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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Dispersion in Ice-Covered Lakes

Dispersion studies in three ice-covered lakes are presented. One of the lakes has a large river through-flow. In the other two lakes, small seiche-induced currents are generated through wind action on the ice cover. Dispersion coefficients are computed from five dye experiments lasting from ½ day to 16 days. These coefficients are related to measured current velocities. The turbulence in the river

Conservation of seed-dispersing migrant birds in Mediterranean habitats: Shedding light on patterns to preserve processes

Migratory frugivorous birds disperse the seeds of many plant species, forming mutualistic associations that render frugivores a priority for conservation in many habitats worldwide. We analysed the distribution of seed-dispersing frugivorous passerines in southern Spain, which is an important area for the conservation of European birds during winter. Frugivorous birds showed similar regional abund

Prebiotic oligosaccharides in dietetic products for infants: A commentary by the ESPGHAN committee on nutrition

This article by the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition summarizes available information on the effects of adding prebiotic oligosaccharides to infant and follow-on formulae. Currently there are only limited studies evaluating prebiotic substances in dietetic products for infants. Although administration of prebiotic oligosaccharides has the potential to increase the total number of bifidobacteria in f

Left Atrial Conduction along the Coronary Sinus during Ectopic Atrial Tachycardia and Atrial Fibrillation: A Study Using Correlation Function Analysis

ntroduction: Correlation function analysis was applied to endocardial electrograms to investigate conduction patterns along the coronary sinus (CS) during sinus rhythm (SR) and atrial tachycardias. Methods and Results: Eighteen recordings were obtained from 14 patients suffering from supraventricular tachycardias. Five atrial fibrillation(AF) recordings were compared to 10 SR recordings and 3 ecto

New Communications Technology in the Context of Interactive Sound Art: an empirical analysis

In this article we discuss the notion of ‘interaction’, ‘participation’ and ‘the public’ in artistic work, specifically within the context of the exhibition The Invisible Landscapes (curated by Miya Yoshida, Malmö Konstmuseum, 2003) and etherSound (created by Henrik Frisk), a sound installation displayed in that exhibition. In this work the audience is invited to participate in the creation of new

Endogenous production of leukotriene D(4) mediates autocrine survival and proliferation via CysLT(1) receptor signalling in intestinal epithelial cells.

The cysteinyl leukotriene(1) (CysLT(1)) receptor (CysLT(1)R) enhances survival and proliferation of intestinal cells via distinct pathways. Here, we have demonstrated that there is significant endogenous production of CysLTs from both non-tumour-and tumour-derived intestinal epithelial cells. Treatment of two non-tumour cell lines, Int 407 and IEC-6, with CysLT1R antagonists led to shrinkage and d

Early discharge to therapy-based rehabilitation at home in patients with stroke. A systematic review

Early discharge and home rehabilitation (EDHR) for stroke patients seems logical as an alternative to rehabilitation in stroke units, as these patients often show impaired ability to perform activities of daily living. The objective of this review is to present the effects of EDHR for stroke patients on health, quality of life and costs, and to describe the physiotherapy provided. Seventeen random

Improved Cognitive Development Among Preterm Infants Attributable to Early Supplementation of Human Milk With Docosahexaenoic Acid and Arachidonic Acid

OBJECTIVE. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effect of supplementation with docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid for human milk-fed preterm infants. The primary end point was cognitive development at 6 months of age. METHODS. The study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study among 141 infants with birth weights of

Experimental investigation of delayed self-interference for single photons

A photon echo experiment has been performed using accumulated highly attenuated laser pulses. We show experimentally that the photon echo process can be performed with, on the average, less than one photon in each pair of excitation pulses. The results support an interpretation where this nonlinear process can be performed with, on the average, less than one photon shared between two of the optica

Estimating the number of components with defects post-release that showed no defects in testing

Components that have defects after release, but not during testing, are very undesirable as they point to 'holes' in the testing process. Either new components were not tested enough, or old ones were broken during enhancements and defects slipped through testing undetected. The latter is particularly pernicious, since customers are less forgiving when existing functionality is no longer working t

On the role of the axial ligand in heme proteins: a theoretical study

We present a systematic investigation of how the axial ligand in heme proteins influences the geometry, electronic structure, and spin states of the active site, and the energies of the reaction cycles. Using the density functional B3LYP method and medium-sized basis sets, we have compared models with His, His+Asp, Cys, Tyr, and Tyr+Arg as found in myoglobin and hemoglobin, peroxidases, cytochrome

Towards a three-alpha-helix bundle protein that binds volatile general anesthetics.

The general anesthetics halothane and chloroform are capable of binding to synthetic water-soluble four--helix bundles, which model the putative in vivo receptors. In this study, we investigate the binding of these anesthetics to synthetic water-soluble three--helix bundles. A series of variants containing up to four X-to-Ala and up to four X-to-Met substitutions was made; and the effect of these

Means for STI prevention--how are they applied and how effective are they?

The present communication concerns factors, the application of which may contribute to reduce the transfer rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including geomedical aspects. The factors elaborated on are, e.g. maternal health care, sexual education early in life, health prevention programmes and sexual risk reduction counselling of commercial sex workers, screening activities as well as

Pharmacokinetics of doxorubicin in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Multi-institutional collaborative study

Background, In adults, it has been shown that the pharmacokinetics of doxorubicin are highly variable, despite standardization of the dose based on body surface area (BSA). The purpose of this study was to determine the plasma concentrations of doxorubicin and its active metabolite doxorubicinol in children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Procedure. Children, 107 in number, aged 1.

The diel activity of crucian carp, Carassius carassius, in relation to chemical cues from predators

Chemical cues from piscivorous fish and prey alarm substances often cause rapid fright responses in prey. However little is known of how piscivore-related chemical cues affect prey behaviour over periods longer than a few hours. Here we have investigated how chemical cues from piscivorous northern pike, Esox lucius, affect habitat choice and diel activity of crucian carp, Carassius carassius, over

The modular organisation and stability of a thermostable family 10 xylanase

The thermophilic marine bacterium Rhodothermus marinus produces a modular family 10 xylanase (Xyn10A). It consists of two N-terminal family 4 carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) followed by a domain of unknown function (D3), and a catalytic module (CM) flanked by a small fifth domain (D5) at its C-terminus. Several truncated mutants of the enzyme have been produced and characterised with respect t

Dose resolution in radiotherapy polymer gel dosimetry: effect of echo spacing in MRI pulse sequence

In polymer gel dosimetry using magnetic resonance imaging, the uncertainty in absorbed dose is dependent on the experimental determination of T2. The concept of dose resolution (Dpdelta) of polymer gel dosimeters is developed and applied to the uncertainty in dose related to the uncertainty in T2 from a range of T4 encountered in polymer gel dosimetry. Dpdelta is defined as the minimal separation

Computer-aided ventilator resetting is feasible on the basis of a physiological profile.

BACKGROUND: Ventilator resetting is frequently needed to adjust tidal volume, pressure and gas exchange. The system comprising lungs and ventilator is so complex that a trial and error strategy is often applied. Comprehensive characterization of lung physiology is feasible by monitoring. The hypothesis that the effect of ventilator resetting could be predicted by computer simulation based on a phy