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Your search for "*" yielded 529182 hits

Coarse-grained molecular dynamics investigation of nanostructures and thermal properties of porous anode for solid oxide fuel cell

Incorporation of nanoscale catalysts into porous structures of SOFC has been proven highly successful in increasing active sites and catalyst utilization. In addition, electrochemical reactions as well as heat transfer process in porous anode are strongly affected by complex porous structures. It is believed that study of anode thermal properties are critical for SOFC design and operation. In this

An Optimizing Compiler for Automatic Shader Bounding

Programmable shading provides artistic control over materials and geometry, but the black box nature of shaders makes some rendering optimizations difficult to apply. In many cases, it is desirable to compute bounds of shaders in order to speed up rendering. A bounding shader can be automatically derived from the original shader by a compiler using interval analysis, but creating optimized interva

ST-segment dynamics during reperfusion period and the size of myocardial injury in experimental myocardial infarction.

Exacerbation of ST elevation associated with reperfusion has been reported in patients with myocardial infarction. However, the cause of the "reperfusion peak" and relation of its magnitude to the size of myocardial damage has not been explored. The aim of our study was to assess the correlation between the ST-dynamics during reperfusion, the myocardium at risk (MaR), and the infarct size (IS).

Memantine improves attention and episodic memory in Parkinson's disease dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies

ObjectiveIn both dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD), attentional dysfunction is a core clinical feature together with disrupted episodic memory. This study evaluated the cognitive effects of memantine in DLB and PDD using automated tests of attention and episodic memory. MethodsA randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled, 24-week three centre trial of memantin

Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of the Views of Management Teams in Large Companies

In light of the many corporate scandals, social and ethical commitment of society has increased considerably, which puts pressure on companies to communicate information related to corporate social responsibility (CSR). The reasons underlying the decision by management teams to engage in ethical communication are scarcely focussed on. Thus, grounded on legitimacy and stakeholder theory, this study

Development and characterization of a multiple-coincidence ion-momentum imaging spectrometer.

The design and performance of a high-resolution momentum-imaging spectrometer for ions which is optimized for experiments using synchrotron radiation is presented. High collection efficiency is achieved by a focusing electrostatic lens; a long drift tube improves mass resolution and a position-sensitive detector enables measurement of the transverse momentum of ions. The optimisation of the lens f

Chemical Evolution of the Inner 2 Degrees of the Milky Way Bulge: [α/Fe] Trends and Metallicity Gradients

The structure, formation, and evolution of the Milky Way bulge is a matter of debate. Important diagnostics for discriminating between models of bulge formation and evolution include alpha-abundance trends with metallicity, and spatial abundance and metallicity gradients. Due to the severe optical extinction in the inner Bulge region, only a few detailed investigations of this region have been per

Fibroblast growth factor 10 represses premature cell differentiation during establishment of the intestinal progenitor niche

Spatio-temporal regulation of the balance between cell renewal and cell differentiation is of vital importance for embryonic development and adult homeostasis. Fibroblast growth factor signaling relayed from the mesenchyme to the epithelium is necessary for progenitor maintenance during organogenesis of most endoderm-derived organs, but it is still ambiguous whether the signal is exclusively mitog

Group Formation, Relatedness, and the Evolution of Multicellularity

The evolution of multicellular organisms represents one of approximately eight major evolutionary transitions that have occurred on earth [1-4]. The major challenge raised by this transition is to explain why single cells should join together and become mutually dependent, in a way that leads to a more complex multicellular life form that can only replicate as a whole. It has been argued that a hi

GIRK2 Expression in Dopamine Neurons of the Substantia Nigra and Ventral Tegmental Area

G-protein-regulated inward-rectifier potassium channel 2 (GIRK2) is reported to be expressed only within certain dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra (SN), although very limited data are available in humans. We examined the localization of GIRK2 in the SN and adjacent ventral tegmental area (VTA) of humans and mice by using either neuromelanin pigment or immunolabeling with tyrosine hydroxylas

That's not my Robert! Identity maintainance and other warrants in family members' claims about mistreatment in old-age care

This study has explored how family members of care recipients define and sustain claims of mistreatment in old-age care. Twenty-one informants were recruited from an association of relatives of care recipients in Sweden. Using argumentation analysis, four warrants about mistreatment Were identified from the qualitative interview data: they referred to physical harm, psychological harm, social-care

Spatial planning as condensation of social relations: A dialectical approach

Inspired by state theory and in particular Nicos Poulantzas, this article claims that spatial planning should be seen neither as autonomous (subject) nor merely an expression of something else (thing), but rather grasped as a place for condensation of social relations. The notion of dialectics is used in order to grasp relations between planning and other aspects and social relations. From this, w

Effects of Compulsory Schooling on Mortality: Evidence from Sweden

Abstract in UndeterminedTheoretically, there are several reasons to expect education to have a positive effect on health. Empirical research suggests that education can be an important health determinant. However, it has not yet been established whether education and health are indeed causally related, and the effects found in previous studies may be partially attributable to methodological weakne

Measurement noise filtering for PID controllers

Measurement noise can generate undesired control activity resulting in wear of actuators and reduced performance. The effects of measurement noise can be alleviated by filtering the measurement signal.The design of the filter is then a trade-off; heavy filtering reduces the undesired control activity but performance is degraded. In this paper we discuss the trade-offs for PID control. Based on the

The factor H-binding fragment of PspC as a vaccine antigen for the induction of protective humoral immunity against experimental pneumococcal sepsis

Pneumococcal surface protein C (PspC) is a major virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae and interferes with complement activity by binding complement factor H (fH). In this study, protection against experimental sepsis caused by pneumococci carrying different PspC variants was evaluated by immunisation with the fH-binding fragment of PspC. The mechanisms of protection mediated by antibodies

Restoration of locomotive function in Parkinson's disease by spinal cord stimulation: mechanistic approach

Specific motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) can be treated effectively with direct electrical stimulation of deep nuclei in the brain. However, this is an invasive procedure, and the fraction of eligible patients is rather low according to currently used criteria. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS), a minimally invasive method, has more recently been proposed as a therapeutic approach to allevi

Community dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in high-input and intensively irrigated rice cultivation systems.

Application of mycorrhizal inoculum could be one way to increase the yield of rice plants, and reduce the application of fertilizer. We therefore studied arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the roots of wetland rice (Oryza sativa L.) collected at the seedling, tillering, heading and ripening stages in four paddy wetlands that had been under a high-input and intensively irrigated rice cultivation

Autoimmunity against INS-IGF2 expressed in human pancreatic islets.

Insulin is a major autoantigen in islet autoimmunity and progression to type 1 diabetes. It has been suggested that the insulin B-chain may be critical to insulin autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes. INS-IGF2 consists of the preproinsulin signal peptide, the insulin B-chain and eight amino acids of the C-peptide in addition to 138 amino acids from the IGF2 gene. We aimed to determine 1) expression of