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Skjuvkapacitet i råspontsluckor - Undersökning av råspontsluckors skjuvkapacitet samt momentmodell för stabilisering av byggnader

I Sverige finns en lång tradition av att bygga småhus i trä. År 2022 beräknas det byggas ca 15 000 småhus varav den absoluta majoriteten byggs i trä. Att bygga mer i trä är något som eftersträvas då det är betydligt mer klimatvänligt än andra material. För att bygga tak används oftast prefabricerade takstolar där råspont eller plywoodskivor används som undertak. Det finns ofta inget extra system fIn Sweden there is a long-standing tradition of building houses out of wood. In the year 2022 it is expected that 15 000 houses will be built, where the majority are built out of wood. There is an aim to build more out of wood since it has less impact on the climate than other materials. To build roofs prefabricated trusses are often used, and the trusses are covered by tongue and groove (t&g)

Earning Refuge : A Case Study on the Afghan Special Contributors in the Republic of Korea

The purpose of this study is to analyze how Afghan evacuees have been constructed as belonging in Korea and what impacts might their status as ‘special contributors’ have for the future resettlement and integration of refugees. ‘Special contributor’ is a term used for the Afghan personnel and their families that worked with Korean governmental agencies in Afghanistan, and were evacuated upon the T

Collaboration with PEELSPHERE: Explore the potential of bio-based materials in the context of a brand

Bio-based materials are considered to be an effective alternative to fossil-based materials and are being studied globally. It will be a long journey for the commercialisation of bio-based materials. Apart from waiting for the material technology to be mature, how will the material be rolled out to the market? This is the challenge faced by all material companies. The project is in collaboration

Detecting Transiting Exoplanets in Crowded Fields

I vårt universum finns det ett nästan ändlöst antal extra-solära planeter, så kallade exoplaneter. Den första planeten utanför vårt solsystem upptäcktes 1995 och antalet har ökat drastiskt sedan dess. Ett av de vanligaste sätten att upptäcka exoplaneter är genom att använda transitmetoden. När en planet är i omloppsbana runt en stjärna så kan det hända att planeten blockerar en del ljus som stjärnThe first planet orbiting a main-sequence star was discovered in 1995. Since then more than 4000 additional exoplanets have been discovered. This is a rapidly evolving field in astrophysics. One of the most common ways to detect an exoplanet is through transit, as the brightness of the host star decreases. The transit method is suitable for surveying a large number of stars at the same time and mo

Putting down new roots: The political economy of relevance for ‘climate-smart’ agriculture in rural Uganda.

A growing body of literature within political ecology is concerned with the exercise of political and economic power within climate change policies (Robbins, 2020). In this thesis, I explore the political economy of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), using methodological reflections and empirical material from a case study of a Ugandan smallholder agricultural community. To assess how local communit

Comparison of Level Control Strategies for a Flotation Series in the Mining Industry

Separating valuable minerals from waste rock is an important step in the production of metals. This is for copper ore done through a process called flotation. A flotation series consists of tank cells in series where the minerals are collected in a froth on top of the cells. The level control of the flotation cells is important in order to be able to collect the froth. The first four flotation cel

Kalman-Filter Design and Evaluation for PMSM Rotor-Temperature Estimation

The permanent magnet synchronous motor, PMSM, is an efficient electrical motor that has seen a greater prevalence in the automotive industry from the increasing demand for electrical vehicles. Managing the temperature of the permanent magnet rotor is important to optimize motor utilization and avoid hardware failures. Direct temperature measurements of the moving rotor with a sensor are, however,

No owners, no masters: A critical exploration of land access and community land stewardship at Mondeggi Bene Comune

Sustainable land stewardship is key for human and environmental wellbeing, yet existing policy frameworks fail to adequately grapple with the question of land access. Building on the literature on land concentration, this thesis explores strategies for land access that traverse the legal and illegal realms by examining the conflict between Mondeggi Bene Comune, a land occupation near Florence, Ita

Paleontologiska egenskaper och syreisotopsutveckling i borrkärnan Limhamn-2018: Kopplingar till klimat- förändringar under yngre krita

Krita är onekligen en av de mest omtalade tidsåldrarna inom paleontologin, inte minst på grund av massutdöendet som innebar slutet för alla icke-flygande dinosaurier. Nya studier visar att biodiversiteten hos storvuxna fågelhöftade dinosaurier började minska tiotals miljoner år innan utdöendet. Samtidigt tyder syreisotop- data (δ18O) och anδra klimatproxies på ett instabilt och föränderligt klimat

High on Wood, A Tectonic Shift from Concrete to Mass Timber

Looking at the contemporary practices of multi-story timber buildings reveals to us that they usually follow the tectonic language of concrete constructions. However, with a paradigm shift to sustainability, we need to rethink the way we design and construct. In other words, with a material alteration from concrete as the primary material of the 20th century to mass timber as the sustainable mater

Episodic memory placebo: first try

Literature shows that it is possible to induce placebo effects through classical conditioning. Literature also offers first evidence of a semantic memory retrieval enhancement effect elicited through a manipulation of expectancy, which may or may not fit the name of semantic memory retrieval placebo. The study here reported sought to discover whether a similar effect could be produced for episodic

Att förbereda för det oväntade

Riskhantering inom försörjningskedjor har påvisats vara relevant på grund av dess sårbarhet för risker från flera håll. De senaste åren har världens försörjningskedjor utsatts för mer omfattande risker och kriser än vad som kunnat föreställas, såsom Covid-19 och anfallskrig mellan Ryssland och Ukraina. Därmed identifierades ett kunskapsgap i tidigare forskning kring dess användbarhet vid omfattand

Mätning av passiv rotation i höftleden med digital inklinometer: En jämförelse mellan positioner med samma vinkel i höftleden samt undersökning av reliabilitet mellan två olika testledare

Bakgrund Mätning av rotation i höftleden är en viktig del i undersökningen av patienter med höft- och ljumsksmärta. Rotation kan mätas i olika positioner. Vidare undersökning behövs för att jämföra hur mätvärdena skiljer sig åt mellan olika positioner men även undersökning av interbedömarreliabiliteten. Syfte Syftet var att undersöka hur mätvärdena vid passiv rotation i höftleden skiljer sig åt me


Smartphone technology has found its way into our lives and homes, from children to elders. Most of us use it frequently and even when we are on a screen break, the phone is still at arm’s reach. We nowadays find ourselves glancing or tapping the screen in awe. For pre-teens and specially teens, the use of this social networks has become and essential tool for them to be seen and heard. At the beg

-FORM a sophisticated work table lamp

The main goal of this thesis is to find out, what is a complicated product and if complicated products can be more simplified in their properties, which are these properties and finally to incorporate these properties in the design of an object. The final design will be carried out in a full scale model to understand and test the implemented properties of simplification directly on the product in

Blowing in the wind : A brief history of wind energy and wind power technologies in Denmark

This paper explores the history of wind power technologies and the integration of wind energy in the Danish energy system. It does so focusing particularly on historical events, socio-cultural and socio-political changes and priorities that were important on this technological journey. From the first primitive wind turbines in the late 1800s, to the world wars, through the energy- crisis in the 70

Igniting Risk Communication? – Organizational factors for effective risk communication: Forest fire risk communication in Canton Bern, Switzerland

Risk communication forms an integral part of disaster preparedness. In light of the increasing likelihood and intensity of forest fires, areas like Canton Bern in Switzerland, not usually known as a forest fire hotspot, have planned to strengthen their risk communication efforts to help increase overall preparedness and mitigation. Using the example of forest fires, this paper will shed light on t

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The postoperative course and final outcome after evacuation of subdural haematoma are described in 106 male patients in relation to their alcohol consumption. One-third of the patients were alcohol abusers, drinking at least 60 g of ethanol daily. Despite comparable head trauma, they had a significantly higher incidence of acute subdural haematomas and showed increased postoperative morbidity and