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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Slow cycling of unphosphorylated myosin is inhibited by calponin, thus keeping smooth muscle relaxed

A key unanswered question in smooth muscle biology is whether phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) is sufficient for regulation of contraction, or if thin-filament-based regulatory systems also contribute to this process. To address this issue, the endogenous RLC was extracted from single smooth muscle cells and replaced with either a thiophosphorylated RLC or a mutant RLC (T

Review of current knowledge on HPV vaccination: An Appendix to the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer Screening.

The recognition of a strong etiological relationship between infection with high-risk human papillomavirusses and cervical cancer has prompted research to develop and evaluate prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines. One prophylactic quadrivalent vaccine using L1 virus-like particles (VLP) of HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 is available on the European market since the end of 2006 and it is expected that a sec

Past occurrences of hypoxia in the Baltic Sea and the role of climate variability, environmental change and human impact

The hypoxic zone in the Baltic Sea has increased in area about four times since 1960 and widespread oxygen deficiency has severely reduced macro benthic communities below the halocline in the Baltic Proper and the Gulf of Finland, which in turn has affected food chain dynamics, fish habitats and fisheries in the entire Baltic Sea. The cause of increased hypoxia is believed to be enhanced eutrophic

Mapping of quick clay formations using geotechnical and geophysical methods

Quick clay has been involved in most serious, large clay slides in Sweden, Norway, and Canada. This paper describes geotechnical and geophysical methods that can be used to locate and map the extent of quick clay formations. Surface resistivity measurements and four different sounding methods have been tested. The results have been compared with sensitivities determined using fall-cone tests. The

Revisiting the politics of expertise in light of the Kyoto negotiations on land use change and forestry

This paper examines the close links between knowledge-making authority and decision making authority in the multilateral negotiations on terrestrial sinks of greenhouse gases. Drawing upon social constructivist science studies and public sphere theories in international relations, the paper traces the communicative contexts in which state actors have struggled to bring meaning to the sink concept

Red supergiants as potential Type IIn supernova progenitors: Spatially Resolved 4.6 Mum CO Emission Around VY CMa and Betelgeuse

We present high-resolution 4.6 mu m CO spectra of the circumstellar environments of two red supergiants (RSGs) that are potential supernova (SN) progenitors: Betelgeuse and VY Canis Majoris (VY CMa). Around Betelgeuse, (CO)-C-12 emission within +/-3 '' (+/-12 km s(-1)) follows a mildly clumpy but otherwise spherical shell, smaller than its similar to 55 '' shell in KI lambda 7699. In stark contras

Temperature-corrected spectroscopic evaluation method for gas concentration monitoring

Combustion exhaust monitoring was simulated by measurement on a sulfur dioxide flow at different temperatures using broadband absorption spectroscopy and electrochemical analysis. A linear relationship with varying rates of slope for different temperatures was found between the gas concentrations obtained using the two methods, attributed to the influence of gas volume increase and absorption line

The middle Cambrian cosmopolitan key species Lejopyge laevigata and its biozone: new data from Sweden

The middle Cambrian Lejopyge laevigata Zone is poorly exposed in Scandinavia. Both this zone, however, and the succeeding Agnostus pisiformis Zone are well exposed at a classic locality at Gudhem, Vastergotland, south-central Sweden. The sequences consist of finely laminated alum shale with scattered stinkstone (orsten) lenses. Three measured and sampled sections yielded a diverse fossil fauna, do

Holocene changes in atmospheric circulation recorded in the oxygen-isotope stratigraphy of lacustrine carbonates from northern Sweden

The oxygen-isotope composition of local precipitation (delta(18)O(P)) is reconstructed from carbonate lake-sediment components in a sediment core covering the last 10000 calendar years from Lake Tibetanus, a small, hydrologically open, groundwater-fed take in the Abisko area, northern Sweden. Comparison of the delta(18)O(P) history with a pollen-based palaeotemperature record from the same core cl

Effects of transition to an integrated IT technology in surveying work

An integrated IT technology, characterized by a change in information support from a strong specialization towards greater integration has been introduced within the surveying company in Sweden. The aim of this study is to compare and describe effects of the transition to this new information technology in relation to job and organizational characteristics and effectiveness and well-being measures

Generation of steam tables using artificial neural networks

The industrial formulations for the thermodynamic properties of water/steam, which are approximations of the scientific one, are intended to be used in applications where computational speed is of importance, such as in power plant modelling and control. The traditional methods for implementing these tables in software imply either the use of polynomial algorithms, which demand long iteration time

The new library user in Sweden: A LibQUAL+? study at Lund University

Purpose: To examine how the library user emerges in the context of the LibQUAL+ application in Sweden in 2004. Design/methodology/approach: The paper examines the following aspects: how the information control dimension is depicted in the results of the Swedish participants; how the information control dimension compares between the Swedish implementation and other libraries; the "new user" as he

Diverse responses between human pancreatic cancer cell lines to native alpha 1-antitrypsin and its C-terminal fragment.

BACKGROUND: Previous studies imply that human pancreatic cancer cells have a wide heterogeneity and their exposure to various agents may give unpredictable results in clinical situations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The cell lines LPC-3, -5 and -10, established from primary cultures of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, were exposed to 5 microM of AAT or its C-terminal peptide C-36 for 24 hours and analysed fo

Phylogenetic studies in the Candelariaceae (lichenized Ascomycota) based on nuclear ITS DNA sequence data.

The phylogeny of the lichen family Candelariaceae was investigated using nucleotide sequences from the ITS region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. 23 species of Candelariella, 6 species of Candelaria, 2 species of Candelina and 2 species of Placomaronea were included in the study. Acarospora cervina and Pleopsidium chlorophanum were used as outgroup species. The phylogenetic analysis were performed u