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Your search for "*" yielded 533204 hits

Respiratory Disorders In Two Workers Of Customs Depositories Occupationally Exposed To Mouldy Tobacco

Work-related respiratory symptoms, including dyspnoea, cough, fever, tiredness and malaise, were recorded in two customs officers employed in 2 depositories of confiscated cigarettes, of which one showed signs of dampness. Microbiological sampling of the air and the cigarettes stored in a damp depository revealed the presence of potentially pathogenic fungi and bacteria and the biochemical markers

Self-diffusion study of micelles in poly(oxyethylene)-polydimethylsiloxane diblock copolymer and poly(oxyethylene) alkyl ether systems

Self-diffusion constants of amphiphilic molecules in D2O solutions of mixed poly(oxyethylene)-polydimethylsiloxane diblock copolymer (POE-PDMS, SimC3EOn) and poly(oxyethylene) dodecyl ether (C12EOn) were measured by pulsed-field-gradient NMR method. In the D2O/Si25C3EO51.6/C12EO8 or D2O/Si52C3EO51.6/Cl2EO8 systems, small and large micelles coexist in a wide range of SimC3EO51.6 fraction in total a

A 5' stem-loop and ribosome binding but not translation are important for the stability of Bacillus subtilis aprE leader mRNA.

The Bacillus subtilis aprE leader is a determinant of extreme mRNA stability. The authors examined what properties of the aprE leader confer stability on an mRNA. The secondary structure of the aprE leader mRNA was analysed in vitro and in vivo, and mutations were introduced into different domains of an aprE leader-lacZ fusion. The half-lives of the corresponding transcripts were determined and be

Multipotent progenitor cells from the adult human brain: neurophysiological differentiation to mature neurons

It was long held as an axiom that new neurons are not produced in the adult human brain. More recent studies have identified multipotent cells whose progeny express glial or neuronal markers. This discovery may lead to new therapeutic strategies for CNS disorders, either by stimulating neurogenesis in vivo or by transplanting multipotent progenitor cells (MPCs) that have been propagated and differ

Effects of medetomidine, a novel antifouling agent, on the burrowing bivalve Abra nitida (Muller)

The effects of medetomidine, a novel antifouling candidate, on the burrowing bivalve Abra nitida were studied. The burrowing behaviour, sediment reworking activity and faeces production were assessed after 24 h exposure of A. nitida to sublethal concentrations of medetomidine. Medetomidine caused a significant decrease in the burrowing response and in the sediment reworking activity. The median ef

Validation of a Diagnostic PCR Method for Routine Analysis of Salmonella spp. in Animal Feed Samples

As a part of a validation study, a comparative study of a PCR method and the standard culture-based method NMKL-71, for detection of Salmonella, was performed according to the validation protocol from the Nordic validation organ for validation of alternative microbiological methods (NordVal) on 250 artificially or naturally contaminated animal feed samples. The PCR method is based on culture enric

Recommendation of appropriate amounts of petrolatum preparation to be applied at patch testing.

Background: No recommendation exists on the amount of petrolatum (pet.) preparation to be applied in a Finn Chamber (R) or van der Bend Chamber. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the appropriate amount of pet. preparation to apply in the Finn and van der Bend chambers. Methods: 12 volunteers were patch tested with green-coloured pet. in Finn and van der Bend chambers on the back o

Platelet activation by Shiga toxin and circulatory factors as a pathogenetic mechanism in the hemolytic uremic syndrome

Thrombocytopenia caused by platelet consumption in thrombi is a major manifestation of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) associated with Shiga toxin (Stx) producing Escherichia coli. Platelets have glycosphingolipid receptors capable of binding Stx, but a direct interaction between the toxin and platelets, leading to platelet activation, has not been reported. In this study, it is shown that Stx1 an

On the Ga II and Ga III resonance lines and the implication for chemical stratification in HGMN stars

The gallium abundance in HgMn stars has been reported to be different for analyses conducted from spectral lines in the optical versus those from the ultraviolet. We pursue this ultraviolet-optical discrepancy from a line-blending perspective by investigating the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) spectrum of the sharp-lined HgMn binary star chi Lup. Its galli

Dystroglycan: a possible mediator for reducing congenital muscular dystrophy?

alpha-Dystroglycan is a highly glycosylated peripheral protein forming a complex with the membrane-spanning beta-dystroglycan and establishing a connection between the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton. In skeletal muscle, as part of the larger dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, dystroglycan is believed to be essential for maintaining the structural and functional stability of muscle fibers.

Mechanical degradation and changes in conformation of hydrophobically modified starch

In this paper, we study the mechanical degradation and changes in conformation of a branched ultrahigh molar mass biomacromolecule, hydrophobically modified starch, as caused by high-pressure homogenization. The characterization was performed with asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) with multiangle light scattering (MALS) and refractive index detection. The starch which had been c

The Boundary Work of Commercial Friendship

With the aim to reconsider lifestyle values in relation to economic rationality in small tourism and hospitality businesses, we focus on the “commercial home” as a site where boundaries between personal and commercial values are constantly performed in practice. Through an interactionist analysis of the narrative of a B&B and gallery owner, we illustrate the emergence of intimacy as a commerci

The risk associated with indwelling catheters in children with haemophilia.

Infections are the most frequent complications associated with the use of central venous lines (CVLs) in children with haemophilia. Several retrospective studies that include data from a substantial number of patients have reported approximately 0.2-0.3 infections per 1000 catheter-days (mainly Port-A-Cath). Some studies have shown a much higher frequency of infections, 1-2/1000 catheter-days. The

The feasibility of left ventricular mechanical support as a bridge to cardiac recovery

Objective: To study the achievability of device weaning in patients receiving left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) as a bridge to transplantation. Methods: Eighteen consecutive patients receiving a LVAD between September 1997 and June 2002 were included in the study. During a four-month follow-up, patients were repeatedly evaluated with right heart catheterization and echocardiography and, if f

Calcium deposition and expression of bone modelling markers in the tympanic membrane following acute otitis media

Background and objectives In accordance with clinical findings, myringoscterosis develops after otitis media (OM) and paracentesis in an experimental setting. The pathogenesis of this phenomenon of calcification is poorly understood. As the calcification process and the sclerotic plaques of the drum mimics features of bone tissue, this study explores tympanic membrane calcium deposition in associa

International consensus statement on the use of disease-modifying agents in multiple sclerosis

Objective. To provide recommendations on the use of disease-modifying agents in the management of multiple sclerosis (MS) and to ensure that treatment will be available to those patients who may benefit. Methods. An initial draft of the consensus statement was prepared by the Steering Committee and amended in the light of written comments from a group of MS specialists. At a subsequent workshop, t