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On MIMO capacity of a dual multiband antenna prototype with user interactions

This paper presents an evaluation of single input single output (SISO), single input multiple output (SIMO) and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channel capacities for a dual antenna prototype in proximity of a user. The dual antenna prototype mimics today’s small mobile phone design in size and in comprising internal, compact, multi-band antennas. Four different user cases are evaluated by m

Sammanläggning av flera systematiskt begångna brott till ett grovt brott

En fråga som ställer till problem i straffrättskipningen är hur flera systematiskt begångna brott skall bedömas. Kan man behandla 100 ringa narkotikabrott, som begåtts systematiskt — affärsmässiga överlåtelser av små mängder narkotika — som 100 grova narkotikabrott, eller som ett enda grovt narkotikabrott? Hur hanterar man 20 bedrägerier, som ingår i en från början uppgjord brottsplan? Artikelförf

Direct and inverse scattering problems in dispersive media-Green's functions and invariant imbedding techniques

Transient electromagnetic wave propagation in a dispersive medium is reviewed. The medium is assumed to be 1) linear, 2) invariant to time translations, 3) causal, 4) continuous, and 5) isotropic. The constitutive relations are then uniquelyrepresen ted bya Riemann-Stieltjes integral in the time variable. The kernel in this convolution is the susceptibilityk ernel. Two explicit examples of mathema

Kamerans konsekvenser. En fallstudie av kameraövervakning mot bilbrott i Landskrona

Kameraövervakning utgör en pågående trend i kommuners och privatpersoners kamp mot brottslighet. Föremålet för denna rapport är ett särskilt fall som sedan april 2004 ansluter till denna trend: övervakningen av parkeringsplatsen på Kasernplan i centrala Landskrona. Rapporten utgår från statistik, medierapportering, enkätundersökningar samt etnografiskt material (intervjuer och fältanteckningar)

Skola med fördröjning: nyanlända elevers sociala spelrum i "en skola för alla"

This dissertation aims to investigate the social situation at school for students that have migrated to Sweden during their last four years at compulsory school or during upper secondary school. The study investigates the social interaction between students with a special focus on the possibilities and hindrances for inclusion of the newcomer immigrant students in different groupings at school, an

Essential Tensions in the Field of Psychiatry

In this presentation I discuss modern psychiatry, esp. neuropsychiatry, from the perspectives of philosophy and sociology of science. It is argued that there exist a number of tensions and ‘incommensurabilities’ in the field that are hard to overcome, thus giving rise to controversies. I separate four types of tensions, belonging to different ‘boxes.’ The first is called cognitive/internal, compri

Dual Problem in Multi-Objective Hp Control

In this paper, we approach a multi­objective Hp prob­ lem with several Hp constraints from the Banach duality point of view. The problem is reduced to an abstract norm minimization problem, and the dual problem is derived using the classical Banach re­ sult. It completes the primal­dual pair which can be used to solve the problem numerically by nite­ dimensional approximations. While the approxima

Experiences among older persons using mobility devices

Objectives. The aim of the study was to investigate older persons' experiences of using mobility devices. Methods. In this qualitative study, focus group interviews were carried out with participants living in two municipalities in the south of Sweden. Occupational therapists and physiotherapists identified interested participants, 65 years or older. A total of 22 persons participated once in the

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Abstract in German 1. Begriffsgeschichtliche Annäherung: Wovon sprechen wir, wenn wir die Begriffe 'Arbeit' und 'Beruf' im chinesischen Kontext verwenden? Welche (historischen) Entwicklungen haben diese Begriffe durchlaufen, wie unterscheiden sie sich von bestimmten deutschen/europäischen Entwicklungen? Welche Rolle spielen hierbei bestimmte Wendepunkte in der chinesischen Geschichte? 2. Offiziell