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Av kärlek och plikt : Att bli familjehem till ett barnbarn, syskon eller syskonbarn

I denna avhandling står släktinghemsföräldrar i fokus och stor vikt har lagts vidderas erfarenheter av att ta hand om ett släktingbarn, något som sällanuppmärksammas i forskning kring släktingplacering. Det övergripande syftet med studien har varit att utifrån ett livsloppsperspektiv och med familjeteoretiska begrepp analysera vad det kan innebära att ta hand om en familjemedlems barn genom ett foThis dissertation focuses on kinship foster parents and their experiences caring for their kinship children, something that is rarely touched on in kinship care research. The primary purpose of this study is to, based on a life-course perspective and with family theoretical concepts, analyze what it might mean to take care of a family member’s child through a formal commitment such as a foster car

Evidence for phosphorylation and oligomeric assembly of presenilin 1

Pathogenic mutations in presenilin 1 (PS1) are associated with ≃50% of early-onset familial Alzheimer disease. PS1 is endoproteolytically cleaved to yield a 30-kDa N-terminal fragment (NTF) and an 18-kDa C-terminal fragment (CTF). Using COS7 cells transfected with human PS1, we have found that phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate and forskolin increase the state of phosphorylation of serine residues of the hu

Cellular and molecular basis of beta-amyloid precursor protein metabolism.

In molecular neurobiology, perhaps no molecule has been as thoroughly examined as Alzheimer's beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP). In the years since the cDNA encoding beta-APP was cloned, the protein has been the subject of unparalleled scrutiny on all levels. From molecular genetics and cellular biology to neuroanatomy and epidemiology, no scientific discipline has been left unexplored - a

Relational reference attribute grammars: Improving continuous model validation

Just like current software systems, conceptual models are characterised by increasing complexity and rate of change. Yet, these models only become useful if they can be continuously evaluated, validated and serialized. To achieve sufficiently low response times for large models, incremental analysis is required. Reference Attribute Grammars (RAGs) offer mechanisms to perform incremental analysis e

The study group method – how cooperative learning among peers contributes to experiential entrepreneurship education

The aim of this study is to analyse how the study group method aids student entrepreneurs when developing entrepreneurial knowledge through the experiential learning process, and why it is important to stimulate peer learning in an experiential entrepreneurship education context. Due to a more experiential perspective on learning, the environment in which students learn, what students learn and whThe aim of this study is to analyse how the study group method aids student entrepreneurs when developing entrepreneurial knowledge through the experiential learning process, and why it is important to stimulate peer learning in an experiential entrepreneurship education context. Due to a more experiential perspective on learning, the environment in which students learn, what students learn and wh

Fungerar entreprenörskapsutbildning på universitetsnivå? Ett balanserat lärande för att utveckla kunskaper att företa sig entreprenöriella karriärer

I kapitel 4 utforskar Gustav Hägg hur väl entreprenörskapsutbildningar fung- erar och varför vi överhuvudtaget ska satsa på utbildning i entreprenörskap. Kapitelförfattaren lyfter inledningsvis att entreprenören ofta associeras med enhör- ningen och att det inte sällan är framgångsrika individer som lyfts fram. Enligt Hägg är detta missvisande då entreprenören kommer i alla möjliga skepnader och fI kapitel 4 utforskar Gustav Hägg hur väl entreprenörskapsutbildningar fung- erar och varför vi överhuvudtaget ska satsa på utbildning i entreprenörskap. Kapitelförfattaren lyfter inledningsvis att entreprenören ofta associeras med enhör- ningen och att det inte sällan är framgångsrika individer som lyfts fram. Enligt Hägg är detta missvisande då entreprenören kommer i alla möjliga skepnader och f

Wild plants and wild passions in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poems for Jane Williams

Much has been written about Percy Bysshe Shelley’s engagement with different aspects of natural philosophy in his poetry and prose. But Shelley’s interest in plants and botany has yet to receive sustained attention. This chapter focusses on the representation of wildness in what it defines as Shelley’s botanical poetry: poems which not only have a plant as their ostensible subject, or which develo

Refugees and the violence of welfare bureaucracies in Northern Europe

Refugees have moved into the spotlight of public debate in Europe and North America, where they are targeted by multiple welfare state interventions. This volume analyses the tensions that emerge within the strong welfare states of Northern Europe when faced with an increased immigration of protection-seeking people. Examining the encounter between refugees and the welfare states, this book explor

Opioids and alpha-2-agonists for analgesia and sedation in newborn infants : protocol of a systematic review

BACKGROUND: Hospitalized newborn infants may require analgesia and sedation either for the management of procedural pain, during or after surgery, and other painful conditions. The benefits and harms of opioids administered at different doses and routes of administration have been reported in numerous trials and systematic reviews. The use of alpha-2-agonists such as clonidine and dexmedetomidine

A scale-dependent model to represent changing aerodynamic roughness of ablating glacier ice based on repeat topographic surveys

Turbulent fluxes make a substantial and growing contribution to the energy balance of ice surfaces globally, but are poorly constrained owing to challenges in estimating the aerodynamic roughness length (z0). Here, we used structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) surveys to make plot-scale 2-D and 3-D microtopographic estimations of z0 and upscale these to ma