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The Usage of Learning Journals in a Technology Management Education

Technology Management is a unique program at Lund University, where a selected number (40) of students from the Faculty of Economics and from the Faculty of Engineering are taught together during their last 2 years of study. Their degree will be a Master's degree. Their views on problems and challenges in today's industry often complement each other. In addition it is important to complement their

Operative and justificatory grounds in legal argumentation

A legal term that serves as a middle term in legal inferences can do so in different ways. A distinction between ‘mere’ vehicles of inference and operative middle terms will be shown to be important. It will be indicated how operative conditions give rise to the question of justificatory conformity or unconformity. At the end of the paper, it will be suggested how justificatory conformity is relev

Evaluation of the generality and accuracy of a new mesh morphing procedure for the human femur.

Various papers described mesh morphing techniques for computational biomechanics, but none of them provided a quantitative assessment of generality, robustness, automation, and accuracy in predicting strains. This study aims to quantitatively evaluate the performance of a novel mesh-morphing algorithm. A mesh-morphing algorithm based on radial-basis functions and on manual selection of correspondi

Foraging behaviour in piscivorous fish: mechanisms and patterns

Mechanistic understanding of piscivore foraging at the individual level is important in order to understand and make predictions of piscivore effects at population and community levels. To understand the mechanisms affecting selection and consumption rates each step in the foraging cycle (search, encounter, active choice, attack, capture, ingestion, digestion) should be studied. In my studies of d

Diktens värde versus penningens. Om en ekonomikritisk strömning i romantisk och modernistisk diktning

Föreläsningen ägnas den hos romantiska och modernistiska författare omhuldade föreställningen att dikten – och i vidare mening konsten, estetiken – utgör en särskild realitet och ett autonomt värdesystem som är annorledes än, jämförbart med, och i konflikt med ekonomins värdesystem. Grunden för denna tradition av romantisk ekonomikritik, och den därmed förknippade s.k. dubbla värdediskursens inter

Extending a Teachable Agent with a Social Conversation Module – Effects on Student Experiences and Learning

The paper discusses the addition of off-task socially oriented conversational abilities to an existing “teachable agent” (TA) in an educational game in mathematics. The purpose of this extension is to affect constructs known to promote learning, such as self-efficacy and engagement as well as enhance students’ experiences of interacting with the game. A comparison of students that played the game

Social kompetens. När individen, de andra och samhället möts. Andra upplagan

Vad är det vi anses sakna när vi påstås behöva mer social kompetens och hur kan det komma sig att denna upplevelse av brist på social kompetens uppträder just nu? Frågorna är denna boks utgångspunkt. I ett snävt perspektiv handlar social kompetens både om individens förmåga att anpassa sig till en grupp och att samspela med andra människor. I ett vidare perspektiv handlar social kompetens också om

Energy Transfer Patterns in Photosynthetic Antenna System of Purple Bacteria

Steady state and time-resolved absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy have been used to investigated the energy transfer in photosynthetic purple bacteria. Picosecond light pulses were used in measurements of Rb. sphaeroides WT and a LH1-deleted mutant, demonstrating that the energy trapping into the reaction center in both species occur on the same time-scale, and that the excitation energy is