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CSR: retailer activities vs. consumer buying decisions

Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to investigate how a retailer’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and image influence consumer perceptions regarding the firm’s social responsibility, and how CSR aspects influence consumers buying decisions in store for a specific product.Design/methodology/approach– A qualitative case study method is used, including interviews, document studie

Propagation channel in a rural overtaking scenario with large obstructing vehicles

Reliable connectivity between vehicles is a requirement for efficient overtaking warning systems. We investigate the 6 GHz propagation channel between oncoming vehicles with five different types of large obstructing vehicles in a poor scattering environment. The presented channel gains emphasize the advantages of different antenna positions and the difference between a straight road and curved roa

Spinal trauma and spinal cord injury

The majority of the spinal injuries (60 %) affect young healthy males between 15 and 35 years of age with cervical spine injuries to be most common. The main cause for spinal injuries is blunt trauma most commonly due to motor vehicle accidents (48 %), followed by falls (21 %), and sport injuries (14.6 %). Assault and penetrating trauma account for approximately 10-20 % of the cases. Injuries to t

Impact of neighborhood resources on cardiovascular disease : A nationwide six-year follow-up

Background: Living in a socially deprived neighborhood is associated with lifestyle risk factors, e.g., smoking, physical inactivity and unhealthy diet, as well as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, i.e., coronary heart disease and stroke. The aim was to study whether the odds of cardiovascular disease vary with the neighbourhood availability of potentially health-damaging and health-pro

Mapping the Geography of R&D : What Can We Learn for Regional Innovation Policy in the Czech Republic and Beyond?

Abstract: Administrative regions do not necessarily correspond to areas that are homogenous in terms of innovation intensity. Although this has been recognized in the literature, quantitative evidence that explicitly considers this problem is rare. Using spatial exploratory analysis on detailed regional data derived from a census of R&D performers in the Czech Republic, we identify local spati

Long-term trends in economic inequality : Lessons from colonial Botswana, 1921-74

This article contributes to the growing literature on colonial legacies influencing long-term development. It focuses on Botswana, a case where the post-independence diamond-led economy has been considered an economic success story, despite its high levels of inequality. Here it is argued that this pathway of rapid resource-driven growth combined with increasing socio-economic inequality had alrea

Skolbaserade program för att förebygga självskadebeteende inklusive suicidförsök : En systematisk litteraturöversikt

Slutsatser„ Det finns två skolbaserade program som möjligen kan förebygga suicid- försök. Dessa är dock inte testade på ett vetenskapligt sätt i Sverige.Båda de program som har visat effekt är universella, dvs riktas till alla elever i klasserna.– Good Behavior Game (GBG) ges på lågstadiet under ett till två år. GBG är inte utvecklat för att förebygga självskada utan syftar till att förstärka posi

Are international co-publications an indicator for quality of scientific research?

This article deals with the role of internationally co-authored papers (co-publications). Specifically, we compare, within a data-set of German research units, citation and co-publication indicators as a proxy for the unobserved quality dimension of scientific research. In that course we will also deal with the question whether both citations and co-publications are considerably related. Our resul

In Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, the Spatial Peaks QRS-T Angle Identifies Those With Sustained Ventricular Arrhythmias

Background: The spatial peaks QRS-T (SPQRS-T) angle differentiates hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) patients from controls. Increased angle confers arrhythmia risk in other populations. Hypothesis: We predict that the SPQRS-T angle will identify HCM patients with sustained ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) and those with New York Heart Association class III/IV heart failure. Methods: Corrected QT int

Industrial location, market access and economic development: regional patterns in post-unification Italy

What accounts for the differences in the economic performance across Italian regions in the post-Unification period? This thesis seeks to explain the regional patterns of economic development and industrialization in Italy in the period 1871-1911 by applying various Economic Geography models. The first part follows Overman and Puga (2002) and studies the distribution of industrial employment acros

Enhanced corrosion resistance of Mg alloy ZK60 after processing by integrated extrusion and equal channel angular pressing

It was demonstrated in this work that the corrosion rate of Mg alloy ZK60 can be reduced through the use of an integrated process of extrusion and equal channel angular pressing concomitant with increased strength. The improvement in corrosion resistance, as measured by electrochemical experiments and immersion tests in NaCl electrolytes, was correlated with both grain refinement and the redistrib

Microstructure evolution in pure Al processed with twist extrusion

High purity Al (99.99%) was subjected to severe plastic deformation through twist extrusion at room temperature. Microstructures were examined for 1 pass and 4 passes on the cross section perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of billets using optical microscopy and electron back scatter diffraction analysis. It was shown that a vortex-like material flow was observed on the cross section and this

Destabilization of fcc stable materials during SPD under high pressure

It was shown that of a fine α-phase was formed in the Hadfield steel after a cold plastic deformation to E = 50%. Nuclei of the ex-phase of deformed samples reduced the decomposition start temperature of the austenite by 180°C. Fine crystals of an α-phase nearly 30 nm in size, whose concentration was as high as ∼2.3%, were detected in a steel Fe 79.55Mn17Al3Co0.45 after a SPD to ε = 92%. A steel F

The Industrial Labor Force of Italy's Provinces: Estimates from the Population Censuses, 1871-1911

This paper presents statistical reconstructions of the industrial labor force in post-Unification Italy. The estimates are based on the population censuses taken in 1871, 1881, 1901, and 1911. The figures are presented for each of Italy's 69 provinces, separately by gender. Industry, as is customary in the literature, is defined so to include four major components: mining, manufacturing, construct

Demonstration of Sn-seeded GaSb homo- and GaAs-GaSb heterostructural nanowires

The particle-assisted epitaxial growth of antimonide-based nanowires has mainly been realized using gold as the seed material. However, the Au-seeded epitaxial growth of antimonide-based nanowires such as GaSb nanowires presents several challenges such as for example direct nucleation issues and crystal structure tuning. Therefore, it is of great importance to understand the role of seed material

Status of the MAX IV Laboratory

On the day of the 2016 summer solstice, June 21, MAX IV, the new synchrotron radiation facility in Lund, Sweden, will be inaugurated. MAX IV is setting a new standard in terms of emittance, thereby providing beamlines with the best possible brilliance and coherence. At the same time, MAX IV continues a more than three-decades-long successful history of Swedish synchrotron-radiation-based research.

Clinical variability of neuroacanthocytosis syndromes : A series of six patients with long follow-up

Objective To provide clinical clues to differential diagnosis in patients with chorea and other movement disorders with blood acanthocytes. Methods We present a long-term video accompanied follow-up of six Caucasian patients with neuroacanthocytosis from several centers, three diagnosed with chorea-acanthocytosis (ChAc): 34-y.o.(no.1), 36-y.o.(no.2), 43-y.o.(no.3), two diagnosed with McLeod Syndro

Third European stroke science workshop

Lake Eibsee, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, November 19 to 21, 2015: The European Stroke Organization convened >120 stroke experts from 27 countries to discuss latest results and hot topics in clinical, translational, and basic stroke research. Since its inception in 2011, the European Stroke Science Workshop has become a cornerstone of European Stroke Organization's academic activities and major highlig