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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

To adjust and endure : A qualitative study of symptom burden in older people with multimorbidity

Context: Older people with multimorbidity are vulnerable and often suffer from conditions that produce a multiplicity of symptoms and a reduced health-related quality of life. Objectives: The aim of this study is to explore the experience of living with a high symptom burden from the perspective of older community-dwelling people with multi-morbidity. Method: A qualitative descriptive design with

Questioning Transcription: The Case for the Systematic and Reflexive Interviewing and Reporting (SRIR) Method

The recording and verbatim transcription of interviews is often considered to be one of the more tedious but necessary aspects of the in-depth qualitative research process. While transcription is undoubtedly a necessary methodological tool for researchers focusing specifically on discourse and language, it has also been widely adopted by researchers across the social sciences, and is sometimes adv

Optimum Heat Release Rates for a Double Compression Expansion (DCEE) Engine

The concept of double compression, and double expansion engine (DCEE) for improving the efficiency of piston reciprocating engines was introduced in SAE Paper 2015-01-1260. This engine configuration has separate high, and low pressure units thereby effectively reducing friction losses for high effective compression ratios. The presence of an additional expander stage also theoretically allows an e

New luminescence ages reveal early to Middle Weichselian deposits in central Latvia

New optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages show that sandy deposits overlain by Late Weichselian subglacial till in central Latvia are of Early to Middle Weichselian age. The finer chronological resolution of unconsolidated sediment deposition in the Central Latvian Lowland (CLL) remains relatively unstudied, and here we provide a first characterisation of the deposits with respect to their

Tailoring the Optical Response of III-V Nanowire Arrays

Semiconductor nanowires show a great deal of promise for applications in a widerange of important fields, including photovoltaics, biomedicine, and informationtechnology. Developing these exciting applications is strongly dependent onunderstanding the fundamental properties of nanowires, such as their opticalresonances and absorption spectra. In this thesis we explore optical absorption spectra of

Forskningen får aldrig bli sig själv nog

Kravet på samverkan mellan akademi och samhälle är ett bärande inslag i den nya forskningspropositionen. Detta har lett till högljudda protester från landets forskare. Men samverkan är nödvändig och forskare får inte stanna i ett elfenbenstorn. Forskningens distans till samhället kommer nämligen besvaras med samhällets distans till forskningen. Här har vi en del av förklaringen till den ”faktaresi

Reciprocal specialization in multihost malaria parasite communities of birds: a temperate-tropical comparison

How specialization of consumers with respect to resources varies with respect to latitude is poorly understood. Coexistence of many species in the tropics might be possible only if specialization also increases. Alternatively, lower average abundance of more diverse biotic resources in the tropics might force consumers to become more generalized foragers. We examine levels of reciprocal specializa

Secret cousins : Analogies in the construction of religious authority through "science" in Maurice Bucaille and Claude Vorilhon (Raël)

In this paper I discuss the work of two French authors who advocate a "scientific" exegesis of sacred scriptures: physician Maurice Bucaille (1922-1998) and religious leader Claude Vorilhon (alias Raël, b. 1946). Bucaille argues that the Qur'an's divine origin is demonstrated by its accuracy about natural phenomena and "scientific facts," whereas the Bible does not stand up to "scientific" examina

Serum osteocalcin levels do not change during rapidly induced hypercalcemia in healthy subjects

Since osteocalcin has been suggested to play a role in calcium homeostasis, we investigated its serum levels in 6 healthy subjects during a rapid calcium infusion. Serum levels of intact parathyroid hormone (PTH), 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25-(OH) D3] and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25-(OH)2 D3] were also determined. The calcium infusion increased plasma-ionized calcium levels from 1.25 +/- 0.04 to 1.54

Measurement of intact parathyroid hormone in the diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism

Plasma levels of parathyroid hormone were determined pre-operatively in 27 consecutive patients with clinical and biochemical signs of primary hyperparathyroidism, by the use of one assay recognizing the intact PTH molecule and one assay recognizing the mid-portion of PTH. Plasma levels of mid-molecule PTH were normal in 5 of the patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. In 4 of these patients, p

Molecular Portraits of Cancer : Discovery of Biomarker Signatures using Affinity Proteomics

The use of antibodies as capture molecules in assays is a common practice. By either printing monoclonal single chain fragment variables (scFvs) on a solid support – recombinant antibody microarray – or attaching them to magnetic beads – Global Proteome Survey (GPS) – we can specifically capture and measure target proteins of interest. Using the recombinant antibody microarray, we targetpredominanThe use of antibodies as capture molecules in assays is a common practice. By either printing monoclonal single chain fragment variables (scFvs) on a solid support – recombinant antibody microarray – or attaching them to magnetic beads – Global Proteome Survey (GPS) – we can specifically capture and measure target proteins of interest. Using the recombinant antibody microarray, we target predomina

Nitric Oxide Synthase in Human Parathyroid Glands and Parathyroid Adenomas

Nitric oxide (NO) is a novel gaseous intercellular transmitter thought to play important physiological roles in the regulation of blood flow and hormone secretion in, for example, the pituitary, the thyroid, and the endocrine pancreas. Whether nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is present in the human parathyroid glands has not yet been demonstrated. In the present study, histologically normal, but funct

The gut microbiota : A predisposing factor in obesity, diabetes and atherosclerosis

The cluster of pathologies comprising the metabolic syndrome (MetS) includes increased waist circumference, hyperglycemia, elevated blood pressure and hyperlipidemia. With time, these conditions present a major risk of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. Fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) experiments performed in mice have given an intriguing foundation for a microbial-based th

Fetal and maternal temperatures during labor and delivery : a prospective descriptive study

Objective: The objective of this study is to study the fetal scalp temperature (FST) and maternal axillary temperature (MAT) during vaginal delivery relative to progression of labor, uterine contractions (UC) and epidural analgesia (EDA), and to construct normal temperature reference ranges related to stage of labor. Material and methods: Temperatures were recorded continuously in labor of 132 wom

Teleophthalmology image-based navigated retinal laser therapy for diabetic macular edema : a concept of retinal telephotocoagulation

Background: To determine the feasibility and efficacy of a retinal telephotocoagulation treatment plan for diabetic macular edema. Methods: Prospective, interventional cohort study at two clinical sites. Sixteen eyes of ten subjects with diabetic macular edema underwent navigated focal laser photocoagulation using a novel teleretinal treatment plan. Clinic 1 (King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital, R