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Emanuel Swedenborg : Liv och tänkande

Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) var en svensk naturfilosof, verksam som assessor i Bergskollegium, sedermera bibeltolkare, andeskådare och teolog. Hans kontrastrika liv, från naturvetenskap till teologi, från rationalism till mystik, från matematik till andeskådande, har förbryllat och fascinerat många. I dag är han en av de mest internationellt kända och översatta svenska författarna genom tiderna

Sustainable venture capital - Catalyst for sustainable start-up success?

To address global sustainability challenges, major investments are required in sustainable businesses that deliver triple bottom line results. Although interest in sustainable businesses is on the rise, these businesses are not yet widespread. Venture capital investment has a key role to play in the development of sustainable start-ups. The research area of 'sustainable' venture capital is still e

Frames of reference in multibody dynamics

In this paper, a discussion is undertaken concerning the use of so-called floating frames of reference in the calculation of the kinetic and elastic energies of parts in a multibody system. The use of floating frames may simplify the calculation of the elastic energy, although sometimes at the expense of more elaborate expressions for the kinetic energy. These expressions may involve terms that co

Risk of cardiac rhythm disturbances and aortic regurgitation in different spondyloarthritis subtypes in comparison with general population : A register-based study from Sweden

Objectives To describe the incidence of atrioventricular (AV) block II-III, atrial fibrillation (AF), pacemaker implantation (PM) and aortic regurgitation in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), undifferentiated spondyloarthritis (uSpA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) compared with the general population (GP) and with each other. Methods A prospective nationwide study with cohorts of patients

Coulomb excitation of 142Xe

The even-even nucleus 142Xe lies north-east of the doubly magic 132Sn on the neutron-rich side of the nuclear chart. In order to gain further information on the octupole collectivity and the evolution of quadrupole collectivity in this region, a "safe" Coulomb excitation experiment was carried out at the new HIE-ISOLDE facility (CERN) at the end of 2016. As the gamma-ray detector the Miniball spec

Margarine, Mystery and Modernity : Margarine and Class in Literary Texts (1880-1945)

Margarine represents the pinnacle of culinary modernity, but it also has deep-seated working-class undertones connected to its origin as a butter substitute to feed the masses. This paper employs close readings as a tool to explore references to margarine in literary texts, and to situate them within a broader cultural context. In the first section of the analysis margarine references are surveyed

When implementation falters: the challenge of having peripheral issues stick in organisations

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study a class of issues that in spite of recognised needs and explicit managerial demands have proven hard to have “stick” in organisations (information security is used as an example). It offers a theory-driven rationale why superficially different issue areas can indeed be considered as instances of the identified class, and builds on complexity leadershPurposeThe purpose of this paper is to study a class of issues that in spite of recognised needs and explicit managerial demands have proven hard to have “stick” in organisations (information security is used as an example). It offers a theory-driven rationale why superficially different issue areas can indeed be considered as instances of the identified class, and builds on complexity leadership

Can innovation be measured? A framework of how measurement of innovation engages attention in firms

Many firms manage the innovation process by using metrics. Yet, whether measurement supports or hinders innovation continues to be a topic of debate. To shed new light on this debate, this paper presents a conceptual framework of how measurement engages attention in firms. We draw on attention based theory and conceptualize innovation measurement as an attention-focusing device. We identify two id

Estimating forest canopy parameters from satellite waveform LiDAR by inversion of the FLIGHT three-dimensional radiative transfer model

The Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) has the potential to accurately map global vegetation heights and fractional cover metrics using active laser pulse emission/reception. However, large uncertainties in the derivation of data products exist, since multiple physically plausible interpretations of the data are possible. In this study a method is described and evaluated to derive vegetation

Prevalence of contact allergy to metals in the European general population with a focus on nickel sulfate and piercings : The EDEN Fragrance Study

Background: Studies on sensitization to metals in the general population are scarce. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of sensitization to metals in the general population, and factors associated with nickel sensitization. Methods: In 5 European countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Sweden), a random sample (N =3119) from the general population (aged 18-74years) was patch

An alternative for whom? The evolution and socio-economy of Danish cohousing

Cohousing has caught the attention of activists, academics and decision-makers, and Danish experiences with cohousing as bofællesskaber are routinely highlighted as pioneering and successful. This article presents a mainly quantitative analysis of the development of Danish intergenerational cohousing and investigates socio-economic characteristics of residents in these communities. First, the arti

Deposition of inhaled nanoparticles is reduced in subjects with COPD and correlates with the extent of emphysema : Proof of concept for a novel diagnostic technique

Background: The diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is often based on spirometry, which is not sensitive to early emphysema. We have recently described a method for assessing distal airspace dimensions by measuring recovery of nanoparticles in exhaled air after a single-breath inhalation followed by breath-hold. Recovery refers to the non-deposited particle fraction. The aim

Elucidating recent history by tracing genetic affinity of three 16th century miners from Sweden

Objectives: Sala Silver Mine in central Sweden was an important manufacturer of silver from at least the 16th till the early 20th century, with production peaking in the 16th, mid 17th and 19th centuries. The job opportunities offered by the mine attracted people to the area resulting in the development of a small township with an associated cemetery in the vicinity of the mining center. People af