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Annual flower strips support pollinators and potentially enhance red clover seed yield

Ecological intensification provides opportunity to increase agricultural productivity while minimizing negative environmental impacts, by supporting ecosystem services such as crop pollination and biological pest control. For this we need to develop targeted management solutions that provide critical resources to service-providing organisms at the right time and place. We tested whether annual str

The financial burden of a fee free primary education on rural livelihoods–a case study from rural Iringa Region, Tanzania

This article explores the financial dilemma from a household level perspective of paying for primary education in Tanzania. In 2001, the primary education fee was abolished in a serious attempt to achieve free universal primary education. By eliminating what was perceived as the main obstacle for reaching education for all, the enrollment rates were expected to increase. However, the schools thems

Experimental investigation of methane lean blowout limit; effects of dilution, mass flow rate and inlet temperature

Lean blowout (LBO) is one of the major instability problems of premixed combustion. LBO equivalence ratio is a function of inlet temperature and pressure, mass flow or aerodynamic loading, and fuel composition. All these, except the last, vary during startup and with load. Developing gas turbine combustors capable of operating within wider range of fuel compositions requires extensive knowledge ab

Chemical analysis of combustion products from a high-pressure gas turbine combustor rig fueled by jet A1 fuel and a flscher-tropsch-based fuel

A comparative experimental investigation has been performed, comparing the emissions from a synthetic jet fuel and from Jet AI. In the investigation, the unburned hydrocarbons were analyzed chemically and the regulated emissions of NOX, CO and HC were measured. All combustion tests were performed under elevated pressures in a gas turbine combustor rig. A Swedish company, Oroboros AB, has developed

Developer Marketing: The Essential Guide

Software developers are gaining increasing influence within every company they work for and work with. Engaging at C-level is no longer sufficient: the software developer is now a powerful force in decision-making.This book is intended to be the “textbook” for those working - or starting - in developer marketing. It will teach you how to engage with developers to build a two-way relationship that

ExtendJ : Extensible Java compiler

ExtendJ (formerly JastAddJ) is an extensible Java compiler, supporting full Java source-to-bytecode compilation. ExtendJ enables researchers and developers to easily build powerful language extensions, custom static analyses, and other tools for Java. ExtendJ is built with Reference Attribute Grammars and Aspect Oriented Programming, enabling easy extension development.

The impact of radiation feedback on the assembly of star clusters in a galactic context

Massive star clusters are observed in galaxies spanning a broad range of luminosities and types, and are assumed to form in dense gas-rich environments. Using a parsec-resolution hydrodynamical simulation of an isolated gas-rich low-mass galaxy, we discuss here the non-linear effects of stellar feedback on the properties of star clusters with a focus on the progenitors of nuclear clusters. Our sim

Improved distances and ages for stars common to TGAS and RAVE

We combine parallaxes from the first Gaia data release with the spectrophotometric distance estimation framework for stars in the fifth RAVE survey data release. The combined distance estimates aremore accurate than either determination in isolation - uncertainties are on average two times smaller than for RAVE-only distances (three times smaller for dwarfs), and 1.4 times smaller than TGAS parall

Assessing requirements engineering and software test alignment - Five case studies

The development of large, software-intensive systems is a complex undertaking that we generally tackle by a divide and conquer strategy. Companies thereby face the challenge of coordinating individual aspects of software development, in particular between requirements engineering (RE) and software testing (ST). A lack of REST alignment can not only lead to wasted effort but also to defective softw

A Preliminary Checklist for Capturing Baseline Situations in Studying the Impacts of Agile Practices Introduction

To assess the benefits of introducing Agile practices, it is important to get a clear understanding of the baseline situation, i.e. the situation before their introduction. Without a clear baseline, we cannot properly assess the extent of impacts, both positive and negative, of introducing Agile practices. This paper provides a preliminary guideline to help researchers in capturing and reporting b

Mossor i skånska rikkärr nu och förr

Abstract [Bryophyes in base-rich fens in Skåne, southern-most Sweden, now and in the past] Over the last centuries, due to the combined effects of drainage, cultivation, eutrophication and overgrowth, the majority of all tree-less base-rich fens that were once found in Skåne have been lost and the typical species of these habitats have suffered accordingly. Here, the past and present distribution Abstract [Bryophyes in base-rich fens in Skåne, southern-most Sweden, now and in the past] Over the last centuries, due to the combined effects of drainage, cultivation, eutrophication and overgrowth, the majority of all tree-less base-rich fens that were once found in Skåne have been lost and the typical species of these habitats have suffered accordingly. Here, the past and present distribution

The benefits that (only) capital can see? Resource access and degradation in industrial carbon forestry, lessons from the CDM in Uganda

Recent research has shed light on the various tradeoffs involved in carbon forestry, i.e. the pursuit of international forestry projects to help mitigate climate change. This article contributes to these debates by highlighting the importance of resource quality and degradation in evaluating project benefits and tradeoffs. Focusing on the case of an industrial tree plantation in Uganda, the Kachun

Nätkritiken utmanar censuren

På kort tid har Kina fått över 300 miljoner mikro­bloggare. På nätet sprids förutom skvaller och rykten även skarp kritik mot kommunistpartiet. Den kinesiska staten har fått en utmanare i kampen om informationen.

Real time monitoring of whey foulants adsorption on polyethersulfone surface

The worldwide growing demand for whey proteins and derivatives requires more efficient and sustainable whey protein production processes. Whey is an important by-product from cheese manufacturing. In whey industry membrane processes such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis are well-established to concentrate, fractionate and purify whey proteins as well as whey

Testing asteroseismic radii of dwarfs and subgiants with Kepler and Gaia

We test asteroseismic radii of Kepler main-sequence and subgiant stars by deriving their parallaxes which are compared with those of the first Gaia data release. We compute radii based on the asteroseismic scaling relations as well as by fitting observed oscillation frequencies to stellar models for a subset of the sample, and test the impact of using effective temperatures from either spectroscop

Challenges and best practices in industry-academia collaborations in software engineering : A systematic literature review

Context: The global software industry and the software engineering (SE) academia are two large communities. However, unfortunately, the level of joint industry-academia collaborations in SE is still relatively very low, compared to the amount of activity in each of the two communities. It seems that the two ’camps’ show only limited interest/motivation to collaborate with one other. Many researche

Regression testing goals-view of practitioners and researchers

Context: Regression testing is a well-researched area. However,the majority regression testing techniques proposed by theresearchers are not getting the attention of the practitioners. Communicationgaps between industry and academia and disparity in theregression testing goals are the main reasons. Close collaboration canhelp in bridging the communication gaps and resolving the disparities.Objecti

The Politic of Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Their Reform

Fossil fuel subsidies strain public budgets, and contribute to climate change and local air pollution. Despite widespread agreement among experts about the benefits of reforming fossil fuel subsidies, repeated international commitments to eliminate them, and valiant efforts by some countries to reform them, they continue to persist. This book helps explain this conundrum, by exploring the politics