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Your search for "*" yielded 529589 hits

Samverkan - ett givande och tagande

Abstract Authors: Marit Bjorgen Gulbrandsen and Hanna Andersson Title: Collaboration – giving and taking (translated title) Supervisor: Hilma Holm Assessor: Håkan Jönson Research shows that only about half of the cases where teachers suspect that a child is abused or neglected are reported to the Social Welfare Agencies. The purpose of this study was to illuminate School personnel and Child Prot

Energy is What States Make of it: Exploring New Aspects in the EU-Russian Energy Relations from a Constructivist Perspective

Energy cooperation is generally considered to be a solid base for further relational development between Europe and Russia due to the long history of this cooperation and the integrative nature of energy. Still, cooperative success has been modest despite that it is most likely to occur within this field. Hence, the main aim here is to find out why. Due to the empirical nature of research on the E

Exploring Flexibility - A Study of Cleaning Work in Sweden

In this thesis I have attempted to explore flexibility of work outside the sectors which are most often associated with the concept of flexibility in ‘the new economy’, e.g. work in ICT-sectors. Through a case study of cleaners and cleaning work in Sweden I have attempted to discuss both how flexibility is represented and how consequences of flexibility can be understood in relation to experiences

Björnskallar och magiska bilder - Skogsfinsk religion och folktro i materiella källor

This essay is about the “forest finns” in Sweden. That is a well known conception when you talk about the extensive immigration of a finish population to Norway and Sweden during the 17th and 18th century. They colonized the big, unoccupied forests in the middle and northern parts of Sweden. The topic for this text is religion and folklore among the finish immigrants. In different historic source

Designing for What is Usually Hidden - Visualization Techniques for Design of Autonomous Media Agents

Autonomous Agents are usually designed to work in the background and their work is mostly hidden from the user. This causes both ethical and practical problems that can be remedied by providing feedback and control to the user (Bellotti and Sellen, 1993). This thesis presents an overview study exploreing advantages and disadvantages of four visualization techniques: colouring, pictographic symbols

Exploring an open-loop RFID implementation in the automotive industry

This master thesis has been conducted to investigate why and how Plastal in Arendal (PAGO), Sweden have implemented RFID technology. RFID technology has become very popular in recent years (1). It is said to have potential to increase the level of automation (2), reduce the labor levels and to improve the supply chain in areas such as inventory, visibility etc. (3) (see chapter 1.2.1 for more exa

Äktenskap för alla

Sexual orientation is one basis for discrimination that is not mentioned in any UN declaration or treaty, and therefor neither is the right to marry a person av the same sex. This essay is an analysis of the most important threats to this possible development to ensure the right to marry irrespective of sex in international human rights. By using contemporary research and UN treaty documents along

When lesser bad equals good

The purpose of this work is to address key factors that should be included when creating an effective Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR/CR) system. By analysing the connection between different systems fundamental problems in the close relationship contemporary systems have today, the problems of CSR/CR mainstreaming will be shown. It also shows how hard it can be to brake old patterns. One pro

Tillgänglighet i den fysiska miljön i

Medelåldern ökar i vårt samhälle vilket innebär att gruppen äldre blir större. Den svenska policyn är att människor ska kunna bo kvar hemma så länge som möjligt. För att detta ska vara möjligt krävs en tillgänglig miljö. Syftet med studien var att med bedömningsinstrumentet Housing Enabler undersöka hur tillgängligheten såg ut för två personprofiler, Beroende av gånghjälpmedel respektive Synnedsät

Hur ska en träffpunkt för äldre utformas för att attrahera fler besökare?

Antalet äldre ökar i Sverige. Regeringens policy är att äldre ska bo hemma så länge som möjligt. Kommunerna ska verka för äldre människors möjlighet till en aktiv och meningsfull tillvaro. Satsningen på träffpunkter är ett led i denna strävan. I samband med praktik inom kommunal hälso och sjukvård fick vi se att många äldre som upplever ensamhet har tendens till social isolation och passivitet. Sy

Betydelsen av social kompetens för ett projektledarskap - en kvalitativ studie

Syftet med studien var att undersöka yrkesverksamma projektledares och projektdeltagares tolkning av begreppet social kompetens och vidare deras erfarenheter kring betydelsen av social kompetens för ett framgångsrikt projektledarskap. Frågeställningen undersöktes utifrån en kvalitativ ansats med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem projektledare respektive fem projektdeltagare på projekto

”Hav mod att göra bruk av ditt eget förstånd” – Kritiskt tänkande i det sociala arbetets vardag"

Författare: Helena Lampic-Aaltonen och Björn Söderström Titel: ”Here be dragons” – kritiskt tänkande i det sociala arbetets vardag Handledare: Gunilla Lindén Examinator: Katarina Jacobsson Uppsatsens syfte var att skapa en förståelse för hur socionomer upplever kritiskt tänkande och vilket utrymme som finns för detta i det sociala arbetets vardag. Det är en kvalitativ studie baserad på semistruktAuthors: Helena Lampic-Aaltonen and Björn Söderström Title: “Have the courage to make use of your own mind” – critical thinking in everyday social work Supervisor: Gunilla Lindén Examiner: Katarina Jacobsson The purpose of this essay was to investigate how social workers experience critical thinking and to analyze the boundaries that exist for critical thinking in everyday social work. This study

Tvärprofessionella team -en kvalitativ studie om teammedlemmars upplevelse av tvärprofessionellt teamarbete inom vård och omsorg

Abstract Authors: Åsa Jönsson and Johanna Vedefors Title: Cross-professional teams: a qualitative study of team members working experience in a cross-professional team, in the health and social care area. [Translated title] Supervisor: Staffan Blomberg Assessor: Håkan Jönsson The purpose of this paper was to examine how team members within the health and social care area experience working

Preservation and Progress in Cranford

The threat of change and the loss it can incur creates the need to preserve a detailed version of the past. Elizabeth Gaskell's Cranford can be interpreted as a piece looking backwards as a means of looking forward; acknowledging and commemorating the existence of a rich and detailed past allows for the closing of its chapters, and thus eventual movement into a new future. In this paper I will

”Det brinner i knutarna”- En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetet med gravida missbrukare.

The purpose of this study was to find out how social workers handle and experience working with substance abusing women who are pregnant. We were interested in finding out how they experience their role as social workers in their professional relationship with the woman and how they look at the pregnancy in relation to motivation. Further on, we wanted to know their thoughts of how collaboration b