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Survival and axillary recurrence following sentinel node-positive breast cancer without completion axillary lymph node dissection : The randomized controlled SENOMAC trial

Background: The role of axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) has increasingly been called into question among patients with positive sentinel lymph nodes. Two recent trials have failed to show a survival difference in sentinel node-positive breast cancer patients who were randomized either to undergo completion ALND or not. Neither of the trials, however, included breast cancer patients undergoin

Rules of Recognition : Explaining Diplomatic Representation in the Long Nineteenth Century

The aim of this paper is to explore the establishment of diplomatic representation as a measure of de facto recognition by other state units, and to explain its causes in the “long 19th century” (1817-1914). The premise of the paper is that, at least before the advent of broad-ranging legitimizing international organizations such as the League of Nations or the UN in the 20th century, sending a di

Diffusion MRI microstructure models with in vivo human brain Connectome data : Results from a multi-group comparison

A large number of mathematical models have been proposed to describe the measured signal in diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, model comparison to date focuses only on specific subclasses, e.g. compartment models or signal models, and little or no information is available in the literature on how performance varies among the different types of models. To address thi

Implementing liquid biopsies into clinical decision making for cancer immunotherapy

During the last decade, novel immunotherapeutic strategies, in particular antibodies directed against immune checkpoint inhibitors, have revolutionized the treatment of different malignancies leading to an improved survival of patients. Identification of immune-related biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring of immune responses and selection of patients for specific cancer immunotherapies

Walking difficulties is the main contributor to fear of falling in people with Parkinson’s disease

Fear of falling is more common and pronounced in people with Parkinson’s disease than in controls. We conducted a series of studies that used multivariable regression analyses to identify explanatory factors of fear of falling in people with Parkinson’s disease. Three independent samples were used. The first study (n=154) was a postal survey study that used well-established self-rating scales. The

A qualitative study of cognitive behavioural therapy in multiple sclerosis : experiences of psychotherapists

PURPOSE: To investigate how psychotherapists experience using individual, face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) aimed at alleviating depressive symptoms in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS).METHOD: Semi-structured interviews with three psychotherapists were conducted after CBT with 12 participants with MS, and analysed using qualitative content analysis.RESULTS: Two main themes emerg

Contrasting the dynamics of elastic and non-elastic deformations across an experimental colloidal Martensitic transition

We present a framework to segregate the roles of elastic and non-elastic deformations in the examination of real-space experiments of solid-solid Martensitic transitions. The Martensitic transformation of a body-centred-tetragonal (BCT) to a body-centred-orthorhombic (BCO) crystal structure has been studied in a model system of micron-scale ionic microgel colloids (P. S. Mohanty, P. Bagheri, S. Nö

Differential alteration of hippocampal function and plasticity in females and males of the APPxPS1 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by memory loss and impaired cognitive functions. The higher incidence of AD among women indicates that sex is one of the main risk factor for developing the disease. Using the transgenic amyloid precursor protein × presenilin 1 (APPxPS1) mouse model of AD, we investigated sex inequality with regards to memory capaci

On the direction of cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of object clitics in French and Italian

Placement errors of object clitics (OCL) in French have been documented in 2L1 and L2 but not in L1 acquisition (Granfeldt 2012; Hamann & Belletti 2006). In the present study, we investigate whether placement errors of third person singular OCLs may be due to cross-linguistic influence. We exposed successive (L1 French/L2 Italian and L1 Italian/L2 French) and simultaneous (2L1 Italian/French) Placement errors of object clitics (OCL) in French have been documented in 2L1 and L2 but not in L1 acquisition (Granfeldt, 2012; Hamann & Belletti, 2006). In the present study, we investigate whether placement errors of third person singular OCLs may be due to cross-linguistic influence. We exposed bilingual children (successive L1 French/L2 Italian and L1 Italian/L2 French and simultaneous 2

Forest-like abstract Voronoi diagrams in linear time

Abstract Voronoi diagrams are a general framework covering many types of concrete diagrams for different types of sites or distance measures. Generalizing a famous result by Aggarwal et al. we prove the following. Suppose it is known that inside a closed domain D the Voronoi diagram V(S) is a tree, and for each subset S'⊂S, a forest with one face per site. If the order of Voronoi regions of V(S) a

Market driving at Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) : An analysis of social enterprises from the healthcare sector

To date, scholarly understanding of external dimensions of market driving for the purposes of 'societal change' is largely unexplored in both developed and emerging market contexts. This paper uses a multiple case study approach to understand how market driving social enterprises (across the hybrid spectrum) create societal change in emerging markets. By drawing on Scott's (1995) three-part concep

The economic burden of human papillomavirus-related precancers and cancers in Sweden

High-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is an established cause of malignant disease. We used a societal perspective to estimate the cost of HR HPV-related cervical, vulvar, vaginal, anal, and penile precancer and cancer, and oropharyngeal cancer in Sweden in 2006, 1 year before HPV vaccination became available in the country. Materials and methods This prevalence-based cost-of-illness

Centrality dependence of the pseudorapidity density distribution for charged particles in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV

We present the charged-particle pseudorapidity density in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV in centrality classes measured by ALICE. The measurement covers a wide pseudorapidity range from −3.5 to 5, which is sufficient for reliable estimates of the total number of charged particles produced in the collisions. For the most central (0–5%) collisions we find 21400±1300, while for the most peripheral

Parametric Analysis of the Effect of Pilot Quantity, Combustion Phasing and EGR on Efficiencies of a Gasoline PPC Light-Duty Engine

In this paper, a parametric analysis on the main engine calibration parameters applied on gasoline Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) is performed. Theoretically, the PPC concept permits to improve both the engine efficiencies and the NOx-soot trade-off simultaneously compared to the conventional diesel combustion. This work is based on the design of experiments (DoE), statistical approach, and i