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Your search for "*" yielded 534361 hits
Predictive models for accidents on urban links - A focus on vulnerable road users
Much of earlier work on predictive models for accidents has been focused on rural traffic or urban intersections. This work has aimed at identifying and investigating possible improvements to predictive models for accidents on urban links. A special focus has been on the accidents of vulnerable road users. The possible improvements investigated have been: a) the use of exposure data for vulnerabl
Modelling of furniture experiments with zone models
The Harvard Computer Fire Code Mark V has been used to simulate full-scale Furniture fires. Simulations were run with one sofa burning in the open and another burning in a small room. To obtain better agreement between experiment and simulation, changes were made in the code to include heating of the lower surfaces in the room. A simulation of a mattress test, conducted at NBS, is included. Compar
Accelerated storage and isothermal microcalorimetry as methods of predicting carrot juice shelf-life
The possibility of predicting the shelf-life of pasteurized carrot juice by isothermal microcalorimetry or change in pH was investigated and compared with traditional plate count results. A small increase in thermal power (2 muW), maximal increase of and acceleration of thermal power all gave rapid, well-correlated results for the shelf-life, as did pH, during accelerated storage. The effect of ac
Värdet av VALUE - hypertonistudie som jämfört valsartan med amlodipin. Nya data till stöd för tidig, optimerad blodtryckskontroll för högriskpatienter
Effective properties of heterogeneous materials with applications in electromagnetics
Composite materials, i.e, mixtures of two or more materials, are commonly used in industry, because they often have outstanding properties in comparison with the original materials. In many cases the inhomogeneities are on a very fine scale, which makes it difficult to perform a full numerical simulation of the material. On the fine scale we have rapid oscillations in the material parameters, but
Coherent soft particle production in Z decays into three jets
Low-energy particle production perpendicular to the event plane in three-jet events produced in Z decays in e(+)e(-) annihilation is measured and compared to that perpendicular to the event axis in two-jet events. The topology dependence of the hadron production ratio is found to agree with a leading-order QCD prediction. This agreement and especially the need for the presence of a destructive int
Knut Wicksell, Gustav Cassel, Eli Heckscher, Bertil Ohlin and Gunnar Myrdal on the Role of the Economist in Public Debate
In Swedish public debate, economists have been more influential than any other category of social scientists. We examine the views of five great Swedish economists on the role of the university economist in the public arena. What did they say about scholarly objectivity and value judgements, about political commitment and educating the people? The five economists are Knut Wicksell, Gustav Cassel,
Sympathetic and parasympathetic neuropathy are frequent in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients.
OBJECTIVE—The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of sympathetic versus parasympathetic neuropathy among type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—There were 43 patients with type 1 and 17 with type 2 diabetes who were investigated. Sympathetic nerve function was assessed by measurement of the vasoconstriction (VAC) index by laser Doppler perfusion imaging of a
9-Anthraldehyde acetals as protecting groups.
Anthraldehyde acetals can be introduced regioselectively to carbohydrates in high yields. Advantages over conventional acetal protecting groups are increased crystallinity and strong absorbance and fluorescence which facilitate purification and reaction monitoring. The anthraldehyde acetals can be deprotected selectively in the presence of benzylidene acetals and can be cleaved regioselectively to
Biodiversity and the Lotka-Volterra theory of species interactions: open systems and the distribution of logarithmic densities
Theoretical interest in the distributions of species abundances observed in ecological communities has focused recently on the results of models that assume all species are identical in their interactions with one another, and rely upon immigration and speciation to promote coexistence. Here we examine a one-trophic level system with generalized species interactions, including species-specific int
The three dimensional structures of human prostate specific antigen (PSA) and glandular kallikrein (hGK) were modeled based on porcine pancreatic kallikrein A. High sequence similarity and conserved framework of serine proteases enabled accurate modeling. The catalytic site region consisting of catalytic triad, residues forming oxyanion hole and main-chain substrate binding residues were conserved
Numerical investigations of the laminating effect in laminated beams
The paper presents numerical results concerning the so-called laminating effect of laminatedbeams. Using the finite-element method, it is shown that the assumption often made of a stress redistribution taking place around weak zones is not necessarily true. A fracture mechanics approach to a possible explanation for the laminating effect is also presented. Here a nonlinear fracture mechanics model
Investigations of the Influence of Mixture Preparation on Cyclic Variations in a SI-Engine, Using Laser Induced Fluorescence
To study the effect of different injection timings on the charge inhomogeneity, planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) was applied to an operating engine. Quantitative images of the fuel distribution within the engine were obtained. Since the fuel used, iso-octane, does not fluoresce, a dopant was required. Three pentanone was found to have vapor pressure characteristics similar to those of iso-
Combating Uncertainty, Combating the Global: Scapegoating, Xenophobia and the National/Local Nexus
I hetluften. Svensk bastu som ideologi och praktik
Prevention of autoimmunity by targeting a distinct, noninvariant CD1d-reactive T cell population reactive to sulfatide
Class I and class II MHC-restricted T cells specific for proteins present in myelin have been shown to be involved in autoimmunity in the central nervous system (CNS). It is not yet known whether CD1d-restricted T cells reactive to myelin-derived lipids are present in the CNS and might be targeted to influence the course of autoimmune demyelination. Using specific glycohpid-CD1d tetramers and clon
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Mothering of Adolescents: A Comparison of Two Samples
This study examined 2 samples of adolescents and mothers using a child-based design (Nonshared Environment in Adolescent Development [NEAD] project, N = 395 families) and a parent-based design (Twin Moms [TM] project, N = 236 twin family pairs) to compare genetic and environmental influences on mothering. For both samples, the same measures of positivity, negativity, control, and monitoring were u
Book and Library History
A short sketch of the concept of Book and Library History as a field of study, according to the author, holder of the Chair in that subject at Lund University.
HCCI Combustion Phasing with Closed-Loop Combustion Control Using Variable Compression Ratio in a Multi-Cylinder Engine
This study applies Closed-Loop Combustion Control (CLCC) using Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) and cylinder balancing using variable lambda to solve the problem. Step changes of set points for combustion phasing, Compression Ratio (CR), and load together with ramps of engine speed and inlet air temperature are investigated. Performances of the controllers are investigated by running the engine at