niklas Gustafsson och Johanna Persson i ämnet Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds Universitet. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka nyhetsrapporteringen kring bostadsområdet Seve

Franchising - särskilt om underlägsen ställning i franchiseförhållanden enligt 36 § avtalslagen

I franchiseutredningen inför införandet av lag (2006:484) om franchisegivares informationsplikt uttalas uttryckligen att i ett franchisesamarbete är en franchisetagare typiskt sett att betrakta som den svagare avtalsparten. I fråga om avtalstvister kan underlägsen ställning ha en väsentlig betydelse eftersom det finns lagregler som särskilt tar sikte på att skydda en underlägsen avtalspart, inte bFranchising is not a partnership which is expressly regulated by law in Sweden outside of the Franchise Disclosure Act of 2006. Some other partnerships on the other hand have dedicated regulations in legislation, for instance the Commercial Agents Act /Lag (1991:351) om handelsagentur and the Commissions Act / Kommissionslagen (2009:865) The current legislation is a disclosure law which obligates

Den kommunala självstyrelsen i regeringsformen

Av regeringsformens portalparagraf framgår att den svenska folkstyrelsen inte bara förverkligas genom ett representativt och parlamentariskt statsskick utan också genom kommunal självstyrelse. Begreppet ”kommunal självstyrelse” är emellertid så vagt att det ger utrymme för olika tolkningar. Uppsatsens syfte är därför att med tillämpning av den rättsdogmatiska metoden ut-reda vad som avses med kommChapter 1 art. 1 of the Instrument of Government declares that Swedish democracy is realised through a representative and parliamentary form of government and through local self-government. However, the term “local self-government” is vague and thus allows for differing interpretations. The initial purpose of this essay, therefore, is to explain the meaning it is given in the preparatory work and

Silver i ytbeläggningar - Funktion och miljöpåverkan

The aim of this diploma work was to investigate whether the use of silver in coatings can be an alternative to the biocidal products available on the market today, as well as if silver in coatings for indoor use may be an option to reduce the spread of infections in hospitals. The thesis has been made as a literature study in which facts about microbial growth has been compiled. Furthermore, resea

Development of a Solution for Start-up Optimization of a Thermal Power Plant

This thesis covers optimizing the first phase of the start-up of a thermal power plant using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) and state estimation using an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). The start-up has been optimized in regards to time and fuel usage. The thesis is done as a joint project between Vattenfall and Modelon. Both NMPC and UKF are nonlinear methods and require a model of the

What is the matter with public procurement, horizontal award criteria and State aid?

This thesis takes its starting point in the Green Paper on the Modernisation of EU Public Procurement Policy Towards a More Efficient European Procurement Market, in which the Commission made interesting remarks concerning the interlinks between the Union’s 2020 Strategy, public procurement and State aid. Assessing these interlinks have been an objective of this thesis. As for public procurement a

Gränsöverskridande antimode : subversivt mode och subkulturella stilikoner som inspirationskälla i samtida mainstreammode

”Cross-boundary Antifashion - Subversive fashion and subcultural styleicons as a source of inspiration within contemporary mainstream fashion” is a bachelor thesis themed, as the name suggests, on how subversive fashion is diffused to a mainstream context. The main purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the current discourse and earlier studies of subcultural fashion by filling a gap of knowle