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Your search for "*" yielded 535718 hits

Soft tissue sarcoma should be treated at a tumor center : A comparison of quality of surgery in 375 patients

We analyzed the quality of surgery In a population-based series of 375 patients with primary soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity (n 329) and trunk wall (n 46). the quality was measured as the total number of operations performed for the primary tumor-biopsy, excision, reexcision-and the local recurrence rate. A comparison was made between patients referred to our tumor center before surgery (n 19

Limb-sparing surgery without radiotherapy based on anatomic location of soft tissue sarcoma

From 1980 through 1986, 119 patients with soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities were referred to our tumor center either before surgery (n = 78) or immediately after incisional biopsy or marginal excision (n = 41). The tumors were classified according to anatomic location at admittance as subcutaneous (n = 40), intramuscular (n = 30), and extramuscular tumors (n = 49). Open biopsy was omitted in

Resurge deposits associated with the shallow marine early Cambrian Vakkejokk impact, north Sweden

The lower Cambrian Vakkejokk Breccia is a proximal ejecta layer from a shallow marine impact. It is exposed for ~7 km along a steep mountainside in Lapland, northernmost Sweden. In its central parts, the layer is up to ~27 m thick. Here the breccia shows a vertical differentiation into (1) a lower subunit consisting of strongly deformed target sediments mixed with up to decameter size, mainly crys

An evaluation of zonisamide, including its long-term efficacy, for the treatment of focal epilepsy

Introduction: About 70 million people worldwide are estimated to suffer from epilepsy. Despite a large variety of old and new antiepileptic drugs on the market, about 30% of people with epilepsy do not become seizure-free with medical treatment. This is a major individual and public health burden. Most of these difficult-to-treat patients are having focal seizures. Zonisamide is effective against

Host-Guest Relative Binding Affinities at Density-Functional Theory Level from Semiempirical Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Relative free energies for the binding of nine cyclic carboxylate ligands to the octa-acid deep-cavity host were calculated at the combined density-functional theory and molecular mechanics (DFT/MM) level of theory. The DFT calculations employed the BLYP functional and the 6-31G∗ basis set for the ligand. We employed free-energy perturbations (FEP) with the reference-potential approach and used m

Parental longevity and survival among patients with multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance : a population-based study

Parental longevity is associated with an increased life expectancy; results with regard to specific diseases are conflicting. There are limited data focusing on host characteristics and their effect on survival among multiple myeloma (MM) patients and individuals with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). Therefore, our aim was to evaluate the impact of parental longevity on s

The development of spasticity with age in 4,162 children with cerebral palsy : a register-based prospective cohort study

Background and purpose — Spasticity is often regarded as a major cause of functional limitation in children with cerebral palsy (CP). We analyzed the spasticity development with age in the gastrosoleus muscle in children with CP. Children and methods — This is a longitudinal cohort study of 4,162 children (57% boys) with CP born in 1990–2015, monitored using standardized follow-up examinations in

Sickle cell retinopathy. A focused review

Purpose: To provide a focused review of sickle cell retinopathy in the light of recent advances in the pathogenesis, multimodal retinal imaging, management of the condition, and migration trends, which may lead to increased prevalence of the condition in the Western world. Methods: Non-systematic focused literature review. Results: Sickle retinopathy results from aggregation of abnormal hemoglobin

What the Future Holds – a Study on the Environmental Pressure Affecting the Real Estate Market

Over the past few years, environmental sustainability as a whole has gained significantly more attention globally, and the connection between sustainability and the built environment has been made clear. The built environment is now more widely known to have major implications on both climate change, and resource use. This study draws on a previous study, which identified environmental pressure as

Om akademiskt hushållsarbete och dess fördelning

On academic housekeeping and its allocationAcademic housekeeping denotes the type of work tasks within university departments that are low-status, time-consuming, largely invisible, and that nevertheless need to be done. This article discusses academic housekeeping in a Swedish context, and holds that this topic has been overlooked in research. The aim is therefore to specify the meaning of the co

On the molecular mechanisms of the amyloid β-peptide aggregation

Proteins are tiny chemical machines that play many critical roles in our body. Some proteins send important messages, some carry crucial supplies, some fight with invaders and protect body from diseases, some clear trash etc. Proteins are strings of hundreds and thousands of small units called amino acids. If the string is built from less than hundred amino acids, it is called a peptide. DNA, a loThe pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease is widely believed to be due to production and deposition of the amyloid β-peptide. Several variants of the Aβ peptide are known to exist in in vivo. Variations include mutations or additional functional groups attached to residue side chains and may affect the aggregation process. Early on-set Alzheimer’s is caused by a variety of single amino acid substitu

Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging to identify stroke onset within 6 h in patients with large vessel occlusions

Introduction: Mechanical thrombectomy within 6 h after stroke onset improves the outcome in patients with large vessel occlusions. The aim of our study was to establish a model based on diffusion weighted and perfusion weighted imaging to provide an accurate prediction for the 6 h time-window in patients with unknown time of stroke onset. Patients and methods: A predictive model was designed based

Measles and rubella seroimmunity in newly arrived adult immigrants in Sweden

Background: International migrants could be considered as a risk group for being susceptible to vaccine preventable diseases such as measles and rubella. However, data on immunity in different migrant groups are scarce. Apart from asylum seekers and refugees, other immigrant groups might also be at risk. We have examined measles and rubella specific IgG antibodies among newly arrived adult immigra

Consequences of local recurrence of soft tissue sarcoma : 205 patients from the Scandinavian Sarcoma Group register

From the Scandinavian Sarcoma Group Register, information on 1,224 surgically-treated patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS) of the extremity or trunk wall, diagnosed between 1987 and 1995, was collected. 205 patients, one third of whom were referred to a center with a local recurrence, had a total of 284 local recurrences. This analysis describes the treatment for these local recurrences, compli

Clinical course in synovial sarcoma : A Scandinavian sarcoma group study of 104 patients

We analyzed treatment and outcome in 104 Scandinavian patients with synovial sarcoma in the extremities or trunk wall, diagnosed between 1986 and 1994. Only surgically treated patients without metastases at diagnosis were included. Median follow-up of survivors was 6 (3-11) years. 34 patients developed metastases. The overall 5- and 7-year survival rates were 0.76 (95% Cl 0.66-0.83) and 0.69 (0.58

Realization of Wurtzite GaSb Using InAs Nanowire Templates

The crystal structure of a material has a large impact on the electronic and material properties such as band alignment, bandgap energy, and surface energies. Au-seeded III–V nanowires are promising structures for exploring these effects, since for most III–V materials they readily grow in either wurtzite or zinc blende crystal structure. In III–Sb nanowires however, wurtzite crystal structure gro