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Accelerated Radioactive Beams from REX-ISOLDE
Academic Micro Cultures: where initiatives to improve student learning are interpreted and enacted
Attention, accessibility, and the addressee: the case of the Jahai demonstrative ton
Flyktingars jobbchanser. Vad betyder lokala erfarenheter av tidigare arbetskraftsinvandring?
The bacterial flora of the gut
Measurement of the Acoustic properties of resilient, statically tensile loaded devices in light weight structures: A measurement method and statistical analysis
Resilient devices are commonly used in lightweight structures to decrease sound transmission in a broad frequency band. Applications of such devices may be found in e.g. resilient mounted ceilings in aeroplanes, ships and buildings. A measurement method to characterise the frequency dependency of the transfer stiffness and the input stiffness of the resilient device is presented. The mechanical ch
Quality in psychiatric care: an instrument evaluating patients' expectations and experiences.
Ljusets biologi
A Modern Teaching Laboratory for Process Control
Living with a highly malignant brain tumour: the family perspective.
Nosam : nordvästskånska kommuner i sökande efter en ny samarbetsprofil (Rapport i projektet Regionalisering och flernivådemokrati)
I nordvästra Skåne har tio kommuner valt en ny samarbetsform för att möta de problem och möjligheter som omvälvningarna inom länet ställer dem inför. Organisationen NOSAM (Nordvästra Skånes Samarbetskommitté) är delvis en arvtagare till det tidigare kommunalförbundet NSK, men den bör också ses som ett försök att säkerställa den kommunala autonomin inom ramen för det nya Skåne län. Farhågorna om at
Musikläraren - en problematisering
Variation of multiplicity and transverse energy flow with W² and Q² in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
[abstract missing]
Swedish Industrial Growth and Crises in the 20th Century
Saltsjöbaden och världen: lönebildningens institutioner i en liten öppen ekonomi
PID Control Design and H∞ Loop Shaping Design of PI Controllers Based on Non-Convex Optimization
How to efficiently find the minimum distance of tailbiting codes
A bidirectional algorithm for computing spectral coefficients of convolutional and tailbiting codes is presented and used to obtain new codes.
The harmonization of criminal law in the EU member states
’Ingilis’, ‘Cherchil’ and Conspiracy Theories Galore: The Iranian Perception of the British
One of the constant characteristics featuring Iran-Britain relations in the post-revolutionary era has been a strong sense of distrust and a demonizing discourse they have employed mostly as an ideological-moral framework to interpret and represent each other’s actions and policies. A great majority of the Islamic Republic officials view the UK and its policies, however favourable or friendly they