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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Motion capture-based animated characters for the study of speech-gesture integration

Digitally animated characters are promising tools in research studying how we integrate information from speech and visual sources such as gestures because they allow specific gesture features to be manipulated in isolation. We present an approach combining motion capture and 3D-animated characters that allows us to manipulate natural individual gesture strokes for experimental purposes, for examp

Lipid and surfactant self-assembly : Significance of NMR in developing our understanding

This review, devoted to the memory of Kåre Larsson, deals with surfactant and lipid self-assembly. The focus is on the crucial role of NMR techniques in the understanding, at a molecular level, molecular dynamics and microstructure. The strength of NMR self-diffusion in determining size and shape of supramolecular aggregates as well as microstructural features, in terms of water-in-oil, oil-in-wat

Implications of a shrinking Great Salt Lake for dust on snow deposition in the Wasatch Mountains, UT, as informed by a source to sink case study from the 13-14 April 2017 dust event

The deposition of dust on snow accelerates melt by perturbing snow albedo, directly by darkening the snow surface and indirectly by enhancing snow grain growth. The snow darkening process impacts hydrology by shifting runoff timing and magnitude. Dust on snow deposition has been documented in the Wasatch Mountains, snowmelt from which accounts for up to 80% of surface water supply for Salt Lake C

Impact of working situation on mental and physical health for informal caregivers of older people with Alzheimer's disease in Italy. Results from the UP-TECH longitudinal study

Objectives: This longitudinal study explores whether the working situation (no change in working hours despite care, reduction of working hours due to care or not working) moderates mental and physical health of informal caregivers of older people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) in Italy. Methods: Data from a sample of 146 caregivers of older people with moderate AD involved in the UP-TECH trial acr

Transformation of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora

The nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora was transformed to hygromycin resistance using the hygromycin-B phosphotransferase gene from Escherichia coli under the control of various heterologous fungal promoters. Plasmid DNA was introduced into fungal protoplasts by polyethylene glycol/CaCl2 treatment. Transformation frequencies varied between 1-6 transformants per μg DNA. Seven out of 1

Methane oxidation in landfill cover soils, as revealed by potential oxidation measurements and phospholipid fatty acid analyses

Landfills account for ca. 10% of the annual global burden of atmospheric methane. Part of the efflux is mitigated by means of biological methane oxidation in the landfill covers. In this study, two types of landfill cover soils (mineral soil and sewage sludge) were compared with respect to methane emissions as well as potential methane oxidation capacity and the PLFA (phospholipid fatty acid) cont

Bacterial communities in peat in relation to botanical composition as revealed by phospholipid fatty acid analysis

Analysis of phospholipids extracted from various moss and sedge peat types revealed significant differences in the patterns of the phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) with respect to the major botanical constituents of the peats. Principal component analysis of the PLFA data showed that peats dominated by Carex residues had higher relative amounts of cyclopropane fatty acids and cis vaccenic fatty aci

Intercultural game in music teacher education : Exploring El Sistema in Sweden

El Sistema, the originally Venezuelan music teaching movement is spreading worldwide, suggesting Western classical music as a tool for counteracting poverty and segregation. In Sweden, this represents an interesting and perhaps pro- voking twist, as the hegemony of classical music in music teacher education has since long been replaced by the hegemony of popular music. Based on eldwork during the

Particle-resolved lattice Boltzmann simulations of 3-dimensional active turbulence

Collective behaviour in suspensions of microswimmers is often dominated by the impact of long-ranged hydrodynamic interactions. These phenomena include active turbulence, where suspensions of pusher bacteria at sufficient densities exhibit large-scale, chaotic flows. To study this collective phenomenon, we use large-scale (up to N = 3 × 106) particle-resolved lattice Boltzmann simulations of model

Large-Scale Traveling Waves in EEG Activity Following Eye Movement

In spontaneous, stimulus-evoked, and eye-movement evoked EEG, the oscillatory signal shows large scale, dynamically organized patterns of phase. We investigated eye-movement evoked patterns in free-viewing conditions. Participants viewed photographs of natural scenes in anticipation of a memory test. From 200 ms intervals following saccades, we estimated the EEG phase gradient over the entire scal

External ventricular drainage catheters : effect of surface heparinization on bacterial colonization and infection

Surface heparinization of central venous catheters has earlier been shown to reduce the frequency of bacterial colonization and septicaemia. The present study was undertaken to investigate the benefit of surface heparinization of external ventricular drainage (EVD) catheters in relation to bacterial colonization, as measured by bacterial growth and examination by a 16S-rRNA PCR assay, of catheters