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Genes predisposing to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular mortality

Popular Abstract in Swedish Typ 2 diabetes är en sjukdom där dels bukspottkörtelns förmåga att producera hormonet insulin och dels kroppens förmåga att svara på insulin (insulinkänslighet) är nedsatt. Eftersom insulin behövs för att ta upp socker (glukos) från blodet i organ som muskel och fett, är glukoskoncentrationen i blodet förhöjd hos typ 2 diabetiker. Med hjälp av olika behandlingar såsom dCardiovascular complications are frequent in type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular death is the most common cause of death for these individuals. A region on chromosome 19 (19q13) has been indicated by several genome scans as a susceptibility locus for T2D or components of the metabolic syndrome (MetS). This gene rich region contains the gene encoding muscle glycogen synthase (GYS1), earlier as

Med Guruns ord mot demoner : Vadbhag Singh i en sikhisk healingtradition

Artikeln handlar om en folklig sikhisk healingtradition i norra Indien vilken behandlar olika fysiska och andliga problem som tros vara förorsakade av andar, spöken, eller onda ögat. Den första delen av artikeln ger en översättning (från Hindi) av den muntligt och skriftligt förmedlade berättelse som legitimerar healingtraditionen, medan den andra delen beskriver hur traditionen tar sig uttryck vi

Three-dimensional ultrasound assessment of the cervix for predicting time to spontaneous onset of labor and time to delivery in prolonged pregnancy

Objectives To determine whether three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound including power Doppler examination of the cervix is useful for predicting time to spontaneous onset of labor or time to delivery in prolonged pregnancy. Methods A prospective study was conducted in 60 women who went into spontaneous labor. All underwent transvaginal 3D power Doppler ultrasound examination of the cervix immediately

Outcome after endovascular treatment of Hunt and Hess grade IV or V aneurysms: comparison of anterior versus posterior circulation

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The most common cause of poor treatment outcome in patients suffering aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage is cerebral vasospasm, especially in cases of poor Hunt and Hess grades (IV and V). A further prognostic factor in surgically treated patients is aneurysm localization. The aim of the present retrospective study is to compare the endovascular treatment outcome in such po


A simple and transparent formalism is presented to treat emission processes in general and resonant emission processes in metals in particular. As an example resonant photoemission in Cu metal is discussed.

Overload control strategies for distributed communication networks

In distributed communication networks several nodes interact to carry out services. New telecommunication networks support a variety of services, much different from traditional telephony. Each service has its own so called load profile, which means that the amount of capacity needed to complete a service varies. The services may also have different priorities and quality of service requirements.

Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli dUTPase in complex with a substrate analogue (dUDP)

We have determined the structure of the homotrimeric dUTPase from Escherichia coli, complexed with an inhibitor and substrate analogue, dUDP. Three molecules of dUDP are found symmetrically bound per trimer, each in a shallow cleft between adjacent subunits, interacting with evolutionary conserved residues. The interactions of the uracil ring and the deoxypentose with the protein are consistent wi

Overall and health related quality of life among the oldest old in pain.

Objectives: To compare the oldest old (85 years and above) in pain with those with no pain across gender, regarding demographic data, living conditions, social network/support, walking/mobility problems, fatigue, sleeping problems, depressed mood and quality of life (QoL). The aim was also to test how these variables were related to QoL among the oldest old in pain. Methods: The study comprised 16

Massive c(c)over-barg-calculation in diffractive DIS and diffractive D*-production at HERA

We calculate the cross section for c(c) over bar g -production in diffractive DIS with finite quark masses at zero momentum transfer t. The calculation is done in the leading log(1/x(P)) approximation and is valid in the region of high diffractive masses M (small 3). We apply our cross section formula including both c (c) over bar- and c(c) over bar g in a Monte Carlo simulation to diffractive D*(

Normbildningsprocess genom brukarsamverkan

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen visar två olika vägar för att skapa brukarinflytande, den kollektiv- och den individinriktade vägen. Den kollektiva inriktningen innebär att medborgarna endast kan utöva inflytande via folkvalda företrädare, medan den individinriktade vägen ger möjlighet att samverka direkt med politiker och tjänstemän i den kommunala organisationen. Två olika teorier har aThe dissertation shows two different means or directions for creating civic participation: the collective and the individual way. The collective way is characterized by the citizen's ability to participate only through elected representatives while the individual way makes it possible for inhabitants to participate face to face with politicians and local civil servants. Two different theories hav

Nature's choice of genes controlling chronic inflammation.

Inflammation is a physiological response that may go uncontrolled and thereby develop in a chronic way. This seems to happen in many common diseases of autoimmune, degenerative, or allergic character. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is by definition a chronic disease with an autoimmune inflammatory attack on diarthrodial cartilaginous joints. The development of new treatment neutralizing cytokines invol

En bloc vs transhiatal esophagectorny for stage T3 N1 adenocarcinorna of the distal esophagus

Hypothesis: En bloc esophagectomy (EBE) provides improved survival over transhiatal esophagectomy (THE) in patients with similarly sized transmural tumors (T3) and lymph node metastases (N1). Design: A retrospective case-control study of 2 methods of esophageal resection for cancer. Setting: University hospital (tertiary referral center for esophageal disease). Patients: There were 49 patients (27

Nonyrast States in the Odd-odd N = Z Nucleus 62Ga

Low-lying excited states in the odd-odd N = Z nucleus 62Ga have been investigated following the heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reaction 40Ca(24Mg,pn)62Ga near the Coulomb barrier. Special emphasis is devoted to the search for nonyrast states. The extended decay scheme of 62Ga is compared to spherical shell-model calculations employing the pf5/2g9/2 valence space.

Active heat capacity : models and parameters for the thermal performance of buildings

The thesis concerns the characterization and evaluation of nonsteady heat transfer in building components and building enclosures. The major aim of the underlaying research has been to assemble and develop simplified calculation procedures for this purpose. To establish a simple model for heat balance calculations three main items are treated: simplification of the heat transfer operators, the des

Burn injuries in small children, a population-based study in Sweden.

Aims and objectives. The aim of this study was to describe characteristics in burn injuries in children (zero to six years old), consulting primary care and hospital-based care in Malmo, Sweden. Burn-injured children consulting the University Hospital or the 21 Health Centres, during year 1998 and year 2002, were included. Background. Epidemiological studies of burns in children have mostly been h