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Making ‘Smart Meters’ smarter? Insights from a behavioural economics pilot field experiment in Copenhagen, Denmark
This paper examines the relationship between loss aversion and consumer behaviour in a non-price policy intervention that followed the installation of smart meter (SM) technology. Drawing upon insights from behavioural economics, we propose that consumers underestimate potential gains and overestimate potential financial losses resulting from electricity use. To test the hypothesis, we carried out
Parthood, Identity, and Composition : Studies of Mereology
Biomarkers of microvascular endothelial dysfunction predict incident dementia : a population-based prospective study
BACKGROUND: Cerebral endothelial dysfunction occurs in a spectrum of neurodegenerative diseases. Whether biomarkers of microvascular endothelial dysfunction can predict dementia is largely unknown. We explored the longitudinal association of midregional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (MR-proANP), C-terminal endothelin-1 (CT-proET-1) and midregional proadrenomedullin (MR-proADM) with dementia and s
Presidential elections will 'seriously shape' Iran's foreign policy
On the convergence rate of the Dirichlet-Neumann iteration for unsteady thermal fluid structure interaction
We consider the Dirichlet-Neumann iteration for partitioned simulation of thermal fluid-structure interaction, also called conjugate heat transfer. We analyze its convergence rate for two coupled fully discretized 1D linear heat equations with jumps in the material coefficients across these. These are discretized using implicit Euler in time, a finite element method on one domain, a finite volume
Physiological aspects on intracardiac blood flow
Magnetic resonance imaging enables detailed in vivo study of complex flow through 3D, time-resolved phase contrast imaging (4D flow). 4D flow may reveal previously unknown aspects of the physiology of intracardiac blood flow, and possibly elucidate pathophysiological processes that have yet to manifest themselves outside the heart.The purpose of this thesis is to examine the physiological role of
Supply Chain Risk Management : en idégenerator för hantering av avbrottsrisker i flödeskedjor
I denna publikation presenteras en idégenerator som är avsedd att användas när man letar efter nya alternativ för att hantera företagets avbrottsrisker. Det inledande skedet av sökandet brukar karaktäriseras som ”brainstorming” dvs. det gäller att hitta så många nya riskhanteringsalternativ som möjligt, gärna otraditionella sådana. Här kan idégeneratorn varit till stor hjälp. Den består av 22 olik
Defensive coping and essential amino acid markers as possible predictors for structural vascular disease in an African and Caucasian male cohort : The SABPA study
Defensive coping (DefS), oxidative stress, inflammation, and related amino acids (phenylalanine [Phe] and tyrosine [Tyr]) have been implicated in cardiovascular disease. This study assessed whether inflammation, oxidative stress, changes in essential amino acids, and altered coping strategies are correlated with subclinical vascular changes in African (n = 82) and Caucasian (n = 100) men from the
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A Multi-Biomarker Disease Activity Score and the Choice of Second-Line Therapy in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis After Methotrexate Failure
Objective: To investigate whether the Multi-Biomarker Disease Activity (MBDA) score predicts optimal add-on treatment in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who were inadequate responders to MTX (MTX-IRs). Methods: We analyzed data from 157 MTX-IRs (with a Disease Activity Score using the erythrocyte sedimentation rate [DAS28-ESR] >3.2) from the Swedish Pharmacotherapy (SWEFOT) trial who
Kalmars historia : Den begravda staden. Medeltid och renässans
Identification of Cys255 in HIF-1α as a novel site for development of covalent inhibitors of HIF-1α/ARNT PasB domain protein-protein interaction
The heterodimer HIF-1α (hypoxia inducible factor)/HIF-β (also known as ARNT-aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator) is a key mediator of cellular response to hypoxia. The interaction between these monomer units can be modified by the action of small molecules in the binding interface between their C-terminal heterodimerization (PasB) domains. Taking advantage of the presence of several cysteine res
EUDOR-A multi-centre research program : A naturalistic, European Multi-centre Clinical study of EDOR Test in adult patients with primary depression
Background: Electrodermal reactivity has been successfully used as indicator of interest, curiosity as well as depressive states. The measured reactivity depends on the quantity of sweat secreted by those eccrine sweat glands that are located in the hypodermis of palmar and plantar regions. Electrodermal hyporeactive individuals are those who show an unusual rapid habituation to identical non-sign
Impact of postoperative pulmonary hypertension on outcome after heart transplantation
Objectives: We wanted to investigate the effects of postoperative pulmonary hypertension (PHpostop: mean pulmonary artery pressure [MPAP] ≥ 25 mmHg), diastolic pressure gradient (DPG), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and repeated hemodynamic measurements on long-term survival after heart transplantation (HT). Design: Eighty-nine patients who underwent HT at Skåne University Hospital in Lund i
Performance of an insect-inspired target tracker in natural conditions
Robust and efficient target-tracking algorithms embedded on moving platforms, are a requirement for many computer vision and robotic applications. However, deployment of a real-time system is challenging, even with the computational power of modern hardware. As inspiration, we look to biological lightweight solutions-lightweight and low-powered flying insects. For example, dragonflies pursue prey
Concentration-driven models revisited : Towards a unified framework to model settling tanks in water resource recovery facilities
A new perspective on the modelling of settling behaviour in water resource recovery facilities is introduced. The ultimate goal is to describe in a unified way the processes taking place both in primary settling tanks (PSTs) and secondary settling tanks (SSTs) for a more detailed operation and control. First, experimental evidence is provided, pointing out distributed particle properties (such as
Transparency vs magic numbers : The development of stair design requirements in the Italian Fire Safety Code
Practitioners may face difficulties in the interpretation of fire codes since they often present so called "magic numbers", i.e. numbers available in the codes which are listed for providing the design of building fire safety, for which the derivation and justification are not explained. The present paper discusses the need for a transparent regulatory approach, in which legislators publicly justi
Probing Electron Collisions in Nanostructures
We live in a time of wireless technologies, robotics and small computers with very high computing power. This is mainly due to a large emphasis given towards the study of semiconductor materials which are the building blocks of today's electronic industry. One of the secrets behind creating faster computers is the ability to integrate more and more transistors on a small semiconductor chip. GordonThis thesis studies the role of interaction between charged particles for transport and optical properties in nanostructures. Simulations are provided for a quantitative description of the system dynamics probed by either current spectroscopy or light absorption. In the first part of the thesis (Part I) the basic theories are described and in the second part of the thesis (Part II) the papers list
The joint impact of cognitive performance in adolescence and familial cognitive aptitude on risk for major psychiatric disorders : a delineation of four potential pathways to illness
How do joint measures of premorbid cognitive ability and familial cognitive aptitude (FCA) reflect risk for a diversity of psychiatric and substance use disorders? To address this question, we examined, using Cox models, the predictive effects of school achievement (SA) measured at age 16 and FCA—assessed from SA in siblings and cousins, and educational attainment in parents—on risk for 12 major p