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Aerodynamic performance in bat flight

Den här avhandlingen handlar om aerodynamik hos fladdermöss. Det vill säga, hur fladdermöss skapar de krafter som låter dem flyga, hur de påverkar luften för att åstadkomma detta, och hur deras vingar rör sig när de gör det.Tack vare förmågan att flyga kan djur utnyttja annars otillgängliga födoämnen, undfly rovdjur, och övervintra i varmare trakter. Fördelarna med flygning blir än mer uppenbara nBats are the only mammals capable of flight, and they are the only animal flyers that are mammals. This thesis focuses on the latter of those facts, and investigates how bats fly, from an aerodynamic perspective. The data on which this thesis is based were generated by examining the airflows beneath and behind bats flying in a wind tunnel, and by examining their wing kinematics manually and automa

The impact of stellar feedback on the density and velocity structure of the interstellar medium

We study the impact of stellar feedback in shaping the density and velocity structure of neutral hydrogen (H I) in disc galaxies. For our analysis, we carry out ~4.6 pc resolution N-body+adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamic simulations of isolated galaxies, set up to mimic a Milky Way and a Large and Small Magellanic Cloud. We quantify the density and velocity structure of the interstellar medium

Variation in rhinarium temperature indicates sensory specializations in placental mammals

The rhinarium, a specialized nose-tip characterized by an area of naked and wet skin around the nostrils, is a typical mammalian structure. The type and amount of innervation suggests a sensory role and morphological diversity implies so far unidentified species-specific functional specializations. Rhinaria also vary in temperature and this may be related to the functions of these sensory organs.

Sequential Targeting of Xylose and Glucose Conversion in Fed-Batch Simultaneous Saccharification and Co-fermentation of Steam-Pretreated Wheat Straw for Improved Xylose Conversion to Ethanol

Efficient conversion of both glucose and xylose in lignocellulosic biomass is necessary to make second-generation bioethanol from agricultural residues competitive with first-generation bioethanol and gasoline. Simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation (SSCF) is a promising strategy for obtaining high ethanol yields. However, with this method, the xylose-fermenting capacity and viability o

Tumor necrosis factor-α-mediated downregulation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator drives pathological sphingosine-1-phosphate signaling in a mouse model of heart failure

Background-Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) signaling is a central regulator of resistance artery tone. Therefore, S1P levels need to be tightly controlled through the delicate interplay of its generating enzyme sphingosine kinase 1 and its functional antagonist S1P phosphohydrolase-1. The intracellular localization of S1P phosphohydrolase-1 necessitates the import of extracellular S1P into the intra

Early Holocene dune field development in Dalarna, central Sweden : A geomorphological and geophysical case study

Bonäsheden, Sweden's largest continuous dune field, situated in the county of Dalarna, central Sweden, has been investigated using LiDAR (light detection and ranging) remote sensing, ground penetrating radar as well as by field observations and luminescence dating. The use of LiDAR in conjunction with geographic information system (GIS) software proved to be efficient in mapping the inactive dune

Variation in growth drives the duration of parental care : A test of Ydenberg’s model

The duration of parental care in animals varies widely, from none to lifelong. Such variation is typically thought to represent a trade-off between growth and safety. Seabirds show wide variation in the age at which offspring leave the nest, making them ideal to test the idea that a trade-off between high energy gain at sea and high safety at the nest drives variation in departure age (Ydenberg’s

Mechanical symptoms as an indication for knee arthroscopy in patients with degenerative meniscus tear : a prospective cohort study

OBJECTIVE: According to prevailing consensus, patients with mechanical symptoms are those considered to most likely benefit from arthroscopic surgery. The aim of this study was to determine the value of using patients' pre-operative self-reports of mechanical symptoms as a justification surgery in patients with degenerative meniscus tear/knee disease.DESIGN: Pragmatic prospective cohort of 900 con

Monetary Aggregates for Ireland, 1840-1921

This article constructs new monetary aggregates for Ireland between 1840 and 1921.Three major findings are gleaned from the data. First, we find that the degreeof monetization on the eve of the Famine was comparatively high. Second, wefind an unprecedented monetary contraction during the Famine. Third, in contrastto previous research, we find that the failure of the Munster Bank in 1885 hadramification

Algeriet vid skiljevägen. Ett studium av politiska, ekonomiska och ideologiska strukturer i Algeriet 1992. Projektarbete för Försvarets Forskningsanstalt (FOA), juni – augusti 1992.

Algeriet vid skiljevägen. Ett studium av politiska, ekonomiska och ideologiska strukturer i Algeriet 1992. Projektarbete för Försvarets Forskningsanstalt (FOA), juni – augusti 1992. Torsten JansonKandidatstudent i islamologi, Lunds universitetSLUTSATSERAlgeriet 1992 - Point of no returnTvå saker om den algeriska nationen kan omedelbart konstateras: den är till sitt väsen en militärdiktatur; och de

The gamma-tubulin meshwork as a therapeutic target

Cancer is a heterogeneous disease and treatment regime is dependent on type and location of the tumor. Several of the commonly used chemotherapeutics target the functions of the microtubules. One of the major problems with these drugs is the adverse effects associated with their use. Another problem many of the chemotherapeutics today face is resistance. Therefore there is a constant need for deve

Leisure activities and mobility device use among very old people in Latvia and in Sweden

Introduction Opportunities for leisure activities and physical mobility are important for the ageing population. Therefore, we aim to describe leisure activities outside the home among very old (over 80 years of age) users and non-users of mobility devices in two European countries. Method Survey data on mobility device use, self-rated physical mobility and leisure activities outside the home were

Surgical management of degenerative meniscus lesions : The 2016 ESSKA meniscus consensus

Purpose: A degenerative meniscus lesion is a slowly developing process typically involving a horizontal cleavage in a middle-aged or older person. When the knee is symptomatic, arthroscopic partial meniscectomy has been practised for a long time with many case series reporting improved patient outcomes. Since 2002, several randomised clinical trials demonstrated no additional benefit of arthroscop

Costs and Effects of an Ambulatory Geriatric Unit (the AGe-FIT Study) : A Randomized Controlled Trial

OBJECTIVES: To examine costs and effects of care based on comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) provided by an ambulatory geriatric care unit (AGU) in addition to usual care.DESIGN: Assessor-blinded, single-center randomized controlled trial.SETTING: AGU in an acute hospital in southeastern Sweden.PARTICIPANTS: Community-dwelling individuals aged 75 years or older who had received inpatient hos

Too complex and time-consuming to fit in! Physicians' experiences of elderly patients and their participation in medical decision making : a grounded theory study

OBJECTIVE: To explore physicians' thoughts and considerations of participation in medical decision making by hospitalised elderly patients.DESIGN: A qualitative study using focus group interviews with physicians interpreted with grounded theory and completed with a questionnaire.SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: The setting was three different hospitals in two counties in Sweden. Five focus groups were co

On some topics in operator theory : An unfinished story about mathematical control

Vi föreställer oss en metallstav som hettats upp till en, låt oss säga inhomogen,temperatur. Vi föreställer oss också att staven är isolerad runtom, men inte iändpunkterna. Om vi sänker ned staven i en stor bassäng med nollgradigt vattenså kommer termisk energi att lämna staven genom dess ändar. Därmed svalnarstaven, och till slut kommer den att ha samma temperatur som den omgivandebassängen.Om viThis thesis considers differentiation of non-negative, fractional order, composed with Hardy spacetypeHankel operators. H2-boundedness is characterized in terms of a reproducing kernel thesis.The setting of operator-valued symbols is considered, in which H2-boundedness is characterized interms of Carleson embeddings, provided that the order of differentiation is strictly positive. Somenew results

Reflecting on the bologna outcome space: some pitfalls to avoid? : Exploring Universities in Sweden and the Netherlands

Europeans have tried for decades to find a way to take a mutual stance on issues of higher education and its development. In terms of taking on the challenge of such a mutual commitment with respect to higher education, the Bologna process is a giant step for the European Union. It involves a large number of countries, representing a great variety of higher education systems, which are currently e

Tungsten carbide nanoparticles in simulated surface water with natural organic matter : dissolution, agglomeration, sedimentation and interaction with Daphnia magna

Even though anthropogenic nano-sized tungsten carbide nanoparticles (WC NPs) have been found in the environment, there are currently no investigations on their environmental fate. This work studies the interaction between natural organic matter (NOM) and WC NPs, as well as the potential uptake by the aquatic model organism Daphnia magna. We here show that the affinity between WC NPs and humic acid