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Diskussioner om samhällsvetenskap : gränser, innehåll och framtid

Från både politiskt och vetenskapligt håll framförs allt oftare önskemål om gränsöverskridande samarbete mellan vetenskapliga discipliner. Frågan om samarbete mellan institutioner och ämnen bildar utgångspunkt även för denna bok, som är skriven av professorer vid den samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Lunds universitet. Boken diskuterar samhällsvetenskapernas gränser, innehåll och möjligheter. D

Varandra som vänner och fiender - en idékritisk undersökning om kontraktet och dess grund.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här boken handlar om ömsesidighet i sociala relationer - om vänskap. Den handlar också om de moraliska och rättsliga normer och föreställningar som istället främjar ensidiga, eller till och med direkt fientliga, relationer. Arbetet utgår från vissa centrala punkter i den aristoteliska etiken. Undersökningen kretsar kring de värden som konstituerar den sociala relatiThis is a book about reciprocity in social relationships - about friendship. It also deals with the moral and legal norms which, conversely, promote one-sided and even directly hostile relationships. The starting-point for this work is certain central elements in Aristotelian ethics. The study revolves around the values which constitute the social relationship of friendship and the central questio

State-of-the-Art of Benchmarking in Construction and Real Estate. CREDIT Report 1.

This State-of-the-art report in the CREDIT project has identified and examined a number of existing sets of performance indicators, methods and tools for understanding user needs, requirement management, databases and mandatory reporting. The report has also focused on approaches to better benchmarking schemes in the Nordic and Baltic countries that can compare end-user and client needs, and perfo

High Resolution Monitoring of Woody Vegetation Change over New South Wales

Remote sensing is used by the Department of Environment, Climate change and Water (DECCW) for mapping and monitoring the extent of woody vegetation in the State of New South Wales (NSW). In the past DECCW has relied solely on Landsat imagery to provide for these requirements but the need to map woody vegetation change in landscapes such as open woodlands with scattered trees, grasslands, and highl

Tracing the drivers of B2B brand strength and value

Popular Abstract in Swedish By building a strong brand that is favourably perceived by target customers, a firm can establish a competitive advantage that enables greater revenues and profitability. This is at least what the branding literature always has assumed, and something few marketing and brand managers seem to disagree with. When asked how exactly a brand can be charged with such great valBy building a strong brand that is favourably perceived by target customers, a firm can establish a competitive advantage that enables greater revenues and profitability. This is at least what the branding literature always has assumed, and something few marketing and brand managers seem to disagree with. When asked how exactly a brand can be charged with such great value, however, neither academi

Moral cognition : Individual differences, intuition and reasoning in moral judgment

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom moralpsykologisk forskning har man framförallt studerat hur människors förmåga att resonera om rättvisa utvecklas i olika åldrar. För de allra flesta av oss är dock moral någonting mer än bara rättvisa. Varje tillfälle då vi bestämmer oss för vad vi tycker är rätt eller fel kan ses som ett moraliskt ställningstagande, från så enkla saker som att man tvekar att gå mPsychological processes involved in moral cognition were examined in three studies, taking as their starting point the assumption that the cognitive-developmental perspective commonly taken is too narrow and that individual differences and implicit processes need to be taken into consideration. Study I focused on the role of defense mechanisms in moral thinking. A self-report questionnaire was co

Gas flow and heat transfer with internal reforming reactions in an anode duct of SOFCs

A fully three-dimensional calculation method has been farther developed to simulate and analyze internal reforming and its effects on various processes in a thick anode duct. In this study, the composite duct consists of a porous anode, the flow duct and solid current connector. Momentum and heat transport together with gas species equations have been solved by coupled source terms and variable th


Tid och envishet är viktiga faktorer för att lyckas med innovation. Om detta och andra faktorer står att läsa i denna bok. Boken är född ur ett inspirerande, lärorikt år inom ramen för forskningsprogrammet PIEp: Product Innovation Engineering program. Ett år då vi forskare mött nya människor, nya företag, fått nya insikter, men också en bekräftelse på att svenskt näringsliv tycks göra allt för att